Sentences with phrase «movement of the car often»

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The vibration and movement of the car are often calming.
This performance, carried out twice a day within VIA Rail passenger cars, mimics the movements and actions of this often overlooked figure, one who played a critical role in linking the Canadian railway to the territories and communities it passed through.
Often transcending the typical Futurist subject matter of racing car and mechanical city - scape, these works mark a distinct movement away from figuration as the primary vessel for an expression of feeling, instead investigating the emotional value of line, shape and color.
The American environmental and labor movements have often been on opposite sides of the table, whether the issue is drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or raising fuel economy standards on American - made cars.
Car accidents often involved sudden and violent movements which can easily cause damage to these parts of your body making soft tissue injuries very common.
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