Sentences with phrase «move toward goals including»

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The organizers said the main goals of the event were to persuade Cuomo to block all new natural gas infrastructure in the state, including pipelines and power plants; move toward 100 percent renewable energy, and tax emissions to fund the transition.
Roasted Butternut Squash Dip — Snacks are included in a detox as long as they move you toward your goal.
When we choose words that empower and include, we can help students internalize tools and strategies for moving forward and growing toward their goals.
Meetings and presentations from public school leaders to the Gates Foundation have brainstormed various ideas, including»... focus on teacher training, putting the best teachers in the most challenging classrooms, giving the best teachers new roles as mentors and coaches while keeping them in front of children, making tenure a meaningful milestone, getting rid of ineffective teachers, and using money to motivate people and schools to move toward these goals
My goal as the new shelter director is to move us toward a model that will include a self - sustaining Shelter - Neuter - Return program for cats.
As we move toward all of these goals, and over time put the age of fossil fuels behind us, we must consider every alternative source of power, and that includes nuclear power.
In addition, offshore drilling is contrary to New York's aggressive efforts to move toward cleaner energy resources, including the recent nation - leading $ 1.4 billion investment dedicated to on - shore renewable energy projects and a goal of developing 2,400 megawatts of offshore wind generation by 2030.
Other examples of the military embracing Mr. Obama's climate goals include the construction of a massive solar power project at Fort Benning, Georgia, and the Navy's move toward a «green fleet» that is far less reliant on fossil fuels.
Development plans include both long - term career goals (e.g., to become a partner) and the more immediate performance goals that move lawyers toward those long - term career goals (e.g., to strengthen my client management skills).
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