Sentences with phrase «move social psychology»

The investment model was developed originally to move social psychology beyond focusing only on positive affect in predicting persistence in a close interpersonal relationship.

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The final result was the rejection within mainstream culture of biblical literalism with its repudiation of history, geology, and the scientific method, and an acceptance of the contributions of science, of evolution and Freudian psychology, of a «higher criticism» of the Bible, of the move from an agrarian economy to an industrial economy and its need for high technology, and of a rearrangement of political views to accommodate social planning and reform which became known in the churches as the Social Gsocial planning and reform which became known in the churches as the Social GSocial Gospel.
In a pioneering move, the show's creators employed the latest principles of developmental psychology to teach academic and social skills.
Stand up straight as you move about the gym.Research published in the European Journal of Social Psychology found that good posture may help you feel more confident.
Anyone eager to understand, and move past, the deep political polarization around global warming would do well to explore the findings in «Solution aversion: On the relation between ideology and motivated disbelief,» published in the November issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
For instance, it can not move «beyond social marketing», because, as has been discussed, it is not a popular campaign and its members — even those with advanced degrees in psychology — have no idea to communicate with those outside of the movement.
We are moving from Augustine to biology, neurology, psychology, and social science.
Although sport and leisure management is a highly vocational course, the fact that you gain an understanding of issues relating to psychology, sociology and social policy means you could move into roles within the public sector, such as policy planning, community development and social work.
It's important for adult children to maintain the same lifestyle — including social gatherings at your home or those you attend away from home — and routines you had before your parent moved in, says Laurel Steinberg, PhD, a relationship therapist and psychology professor at Columbia University.
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