Sentences with phrase «move in the direction of»

The company is moving in the direction of consumers who claim to want healthier choices free from artificial ingredients.
Digital companies, too, are moving in the direction of subscription services.
By moving in the direction of having publicly traded companies have a policy that includes consideration of gender representation on boards and in senior management, we hope that they will really take that issue seriously, that they'll consider how they're finding people to be on their boards, how they're moving women through senior management roles and making them eligible for boards appointments.
The U.K.'s challenges are somewhat different from Canada's: as a result of the Conservative Party's austerity campaign, the U.K.'s economy has suffered more than Canada's, which has taken more of a Keynesian approach; and the City, as London's financial hub is known, has had a reputation for a much looser approach to regulation than that found in either Canada or the U.S. Tal says the U.K.'s finance sector has to change and he expects Carney will attempt to move it in the direction of greater regulation.
«We see Thailand moving in the direction of Japan whereby the adult diaper market will become larger than the baby diaper market, perhaps in 10 years» time,» Justine Wang told Reuters.
During a conference call Tuesday, Vista CEO Christopher Metz said that the company was already moving in the direction of shedding its firearms business, «way before any of the noise came about eight weeks ago.»
But instead of considering the example of Australia, or New Zealand, which has a large export sector in dairy products, the Scheer Conservatives are moving in the direction of entrenching dairy cow Marxism.
If we do need to move in the direction of giving asset price and debt developments more weight in the conduct of monetary policy than hitherto, we need to educate our respective communities about these issues.
However, the possibility of U.S. and China negotiating a deal that moves in the direction of resolving the dispute remains in the works as indicated by recent reports, which would therefore mitigate the impact on both economies.
With the industry already moving in the direction of fiduciary duty, one could argue that the DOL fiduciary rule is unnecessary.
Those hopes had been given a lift last week after the most recent FOMC minutes were released suggesting that the Fed might be moving in the direction of further monetary accommodation.
When the next crisis comes, I can see torches and pitch forks moving in the direction of the Eccles building where the Fed has its offices.
Implement a trailing stop loss method to lock in profits or reduce risk as the price moves in the direction of the target.
When the holiness of the land (a divine proclamation) becomes the holiness of the state (a human creation) we all too easily move in the direction of theocracy veiled as statism (in which the state is the embodiment of divine will).
It seems clear to me that the feminist assertion of the interconnectedness of all things moves in the direction of perceiving this Self - formation process as emerging out of our relationships with other women.
I also appreciated several tips for how you and I can move in the direction of being a Next Christian (cf. pg.
In the absence of a supra - national government with the power to tax and regulate, free trade moves in the direction of the purest form of laissez - faire capitalism — a condition in which those with large concentrations of capital set the rules of exchange.
Usually they move in the direction of Episcopal liturgy with a strong emphasis on the Lord's Supper.
Second, Buddhism is not wholly lacking in moves in the direction of such a God.
On similar lines while addressing the theme `' poverty reduction» at the tenth session of UNCTAD in Bangkok, the outgoing Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Mr. Michael Camdessus, urged the international financial institutions to move in the direction of `' humanizing globalization.»
In the view of the «pluralist» the world is moving in the direction of dispersal and therefore of the growing autonomy of its separate elements.
We have to move in the direction of decommunalising politics and fellowships of religious faith if politics and faith are to find their genuine democratic or human character.
Within Mahayana Buddhism it seems that the basis for moving in the direction of historical particularity is most clearly present in Pure Land.
One can only choose by one's actions and attitudes to move in the direction of relationship and reciprocity — I - Thou — or separateness and mutual exploitation — I - It.
I hope others wake up and take a look at the evil so we can all move in the direction of good.
His disenchantment with the Social Gospel finally began to emerge as a recovery of the doctrine of original sin, and his thought began to move in the direction of theological anthropology.
This is especially the case when the freedom of the other moves him in the direction of indifference, refusal, or estrangement.
«The demand can not move life if life itself is not moving in the direction of that which is demanded.»
Fourth, where there are moves in the direction of assumption criticism, there is still need for much more.
Long years of habit won't be altered by one brief self - evaluation, but I do expect to see a number of the interviewees move in the direction of growth — if not this year, then next.
And each human person is towards his future, as he moves in the direction of realizing or making actual the «subjective aim» which is his on the basis of that «initial aim» which has been provided for him in his beginnings.
Even the strictly denominational schools are moving in the direction of ecumenicity through appointment procedures.
In this way Whitehead moves in the direction of assimilating the relation of actual occasions to God to the relation of actual entities to each other.
Even the love between parent and child, despite the profound helplessness of the human infant, should and does move in the direction of equal regard.
[4] Power will always move in this direction of the «technopower elite» and so, control over the Web remains largely in these hands.
He appeared as one who steadfastly opposed Nazi inhumanity and who offered a possibility of moving in the direction of Christian humanism inspired by the vision of Jesus as «the man for others» (D.H. Hopper, A Dissent on Bonhoeffer, Philadelphia: The Westminster Press, 1975, p. 17.)
Mortal men strive and struggle, labor to do their best (and fail), move in the direction of fulfillment through the decisions they make.
It has inspired hope, beckoning from the future, awakening a restlessness in relation to existing conditions and inspiring the quest for changes that would move in the direction of hope;
However, the scientific explanation always moves in the direction of showing that mechanisms can produce analogous actions.
He moved in the direction of Protestantism and in the Low Countries was tried for heresy, condemned, and killed (1536).
Whitehead's recognition of this led him to note that some of the feelings he usually called conceptual prehensions (prehensions of eternal objects) are really hybrid prehensions (objectifications of an actual entity by an eternal object derived from its mental pole).46 In this way Whitehead moves in the direction of assimilating the relation of actual occasions to God to the relation of actual entities to each other.
God may well, and does, have an overall proposal in mind for the person I can become, but the specifics of how I may move in the direction of embodying that proposal are determined by how far I have come and where I am and what is happening to me in this present moment.
He steadfastly opposed Nazi inhumanity and moved in the direction of Christian humanism inspired by the vision of Jesus as «the man for others.»
Three years ago, a business nutritionist informed the company «that change was imminent, and the state was moving in a direction of lower carbs, fat, salt, and we should start» making those changes to its products, he explains.
The decision to up its organic acreage is in line with General Mills» consistent moves in the direction of producing more natural and organic products.
More times than not, lines move in the direction of our models prediction.
I think they're moving in the direction of midwives being responsible for women's health in general... which isn't that bad if they have the knowledge for that.
It seems as though once we become more aware of our style, our pattern, we become ever more able to move in the direction of who we WANT to be.
This aids in calming the child's central nervous system, Maureen Healy, child development and parenting expert, said in an interview in Psychology Today, and «help (s) move them in the direction of peace and calmness.»
Might the prediction of an «end of history» and of a uniform move in the direction of liberal democracy make a comeback?
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