Sentences with phrase «mounting dread of»

Mitchell effortlessly combines the slick, mounting dread of classic John Carpenter (the score is classic Carpenter synths updated for a chiptune generation) with the modern sensibility of character driven independent cinema to breathe new life into stalker horror.

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-- If then the solitary man who ascends Mount Moriah, which with its peak rises heaven - high above the plain of Aulis, if he be not a somnambulist who walks securely above the abyss while he who is stationed at the foot of the mountain and is looking on trembles with fear and out of reverence and dread dare not even call to him — if this man is disordered in his mind, if he had made a mistake!
By the time the movie finally arrived for its single Cannes press screening — in the Salle Bazin, one of the festival's smaller theaters — some of us in the audience found ourselves torn between tempered excitement and mounting dread.
The Stanford Prison Experiment unfolds with mounting dread, putting its audience in the same position as the researchers themselves: We watch with a mixture of fascination and unease as the group dynamics solidify.
Still, that gag kind of works because of the mounting dread with which McCarthy plays it.
The atmosphere of browbeaten dread and mounting terror overwhelms and transforms The Night of the Hunter into a surrealist standard.
The plot and where it is headed is predictable early on, but if one concentrates on where the film's strengths lie, it is resourceful and impressively accomplished in its level of mounting dread and technical craftsmanship.
There are consequences to their relationship and a sense of mounting dread as a seemingly ordinary epilogue continues to evolve that relationship.
This foreknowledge adds a sense of dread to the already mounting tension felt as you watch the dissenters attempt to carry out their dangerous mission.
It's a page - turner of mounting dread, unfolding entirely through a conversation between a bedridden young woman and the boy who whispers in her ear.
The boy urges the woman to search her memories for what landed her in the hospital, and the resulting tale is a page - turner of mounting dread.
But a mounting body of research and in - the - trenches experience demonstrates that a formalized set of basic protocols for prevention and management of diarrhea can keep pets moving as quickly as possible into their adoptive homes - without the splats or the dread.
At one point I was traveling down hallway that seemed to go on forever and a looming sense of dread continued to mount over me as I went.
Images and video of the Nightmare Dread Fortress mount Wings of the Architect from the PTS.
One need only glance at the vast financial sums mounting even now on the climate collection plate as the plates race back up to the few who are orchestrating this climate of dread.
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