Sentences with phrase «movement of the arms»

The ergonomic design softly supports baby's body and head while allowing free movements of arms and legs.
The motion is both natural and reliable; I never faced the issue of having to tap the screen to turn it on because it didn't detect the upward movement of my arm.
Have equal movements of her arms and legs on both sides of her body.
Full movement of the arms and legs has been discovered and, believe me, your child will use them!
To answer their question about the planning of limb movements, the researchers conducted an experiment in which the physical movement of the arm and the visual information about this movement could be separated.
These can range from impaired movement of arms or legs due to nerve damage to complete paralysis of the body below the site of the injury.
The design maintains baby's body and head allowing free movements of both arms and legs to really enjoy bath time.
The function of the transversus abdominis is to stabilize the low back and pelvis BEFORE movement of the arms and / or legs occurs.
This is because swaddling prevents babies from keeping themselves awake due to random movements of their arms.
Friedreich's ataxiais an inherited disease that causes progressive damage to the nervous system, resulting in symptoms ranging from gait disturbance to speech problems; it can also lead to heart disease and diabetes.The ataxia of Friedreich's ataxia results from the degeneration of nerve tissue in the spinal cord, in particular sensory neurons essential (through connections with the cerebellum) for directing muscle movement of the arms and legs.
A swaddle baby will sleep longer because newborns will have random reflex movements of the arms, legs, and head.
Shortly after, it relaxes and makes small movements of the arms, shoulders and head.
Joel was very fortunate and it looks like he will thankfully regain almost complete movement of his arm.
«Law enforcement agencies have been mandated to search and monitor all trucks and vehicles conveying livestocks, food items and persons into the state from any part of the country with a view to preventing inter-state movement of arms and terrorists.
He said that the suspect was allegedly overheard discussing movement of arms and ammunition on phone.
Goose bumps, shivering, extensor movements of the arms, rapid flexion of the elbows, elevation of the arms above the bed, crossing of the hands, reaching of the hands toward the neck, forced exhalation, and thoracic respiratory - like movements... These complex sequential movements are felt to be release phenomena from the spinal cord including the upper cervical cord and do not [emphasis author's] mean that the patient is no longer brain dead.»
The results of the Göttingen neuroscientists show: Most neurons are responsible for the encoding of the physical goal, the actual and thus the felt movement of the arm.
The muscles which comprise the rotator cuff are the subscapularis muscles, which moves your arm in an inward turning motion, known as internal rotation; the supraspinatus muscles, responsible for elevating your arm and moving it away from your body; the infraspinatus muscle, responsible for moving your arm in an outward turning motion, known as external rotation and the teres minor which is also responsible for the external rotation movement of your arm.
This muscle is activated with the low rows with the posterior pulling movement of the arm.
If you've read about the transversus abdominus, then you understand that spinal stability should always precede movement of the arms and legs.
You focus so hard on your micro movements of the arms, or your plank pose, or reverse pushups, that you emerge, one hour later, as if you've been on a silent meditation retreat.
The person experiencing this kind of seizure may make sounds (like crying out), stiffen for a few seconds to a minute, and the rhythmic movements of the arms and legs may occur.
Physiotherapists in Australia did research on chronic lower back pain, and they tested coordination of core muscles during movements of the arm or legs.
Sprint Vector definitely fulfils that desire, with the caveat that your mileage will vary depending on how physically fit you are; much like Sparc or Superhot VR, Sprint Vector is a fairly active game that requires constant movement of the arms in order to simulate running and gain momentum within the game.
Other symptoms for canine distemper can include seizures, involuntary movement of the arms or legs, depression, paralysis and muscle tremors.
When there is a clavicle fracture, the infant typically will cry when there is movement of the arm as a result of pain in the collarbone, and you may notice that your child is attempting to avoid moving his or her arm.
For example, if the user wants to lift something, the device senses the upward movement of the arms and dramatically boosts their lifting capacity.
This muscle functions together with transversus abdominis & pelvic floor muscles to stabilize the low back and pelvis BEFORE movement of the arms and / or legs occurs.
Premium 100 % pure cotton to keep baby at a comfortable temperature Creates a safer sleeping environment - no blankets to wriggle under No covers to kick off for a better night's sleep Cosy 100 % cotton jersey lining keeps baby snug and secure Shoulder poppers and zips for easy night time changes Prevents little feet from getting stuck between cot bars Allows free movement of arms and legs Presented on a lovely solid wood Silver Cross hanger
(A friend of mine, a first - rate psychologist, who is a subject of graphic automatism, tells me that the appearance of independent actuation in the movements of his arm, when he writes automatically, is so distinct that it obliges him to abandon a psychophysical theory which he had previously believed in, the theory, namely, that we have no feeling of the discharge downwards of our voluntary motor - centres.
Their extensions — the movements of arms and legs — are straight out of ballet.
The proprioceptive system is the awareness of the position of the body and the movement of the arms and legs (e.g. the ability to judge how far to bend or pick something up or duck under a door frame).
PDP claimed that some eyewitnesses at Bomadi Waterside who confirmed the movement of armed policemen in hired speed boats, said they saw the officers in the company of the Minister's younger brother, Jonathan Lokpobiri.
In the first half of the 20th century, neurosurgeon Wilder Penfield mapped the brain's functions by electrically stimulating different places in conscious patients during neurosurgery, triggering vivid memories, localized body sensations, or movement of an arm or toe.
In one example, scientists linked the brains of rhesus macaque monkeys, who worked together to control the movements of the arm of a virtual avatar on a digital display in front of them.
The system consists of a headpiece equipped with electrodes that monitor activity in three areas of the motor cortex (the region of the brain involved in controlling the movement of the arms and legs).
Next, lead the movement of your arms and legs by rolling from your belly and hips.
The movement of the arms literally moves the arc line; working with our receptivity so we can receive the magnificence, accept it, and then handle it.
Further, the movement of your arms and legs provide a pumping action that help stimulate the circulation of lymph fluid throughout your system.
The pectorals are predominantly used to control the movement of the arm, with the contractions of the pectoralis major pulling on the humerus to create lateral, vertical, or rotational motion.
The entire time, the fibers in your bicep are contracting in order to control the movement of the arm and bring the glass up so you can drink the water.
That's why more complex movements that include the movement of the head, thoracic spine and the shoulder girdle (via the movement of the arms) will be more effective in releasing tension in your neck and upper back.
Observe whether the movement of the arms has caused tension in the neck area.
Try to tighten core against the movement of arms to keep the body very still.
It's not too heavy, and it doesn't constrict the movement of my arms.
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