Sentences with phrase «moved the goal posts on»

Moving the goal posts on how pension funds calculate their deficits and which inflation measure they are required to target must be a concern to any IL holder too I imagine.
Unless they moved the goal posts on what defines a mid these days.
I think, unless they have moved the goal posts on me again.

Not exact matches

By transferring to the private sector ownership of Canada Post, the federal government can eliminate a major drain on public finances and move closer to the goals of eliminating the fiscal deficit and paying down public sector debt.
That's convenient — rely on a particular image of this version of «god» for so long, which by the way is depicted this way on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, until people start realizing it's nothing more than another version of Santa, then simply move the goal posts by suddenly claiming «Huh?
Consumers looking for direction are confused by the FDA Food Pyramid (Scheme) and it's ever moving goal posts, the position of which are subject to whomever spends the most on lobbying.
This process involves seven steps: starting with moral purpose, unleashing curiosity, building on bright spots, peer coaching toward precision, leading from the inside out, and moving the goal posts.
It's taken years and the goal - posts have moved many times, but Slightly Mad Studios have finally completed the crowd - funded (or Community Assisted) racing game and are releasing it to players on May 7.
This time the desperation shows: watch how these biologists move the goal - posts, make claims so misleading they border on lies, and pretend they don't have big, big trouble with their predictive models.
They keep moving the freaking goal posts both past and future — and we are expected to invest trillions and lower our future standards of living based on this inconclusive science.
Instead, by doing nothing so far, we have to keep pouring on the projections of disaster and moving the goal posts to make sure they are always in the distant future.
Not the problem here, you, generic, have moved the goal posts, you have taken out actual opposition on the substance of «climate change» which should be the actual physics of the Greenhouse Effect, and now promote your view as the «opposition», and for the most part in discussions supposedly open to discussion, the view of the real «deniers» is written out...
With all due respect, it seems like a whole lotta goal post moving going on.
He told me I was «moving the goal posts» on him.
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