Sentences with phrase «move her limbs after»

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CBN said in a statement that he had an embolic stroke and that after being given tPA, a drug that breaks down blood clots, he «was awake and responsive and able to move all of his limbs
A weight greater than 0.8 g, or about 750 times body weight, prevented ants from moving any limbs at all but did not kill or appear to injure them after we removed the transparency sheets from the ants.
These surrogates move like ordinary folks (obviously a bit more mechanized) and can even do some extraordinary things, like survive long drops and bad accidents, make high jumps, and operate functionally without certain limbs and after what would be human - disabling attacks.
Bubble Puppies Don't Build Bone After reading about growth plates and toddler fractures, you may find yourself clutching your puppy, afraid to let him move lest he breaks a limb.
This is especially important if your dog has clinical signs of hip dysplasia like reluctance to jump, bunny hopping gait behind at speed (both hind legs moving forward together), soreness or stiffness after exercise, a «wobbly» hind limb gait, poor muscle mass development behind compared to its forequarter, difficulty getting up, placing extra body weight on its fore limbs with a hunched back, a clicking sound when it walks, or reluctance to allow you to pet near its hips.
Let's say you waited until after the tenant moved in to take care of that tree and their car is parked in the drive way or in front of the house, or has toys on the lawn, whatever, and a limb, whether big or small, falls on their property, bingo you've got a lawsuit.
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