Sentences with phrase «move your hands at»

Your eyes should follow the moving hand at all times.

Not exact matches

Each day, I switched things up, going from kickboxing moves to ab workouts and then trying my hand at burpees or squats.
Have your hands out and moving or at the very least resting on the lectern lightly.
It felt forced at first, but as he became more comfortable and he saw his team respond so positively, he saw first hand that sometimes it's the squishy stuff that sparks people to move mountains.
While the moves, if successful, would keep the Pentagon running at last year's levels, they are far from Republican hopes of handing Trump about $ 634 billion in fiscal 2018 funding for the military's regular operations, $ 85 billion above last year.
On a stretch of Highway 101, east of downtown San Francisco, Vogt had clicked a button between the front seats, turned a dial to adjust the speed, taken his hands off the wheel, moved his feet back from the gas pedal and brake — and then turned to look me straight in the face, while, at 60 miles per hour, the scenery ticked by.
As a startup founder you want to move fast to get your vision up and running but not taking the time to hire correctly from the start could leave you with the wrong people for the job at hand.
Mayer also hopes that #MeToo discussions will help people have concentrated conversations, fix the problems at hand and move on from them.
Legal issues aside, the tweet could be viewed as a heavy - handed move for a company already under scrutiny after an earlier Medium post by a 25 - year - old employee identifying herself as Talia Jane, who complained of low wages and poor treatment in her customer service role at Yelp food delivery subsidiary Eat24.
After all, Stenebo has watched Kamprad's «incompetent» male spawn move into the top spots at Ikea, being groomed to run the show, while the 20 years he spent working his way up from a German Ikea warehouse, to upper management, to being Kamprad's right - hand man have run their course.
I move things around as needed, but I know I have set time to focus on a task at hand.
The Fed first adopted press conferences in response to reports that its lack of transparency was giving some investors with contacts at the central bank an upper hand in the form of early access to key details of the Fed's highly - market moving deliberations.
First, when the brand knows that the penetration of smartphones within its targeted audience is significant, and is convinced that the experience and message that needs to be communicated should be available at the palm of their hands and on the move.
Think about what you need to accomplish, pay attention to the details and to what you're doing, and do the very best job you can on the task at hand before you move on to the next.
Once you have verified the opportunity at hand, take the leap and make your move.
But on the other hand, the Dow Jones is still holding right at support of its 20 - day exponential moving average and the S&P 500 only marginally closed below its 20 - day exponential moving average.
If the internet has dramatically improved the resources at hand for those considering a successful move abroad, the contentiousness of U.S. politics has, in my experience, dramatically increased the number of people doing just that.
A few false breakouts and shakeouts along the way washes out the weak hands, which creates demand at higher prices because those who sold are forced to buy back in or miss the next move higher.
With full employment at hand and a large fiscal impulse looming, wages will likely continue to move higher.
«At the end of our prayer, I felt something move underneath my hand,» recalls Humphrey.
When I feel moved by the creations around me, I am astounded at natures ability to exist — simply, with clear explanation, symmetry and logic — on it's own without interference by a higher hand.
«If we are ever to reach you, matter, we must, having first established contact with the totality of all that lives and moves here below, come little by little to feel that the individual shapes of all we have laid hold on are melting away in our hands, until finally we are at grips with the single essence of all subsistencies and all unions.
But along the way I have moved from Jesus» baptism at John's hands to the start of a ministry that will lead to his death in Jerusalem.
«So this is what we do, we make each other better at being ourselves, better at being like Jesus, we slow - dance, my head on your heart, your breath in my hair, your hands on my wider - than - they - used - to - be hips, our feet slower perhaps because we're moving together.
«We Were Meant to Live» got lots of radio play, and the tracks on Learning to Breathe were more tuneful, but «Dare You to Move» captured the band at their most earnest, and if you haven't been to a Switchfoot concert and with both hands shot towards the clouds screaming «DARE YOU TO MOOOOOVE» than you did not have a happy childhood.
The country was up in arms, the war was on, in every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering; on every hand and far down the receding and fading spread of roofs and balconies a fulttering wilderness of flags flashed in the sun; daily the young volunteers marched down the wide avenue gay and fine in their new uniforms, the proud fathers and mothers and sisters and sweethearts cheering them with voices choked with happy emotion as they swung by; nightly the packed mass meetings listened, panting, to patriot oratory with stirred the deepest deeps of their hearts, and which they interrupted at briefest intervals with cyclones of applause, the tears running down their cheeks the while; in the churches the pastors preached devotion to flag and country, and invoked the God of Battles beseeching His aid in our good cause in outpourings of fervid eloquence which moved every listener.
If, on the other hand, you imagine yourself inside the body of the swimmer, such that your arms are moving in front of you and water is splashing at your sides, you are assuming a first - person perspective.
Remember, for all the attention that politics gets from religious people, God's hand should be at work, so get those prayers going and move that hand.
Here's the pattern at hand: a) discouragement or disgust with radical politics or the undeniable impact of some conservatism - friendly facts, results in a move away from political statements and activism, a retreat, into counter-culturalism, self - discovery, and artistry - for - artistry's sake, b) shifts in the political situation, or disgust at «apathy,» provoke a passionate recommittment to the leftist cause or a new articulation of it, and then, at some point, the rock - bohemian returns back to a).
On the other hand, human destiny is a historical drama which begins at creation, reaches a climax at the coming of Christ, and moves on to conclude at Judgment Day.
But at the end, I was just praising God that I could still feel the elbows moving, the legs working, and the weight of the block in my hands.
They move from observing death at a distance to reckoning with its possibility close at hand.
Rather, I was referring, at least primarily, to Prof. Johnson's concession of handing over microevolution to Darwinian natural selection while reserving for the Second Person of the Trinity the role of jump «starting evolution and of intervening now and again to create a new Bauplan when God thought it necessary to move from elephant to tiger, or whatever.
It should be a spring board for change, deep relection, and ultimately growth if we are willing to look seriously at what went wrong including acknowledging that some things are out of our hands... beyond our control and then move on... because that moment in time just isn't worth the energy over the years to keep it alive in our heart, souls and mind.
And I also know that by 2:42 a.m. when all has been restored and babies are sleeping again and the window is cracked open for a bit of fresh air, when we are back in our bed and quietly groaning at how over-the-puking-thing we both are by now, it's then, when he reaches out for me and moves the hair back off my neck before resting his calloused hands on the baby still growing within me, when the baby rolls up against his palm, and he whispers, «hey, you» quietly, it's in that moment that I think the love we make or find or reimagine at the unexpected moments is still the sweetest.
C. H. Dodd has pointed out that among early Christians there were evidently men who, like the writer of I John, did not move forward from an experience of Christ rising from death to the Christ seated at the right hand of power, but backward from their acknowledgment of the latter to the conclusion that therefore he had risen from the dead.
This broadly phenomenological type of argumentation is necessary to the sort of «explicit» conviction that depends on direct and first - hand evidence, even while it properly recognizes that «our thought unavoidably moves within a hermeneutical circle which excludes any simple resolution of fundamental differences» (PP 87).11 Since it makes immediate reference to the evidence of one's own experience, a description of which is at issue, and only then is extended to all others one sympathetically imagines to be like oneself, it is essentially an autobiographical type of argumentation.
How many at the hands of a single ped, and over the yeras the ped was «moved» and could start all over again?
You can't have any second thoughts on where your hands are at or at what speed you should move.
I have set Yahweh always before me: Because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
On the other hand leaders of the Bible school movement have been developing a theory of liberal arts education with the Bible at its center, and through an accrediting association have moved toward standardization and steady improvement of a program which seeks to synthesize conservative evangelical Christianity with a valid educational ideal.
If the search for truth requires that we move from vague totality toward clear definition, then we have no alternative but to fall back on forms of symbolic reference already at hand, or to create alternative forms that may increase our comprehension.
The story itself moves rapidly, yet on every page Schroth seems impatient to finish the business at hand so as to move on to the material that really interests him.
A child who is early taught that he is God's child, that he may live and move and have his being in God, and that he has, therefore, infinite strength at hand for the conquering of any difficulty, will take life more easily, and probably will make more of it, than one who is told that he is born the child of wrath and wholly incapable of good.»
I, on the other hand, am 816 % ready to have it gone and to move on to Fall comfort foods and cozy cool evenings, crispy leaves under my feet as the puppy drags me at a run across the yard in a vain attempt to catch the cats on her 2 inch tall legs.
Now that the only baker in my town who made it moved to greener pastures, I'm going to have to try my hand at this recipe.
If the organization you are working with requires you to purchase outside supplements, accessories, food or any other products in order for you to win the prize for your weight - loss, keep moving as there are likely ulterior motives and additional costs at hand.
-LSB-...] when I first made orange marmalade, then tried my hand at strawberry jam, and finally moved on to peach jam when spring -LSB-...]
I, on the other hand, first started learning how to can last winter, when I first made orange marmalade, then tried my hand at strawberry jam, and finally moved on to peach jam when spring arrived.
My creative brain wants to move on to the next project and just be done with the one at hand.
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