Sentences with phrase «mouse brain cells»

Under a microscope, they look like a kind of mouse brain cell found in the cortex and they can form synapses to send and receive signals from others.
Norepinephrine Stimulated Increase of Cyclic AMP Levels in Developing Mouse Brain Cell Cultures
Lead author Hiroko Yano, PhD, of Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, found in mice and in mouse brain cell cultures that the disease impairs the transfer of proteins to energy - making factories inside brain cells.
In a final experiment, the group gave the animals a compound that prevented LPA from binding to its receptor on mouse brain cells, right before they were injected with hydrocephalus - inducing LPA.
One from Rosenberg et al 2018, where I randomly sampled 3,000 out of 150,000 developing mouse brain cells.
in graduate school where I worked on a project aiming to dedifferentiate mouse brain cells into neural stem cells.
Scientists inserted the genes from these organisms into specific mouse brain cells.
The drugs were identified by screening the St. Jude library of 7,389 compounds looking for ones that targeted group 3 mouse tumor cells rather than normal mouse brain cells.
After injection, human cells grow throughout the mouse brain and displace certain types of mouse brain cells.
The findings, to publish online February 27 in Science, focus on mouse brain cells that work to manage an animal's movements.
The study authors applied different concentrations of oleocanthal over three days to mouse brain cell cultures.
Fascinating research from the lab of Mark Zylka, PhD, director of the UNC Neuroscience Center, suggests that chemicals designed to protect crops can cause gene expression changes in mouse brain cells.
These mouse brain cells were treated with both the polymer and glowing dyes to help researchers pinpoint individual cells and trace neural pathways.
The results, published in the August 5 issue of Neuron, showed that three days after injection the immune system had cleared the plaque - causing Ab from both the outside and inside of the mice brain cells.
Scientists used an altered cold virus as the vector to deliver both the NEU1 and PPCA genes to mouse brain cells.
Working in zebra fish and mouse brain cells, researchers found evidence that ACVR1 mutations from DIPG resulted in the BMP pathway being inappropriately and permanently switched on.
Boisvert MM, Erikson GA, Shokhirev MN, Allen NJ (2018) The Aging Astrocyte Transcriptome from Multiple Regions of the Mouse Brain Cell Reports, 22, p269 - 285.
The BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network establishes a Center and a Collaboratory for the Mouse Brain Cell Atlas at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory...
To sort out that mechanism, Spiegelman and his colleagues performed a series of experiments in living mice and cultured mouse brain cells.
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