Sentences with phrase «movement by»

And if anyone else does, well, a) who cares and b) what a boring life they've had Each and every one of my scars has me condifently sure I am UNSTOPPABLE #InMyOwnSkin and I'm just as sure you are too Join the @Dove movement by following @InOurOwnSkin and let me know what you're capable of in your own skin in the comments below #DoveDermaSeries #MyPrettyLife #WeRock
Abib has taken the bar soap movement by storm — their popular bar soaps have beautiful formulas that target specific skin concerns while cleansing deeply.
Get your photo taken with your clothing turned inside out so you can join the movement by asking brands #whomademyclothes?
A common mistake is to begin the movement by bending your knees, which can easily pull you out of position.
The workout offers a shaping isolation movement by incorporating a dumbbell fly.
Initiate the movement by breaking at the hips, NOT at the knees.
Start the movement by getting a grip on the bar, either with just your hands and some chalk, or with wrist straps, and do a normal deadlift to get into standing position.
Did you know, body movement by default involves a high degree of oxygenation at the cellular level?
With one hand grasping together the two ends of the towel, your upper body will start the gradual climbing movement by alternating your two hands in grabbing a higher piece of the towel.
It prepares your body for random chaotic movement by fine - tuning its nerves and feedback mechanism.
This small step forward puts more tension on the upper pecs at the start of the movement by increasing the stretch.
You will perform the movement by making a half circle as large as you can without breaking posture.
Master the movement by going slowly at first, instead of reinforcing improper techniques.
Start the movement by engaging your core, pushing your ribs down and pulling your shoulders slightly back with a neutral neck position (a).
Modification: If you're unable to maintain form, simplify this movement by forgoing the crunch.
Start the movement by contracting your abs and slowly twisting from your torso to your right and tap the medicine ball on the floor beside you.
Engage the movement by moving your hips back, and place your hands around the bar on the outside of your legs.
Initiate the movement by pushing your hips back.
Initiate the movement by pushing your hips back rather than breaking at the knees first.
Anchor this movement by strengthening the left leg and pressing the outer heel firmly to the floor.
You can stimulate a bowel movement by eating foods that make you poop, exercising regularly and drinking 64oz.
Perform the movement by moving your right arm in a forward circular motion and your left arm in a backward circular motion for the prescribed reps. Switch the directions of each arm and perform this movement for the prescribed reps.
When holding the barbell down, with your arms relaxed, you are to squat down (not all the way down) and straighten up as fast as you can, using the momentum to lift your barbell up to your neck and shoulders, changing the grip along the way, and then pushing it up more slowly, finishing the movement by holding the barbell directly above your head.
Also you can finish the hammer curl movement by doing a hammer curls to shoulder press move wherein you simply do a shoulder press with palms facing each - other at the end of hammer curls.
If you modify this movement by doing isometric holds at various points in the range of motion, it can potentially help do all of these things: correct poor scapular stability, improve scapular retraction, increase shoulder range of motion, and strengthen weak middle and lower trapezius muscles.
You've learned about supination and adding resistance to the supination movement by holding the dumbell off - center.
You might also integrate gentle movement by following along with a bedtime - themed children's yoga book like Yawning Yoga, by Laurie Jordan, or Good Night Yoga, by Miriam Gates.
Always start the movement by leaning forward from your hips, pushing your glutes back and maintaining the arch in your lower back as you guide the bar down the front of your legs until it comes to about mid-shin.
Reverse the movement by stepping your right foot forward back into a deep lunge and then sweeping your left arm and torso upright (stay low in the lunge).
Begin the movement by rotating back and forth for 10 to 12 reps on each side.
Press back up to high plank and inchworm back to standing Reverse the movement by pressing back up to high plank one hand at a time and then walking your hands back towards your feet (keeping legs as straight as possible) and standing up, hands overhead.
Initiate the movement by pushing your hips back and bending your knees.
Initiate the movement by lifting up your hip, into a side plank position before returning to the starting position.
As with most of the exercises on this list, remember to keep your weight centered over your heels, and be sure to initiate the movement by pressing your hips backward, keeping your core tight and strong throughout.
Start the movement by very deliberately drawing your abs up and in (as though sucking up your gut).
Repeat the movement by alternating right knee to chest, extend the left leg back, left knee to chest and extend left leg back etc..
Once you have the feel for that, add this to the pulldown movement by first shrugging down, then pulling the bar down the rest of the way.
Experimentally reducing movement by sitting had a much greater negative effect on LPL regulation than a positive effect of adding vigorous exercise training on top of the normal level of non exercise activity.
However eccentric isometrics build upon movement by correcting movement patterns rather than reinforcing it or even worse, degrading it.
Begin the movement by bending at the knees, which should track in a line close to the border of the first and the second toe.
This tight muscle is often noticeably uncomfortable and sometimes painful, and it can impair movement by restricting flexibility.
You can progress in this movement by adding weight to a dip belt as you get stronger.
There is no need to use bigger weights until you improve the quality of your movement by exerting concentrated effort and avoiding accelerating through the ranges.
Moreover, to get the best results you need to use different sorts of equipment to make the movement by using an adjustable ab bench, gym ball or other machines.
Sometimes we need to initiate the parasympathetic nervous system with our movement by choosing yoga or slow walking.
Unlike in conventional deadlifting, where you want to initiate the movement by pushing the floor away from you, for the sumo deadlift you want to initiate the movement by thinking about spreading the floor apart.
Initiate the pulling movement by thinking about trying to bend the bar toward you.
Return to a flat back, then perform an opposite movement by raising your back as much as you can and tucking your chin into your chest.
One way in which you can adjust side laterals and stimulate side delt gains is that once in a while you grab a pair of dumbbells weighing twice as much as you would usually use and just try to execute at least half of a full rep.. Another way in which you can make half reps more effective is by keeping tension constantly throughout the movement by never allowing the dumbbells to fully return to your sides, which if they do, they will relax the muscles that should be isolated and worked.
Begin the movement by driving through your feet, extending your hips towards the ceiling.
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