Sentences with phrase «move against someone»

If markets move against the trade and then return to profitability, the margin is returned.
Yes, members receive instant alerts when the betting line moves against the betting percentages.
When prices move against us, it usually means that the gap between price and value is growing, and our future expected rates of return are higher.
More have also made moves against these laws or at least to discuss their rejection.
When you anticipate those type of moves against your position, there's nothing to worry about when it actually happens.
This wouldn't mean not moving against injustice, but like effective parenting, we would be taking issue with things from a place of love.
The risk gets smaller when long positions move against you.
The five difficulty levels ensure that you can play against a challenging AI before moving against others people.
This ensures that, despite a majority of bettors loading up on one side, the spread actually moved against the public.
The researchers showed videos of these speakers to listeners with only the dots seen moving against a black background, no sound and no facial details.
The butt of the rifle barely moved against her shoulder.
It was among the most aggressive moves against American tech company anywhere in the world.
In the simplest case, this consists of two arms, which move against each other around a joint and can thus exert pressure on the shell.
If you don't, the market will probably bounce at that level and start moving against you....
However, let's pretend that the spread moves against the public betting percentages.
It would be nice to think a shift is occurring in the debate on social security with public opinion moving against relentless attacks on the poorest and cuts in basic social protection.
This is the second game that is showing a small move against the grain.
If the exchange rate moves against the yen, the trader would profit more.
But it very much plays like double dragon with a character who attacks with varying moves against waves of enemies and bosses.
Since the tides are moving against traditional bookstores, is there anything they can do to prevent their inevitable demise?
What about when the total moves against the public action?
But his enemies are planning more moves against him in the weeks ahead, which could further weaken his position.
It's great to be able to train intensely, in other words, with a heavy load, which is the amount of weight moved against resistance.
You wake up the next day fully expecting to see the market would have hit your stop and continued moving against you.
Too much hope for a reversal: You think the market just can't keep moving against you and must reverse at current price levels.
Stop orders are generally used to protect a profit or to prevent further loss if the price of a security moves against you.
Better still, you won't get stopped out, even if the market makes a huge move against you.
We are, however, on a line of thought that moves against much common opinion.
We require a point of view from which we can see how divine love and the human loves move against, toward and through one another.
You said the governor moved against you because he felt you were becoming independent.
The stars stayed in a fixed arrangement and the planets moved against that pattern.
This makes the dress look alluring and sexy, plus it feels so sensual to wear as the loose, soft chiffon moves against your skin.
But he's — I need a metaphor for something moving against the grain and I'm not getting one.
When the engine in your vehicle is running, the parts move against each other, causing friction.
This is to ensure you have enough capital to cover the margin requirements of your first trade and to withstand any substantial moves against your position.
When was the last time you entered a trade and it immediately moved against you even though you felt confident the market was going to move in your favor?
You can be right about the overall direction but still get stopped out by a quick, volatile move against your position.
Despite splitting the order into smaller pieces the price usually moves against the trader for many reasons.
When the more detailed 3D elements move against the background, it actually looks kinda cool.
A couple dumb moves against a low - level enemy can result in a quick death and having to run back to the site of your demise to collect your lost souls.
As millennials age into their 30s and homeownership is on the rise, demographics are now moving against urban landlords.
If markets move against the trade, the margin covers the loss until that loss is actually realised.
Yes, members receive instant alerts with the betting line moves against the betting percentages.
It is very hard to move against gravity from this position and progress through the steps of motor development.
You know, sometimes price moves against us — it's just the rules of the game.
If / when a position moves against them when trading the losses which can be incurred will be significantly greater if the trader had not utilized the leveraged dollars available to them!
But everyone also knows you can't move against a guy who's been elected with 59 % of the vote.
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