Sentences with phrase «mouse brain project»

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«First cell - type census of mouse brains: Surprises about structure, male - female differences: A multiyear project in the Brain Initiative, qBrain is already revealing the brain as never before.&rBrain Initiative, qBrain is already revealing the brain as never before.&rbrain as never before.»
So that scientists around the world may continue to look for fundamental structural insights, the full, interactive imaging dataset is viewable at Mouse Connectome Project, providing a resource for researchers interested in studying the anatomy and function of cortical networks throughout the brain.
In mice heterozygous for tau - lacZ targeted to the melanopsin gene locus, β - galactosidase — positive RGC axons projected to the SCN and other brain nuclei involved in circadian photoentrainment or the pupillary light reflex.
One of Freeman's big projects is working with collaborators to study how nerve cells in the brains of mice respond to touch.
Long - term goal of the project will be to visualize and manipulate tau expression also in a systemic context (organotypic slice preparations, mouse brain) by affecting the function of tau mRNA - containing neuronal granules as a potential drug target for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases.
These mice were created and deposited by The Pleiades Promoter Project (Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, University of British Columbia); their goal is to generate 160 fully characterized, human DNA promoters of less than 4 kb (MiniPromoters) to drive gene expression in defined brain regions of therapeutic interest for studying disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), Multiple Sclerosis, Spinocerebellar Ataxia, Depression, Autism, and Cancer.
in graduate school where I worked on a project aiming to dedifferentiate mouse brain cells into neural stem cells.
Called the Center for Epigenomics of the Mouse Brain Atlas (CEMBA), the project involves collecting information from more than 100 regions of the mouse brain, and linking them to features believed to be common to mammalian nervous systems in genMouse Brain Atlas (CEMBA), the project involves collecting information from more than 100 regions of the mouse brain, and linking them to features believed to be common to mammalian nervous systems in genBrain Atlas (CEMBA), the project involves collecting information from more than 100 regions of the mouse brain, and linking them to features believed to be common to mammalian nervous systems in genmouse brain, and linking them to features believed to be common to mammalian nervous systems in genbrain, and linking them to features believed to be common to mammalian nervous systems in general.
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