Sentences with phrase «mountain of bills»

After an accident, you don't need mountains of bills and frustrating insurance companies to distract you while you recover.
How well this mobile launch goes is going to have a huge impact on my future ability to keep making cool and weird games (and paying off the big mountain of bills that is stacking up).
How well this mobile launch goes is going to have a huge impact on my future ability to keep making cool and weird games (and paying off the big mountain of bills that is stacking up).
And there you are with a mountain of bills and a hollow wallet.
They still have to dig out from a mountain of bills before they can get married and do more to provide for their children.
Buried under a mountain of bills you can't pay?
Debt settlement is one way to get out from under a mountain of bills.
The best debt settlement lawyers are the solution to get out of the mountain of bills.
Our couple is passionate about helping their children pay for college and now that they have some extra money available (since they don't have a mountain of bills) they can easily afford to start funding an Education Savings Account (ESA) or 529 College Plan for their young children (we'll assume they have 2 by this point).
If you have been suffering through the mountain of bills, barely paying the minimum repayments, or not even that, paying late or missing payments altogether, you may be considered a credit risk and not eligible for a personal loan for debt consolidation from any conventional source.
If you have a mountain of bills, it is best to put whatever credit cards you have aside in favor of a debit card, or cash, Ulzheimer said.
Then there can be mountains of bills from physical therapy and medications.
You may be facing a mountain of bills after your rear - ender.
Losing someone that you love is never going to be easy, but being left with a mountain of bills is going to make the whole situation that much worse.
Leaving them with a mountain of bills and final expenses is the worst thing that you can do for your loved ones, but that's where your life insurance plan comes in.
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