Sentences with phrase «mountaintop removal»

The phrase "mountaintop removal" refers to a method of mining where the top of a mountain is blasted away to access the coal or mineral deposits beneath. This process can have significant environmental impacts, such as deforestation, water pollution, and destruction of habitats. Full definition
Surface mining includes mountaintop removal mining, strip mining, and open - pit mining.
«Within this plan, the Obama administration is doing all it can under existing laws and regulations to curb the most environmentally destructive impacts of mountaintop removal coal mining.»
On September 27 we joined in the spirited Appalachia Rising protest in Washington, D.C., calling for an end to the destructive practice of mountaintop removal coal mining.
In August 2010, the Rainforest Action Network announced that several leading U.S. investment banks, including Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Citi, Morgan Stanley, and Wells Fargo, had ceased lending to companies involved in mountaintop removal coal mining.
Blankenship is an arch criminal responsible for the deaths of those 29 miners, the destruction of 500 mountains (plus many miles of forest and waterways) and harming local Appalachian communities with toxic waste, fly rock and refuse from mountaintop removal sites.
According to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency impact statement on mountaintop removal in Appalachia, it may take hundreds of years for a forest to re-establish itself on the mine site.
BLASTING Families and communities near mountaintop removal sites are forced to contend with continual blasting from mining operations that can take place up to 300 feet from their homes and operate 24 hours a day.
At Arch Coal, the country's second largest coal producer, citizens will ask the company to end the damaging practice of mountaintop removal for coal extraction; and, in the immediate future, spare the historic Blair Mountain from destruction.
You may not live in the coalfields, but as Rev. Billy can attest you can still fight to end mountaintop removal from wherever you are.
EPA review of mountaintop removal permits is not a job - killing «permitorium»: pushing back at a House Oversight hearing
Mr. Lovett explained that EPA needs to do more because West Virginia public officials have a long history of assuring that «coal operators rather than environmental and local citizens are protected» when issuing permits for mountaintop removal operations.
Around 100 people are arrested outside the White House during a protest against mountaintop removal coal mining, including the NASA climate scientist James E. Hansen.
While floor time was dominated by political supporters of the coal mining industry, environmental activists Maria Gunnoe and Bo Webb got a chance to represent the real voices of families who have to live with mountaintop removal coal mining every day.
Since The Last Mountain's release, new research has documented higher rates of poverty, illness and early death in communities near mountaintop removal mining sites while evidence continues to pour in about the toll that coal emissions take on public health.
After learning about mountaintop removal mining in the Appalachian range, Jordan decided...
You are encouraged to tweet messages about stopping mountaintop removal coal mining all day with the hashtag #StopMTR.
But because mountaintop removal in Appalachia is a relatively new phenomenon, it's only in the past few years that scientists have begun to fully document not just the extent, but the nature of the damage.
As long as mountaintop removal mining continues coal can not be clean, even if the pollution from burning it can be minimized
However, the stark reality is that global emissions have accelerated (Fig. 1) and new efforts are underway to massively expand fossil fuel extraction [7]--[9] by drilling to increasing ocean depths and into the Arctic, squeezing oil from tar sands and tar shale, hydro - fracking to expand extraction of natural gas, developing exploitation of methane hydrates, and mining of coal via mountaintop removal and mechanized long - wall mining.
Surface mining techniques are even more damaging, both in regions such as Central Appalachia, where mountaintop removal methods are deployed, and in deserts and prairies, where arid conditions make reclamation and restoration of underground water supplies difficult.
We were fighting mountaintop removal mining permits in the courts, based on violations of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act, and it just dawned on me that we needed to do more.
In an alarming rebuke to fledgling EPA efforts to regulate devastating mountaintop removal mining operations today, U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled that the Obama administration overstepped its authority in revoking a permit last year for the largest proposed strip - mining operation in central Appalachia.
This new visibility is the product of so - called mountaintop removal methods of coal extraction.
A landmark 1999 lawsuit brought by the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy, Bragg v. Robertson was the first successful citizen lawsuit to stop Arch's proposed mountaintop removal valley fill.
At least 724 miles of streams were completely buried by valley fills from Appalachian mountaintop removal between 1985 and 2001.
Our Summer Camp site overlooks a huge mountaintop removal mine on nearby Black Mountain.
Opponents of the permits, citing groundwater pollution from mountaintop removal projects stated that, «Enforceable minimum waste management requirements for dry disposal of coal ash in landfills should include siting restrictions, liners, groundwater monitoring, leachate collection, and financial assurance, closure requirements, post-closure care, and corrective action.»
Mountaintop removal involves clear cutting native hardwood forests, using dynamite to blast away as much as 800-1000 feet of mountaintop, and then dumping the waste into nearby valleys, often burying streams.
«We applaud the court for recognizing EPA's broad authority to protect water quality from extreme practices like mountaintop removal coal mining,» said Ben Luckett, attorney with Appalachian Mountain Advocates.
The ruling, based on an appeal brought by the Bush Administration, overturned a landmark federal court ruling that banned mountaintop removal mining on the grounds that it violates the Clean Water Act.
EPA Objects to Permits For Three More Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Operations
Coal mining has progressively changed from predominantly underground mining to surface mining [143], including mountaintop removal with valley fill, which is now widespread in the Appalachian ecoregion in the United States.
Earthjustice is in court defending EPA's veto of a permit for one of the largest proposed mountaintop removal sites in history, the Spruce No. 1 mine.
Six days into 2010 and the battle over mountaintop removal coal mining is set to start up again.
Mortality from chronic cardiovascular disease and cancer is significantly higher than elsewhere, and studies have found links between mountaintop removal mining and birth defects.
The amount of landscape directly impacted by mountaintop removal increased by 3.5 times from a total of 77,000 acres in 1985 to more than 272,000 acres in 2005.
Since the new ruling, West Virginia has been bombarded with new mountaintop removal mining permits.
The voices of the thousands of Appalachians living with contaminated drinking water have finally been amplified over the past several days with a long - overdue announcement about halting mountaintop removal permits from the EPA and a widely - discussed New York Times story on Sunday about the devastating effects of coal - tainted water.
The Tea Party - lead GOP is also working to allow mountaintop removal mining to become more widespread and less regulated.
Even government agencies that regulate mountaintop removal agree that the effects on nearby homes and communities can be devastating.
Appalachian Voices, an environmental group, estimates that coal companies have buried over 2,000 miles of streams in the region through mountaintop removal mining since the 1990s.
Once the studies are complete, the U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary will be directed to publish a determination of whether mountaintop removal mining is causing health risks to nearby communities.
The Amazon is smaller than previously thought, mountaintop removal minding is spreading its evil ugliness further into Appalachia.
«While Central Hudson may not technically buy power from specific power plants, they are buying it from a grid that is fed by coal plants using mountaintop removal coal,» she said.
I live directly beneath a 2,000 - acre mountaintop removal site.
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