Sentences with phrase «moved via cables»

The legs are modeled after a cat's, with three segments (think foot, calve, and thigh) moved via cables that connect to motors in the body.

Not exact matches

In an even bolder move, Rowling published the ebooks through her own site only a few weeks ago and gave several other online retail booksellers the take - it - or - leave - it deal of a lifetime: other retailers» customers can go to their favorite online book sites to purchase the books, which diverts them to Pottermore for the sale, then the original retailers will still send the ebooks to the consumers» e-reader devices without requiring the downloading to a computer and transferring via cable that many customers have to rely on when purchasing books from sites other than the one that markets their e-readers.
The nice thing about this would be, it is allowable to download your books using the smartphone app and move them to your eReader via a cable.
You download your books using the smartphone app and move them to your eReader via a cable.
Once you move in, you will be able to immediately watch your favorite show via cable, or connect to high - speed internet.
TROUBLE SHOOTING STEPS: - Reset the headset and the MixAmp TXD and update the firmware to the latest version - Move away any wireless routers or transmitters that operate at the same frequency from close proximity to the MixAmp TXD - Make sure that the cables are connected property via the various systems.
Moving your save file to another Xbox 360 system via the cloud (instead of a memory card, transfer cable or Xbox 360 formatted USB stick).
Players would be able to transfer content from the PlayStation 3 to the PSP directly via USB cable, or indirectly by saving the content on a memory stick in the PS3 then moving the memory stick to the PSP.
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