Sentences with phrase «move at the breakneck pace»

Paul Daugherty is CTO and Chief Innovation Officer at Accenture, which is deeply entrenched in innovation as technology moves at breakneck pace, and their clients all need to stay apace.
Actually, the mise en place (organizing and arranging the ingredients) is key when making an omelet because everything moves at a breakneck pace.
Just three months into the job, Byford is moving at a breakneck pace, and on Monday, he unveiled an ambitious plan to speed up New York City's snail - like local
It's also emblematic of what is best in this slam dunk of an action flick that keeps things moving at a breakneck pace while also being as funny as all get out.
The filmmakers keep the action moving at breakneck pace, tossing in plenty of humor, but the sandworms are the real stars.
The result is a version of Tolstoy's story that moves at a breakneck pace with nary a moment diverted to any point or detail that does not have something to do with the central narrative or thematic content (Even the book's famous opening is missing, because, here, the individual trumps families — happy or unhappy).
This aids in keeping the combat moving at a breakneck pace which is just the way I like it!
It doesn't move at the breakneck pace of most games nowadays, nor does it ever seem particularly concerned to address some of the plot points or character gaps it leaves dangling, but those that take the chance on the full Quantum Break experience (episodes and all) will find a quirky and unique experience waiting that you just won't see replicated anywhere else.
They aren't particularly interesting, and more than that, their only real purpose seems to be to force you to just keep moving at a breakneck pace without slowing down to think about your next jumps.
The irreverent text moves at a breakneck pace, «stopping just long enough to question how the world got the way it is and how it might be fixed.»
Even in the heart of this recession you will likely continue to move at a breakneck pace and tomorrow is probably going to be even busier than today!
Even though I love to putter, and that is not exactly moving at a breakneck pace, I am still feeling the sense of accomplishment because I am usually DOING something.

Not exact matches

Of course, the breakneck pace at which Tesla moves is a double - edged sword — at least, that's how some customers see it.
Malicious actors collaborate with skill and agility, moving from target to target at a breakneck pace.
With the fecal stream constantly moving down, at what to microscopic bacteria must seem a breakneck pace, how do at least some of our little friends manage o avoid being swept completely out of our bodies?
Some viewers will require an adjustment period, as Tangerine involves so much shouting, and moves at such a breakneck pace, that it can feel a little assaultive.
«Liaisons, battles, close escapes, and sudden changes in allegiances keep the plot moving forward at a breakneck pace familiar enough to fans that they will be genuinely sorry to see this trilogy end.»
You decide to take the drop, comitting yourself, and paddle into either a pleasant little wave or perhaps a thick, heart - pounding giant, fly along at an easy speed or a breakneck pace, enter the blue and white darkness and get fired back out into bright light, (getting tubed), give it one more big move, and then at the end, either gently cruise out the back for another one, or wipeout!..
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