Sentences with phrase «movements as an extension of»

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According to Balthasar everything in the Church is a movement between these two principles (Marian and Petrine): the Church as the bride of Christ is the extension and product of the living reality of Christ, which requires an essential structure (sacraments and ministry, which are founded by Christ Himself).
This evangelical attitude came as a shock, for initially I had thought that the movement was simply a «Jews for Jesus» extension of previous Hebrew Christian evangelistic organizations that also had been opposed by both Christians and Jews.
But it came to be generally agreed that nothing was so vital to the whole Christian movement as the consideration of the church itself, the faith by which it lives, the nature of its witness, the conditions of its life and extension, the relation it must hold to its environment, and the increase of co-operation and unity within it.28
Our members are unified in this battle, a battle that started as a result of Con Edison's deeply misguided notion that they could intimidate Local 1 - 2, and by extension the labor movement in New York.
The wrist extensors are a group of nine individual muscles on the back of the forearm that act on the wrist and fingers and help carry out complex movements of the hands such as wrist extension, or moving the top of the hands backward toward the wrists.
That's why this variant of the chest bench press provides a heavy workout for the triceps, as the movement is more similar to an extension than a press.
While lying, seated, or standing, grab an EZ - bar or a dumbbell with both hands (for bilateral work) or a dumbbell with one hand (for unilateral work) and perform the same type of movement as in the cable lying triceps extension.
He preferred to use free - weights over machines as this gave him more range of movement — thus enduring a more complete and round muscle extension and contraction.
For instance, when performing a leg extension you work an isolated muscle — the quadriceps — rather than other muscles in which you use this muscle as a part of the movement like in a squat.
If you are training a lot of forward spinal flexion you should also include back extension as part of your movement practice.
As you begin to reach the end of the movement stop just before full extension and do not lock out knees!
I did the Lying Triceps Extensions next and this was also killing my elbows, as most extension movements tend to put a great deal of stress on the elbow joints.
These three muscles are responsible for a variety of hip movements like hip extension, rotating the thigh outward and hip abduction — or moving the leg away from the body as in leg lifts.
Range of motion improvements from a 6 - week intervention of stretching and hip / spine dissociation exercises did not transfer to functional movements such as elliptical training, twist and reach, standing active hip extension, and lunging (10).
The study design used foam rolling and the concept of fascia as a continuous chain in the superficial front line (Figure 1) to determine whether foam rolling the anterior portion of the thigh caused increases in hip extension in an active movement such as the lunge (Figure 1)(11).
Perhaps it came about as a practical extension of festival fashion, an activity requiring music - lovers to embrace the elements in parklands over the course of a weekend, or perhaps this movement is simply a sign of fashion fatigue.
Thus does he eloquently recast the antibureaucratic case as an extension of the civil rights movement, in which Illich and Goodman had stood on the sidelines.
As an extension activity after this lesson, you might have students research nonviolent movements in other parts of the world such as Chile, India, Northern Ireland, and South AfricAs an extension activity after this lesson, you might have students research nonviolent movements in other parts of the world such as Chile, India, Northern Ireland, and South Africas Chile, India, Northern Ireland, and South Africa.
The show includes photo silkscreens with Western imagery by Servane Mary; pieces relating to the movement of vehicles and images by Virginia Overton; an unusual extension of Olivier Mosset's found abstraction through repurposed oyster collection burlap bags and a»70s Shovelhead motorcycle; the premiere of a short video by John Miller made with Richard Hoeck as part of their mannequin collaboration series, and a new video by Michel Auder.
Rejected at the time not only by prudish institutions and the male - dominated art world, but also by the mainstream feminist movement — which regarded pornography as a vulgar extension of patriarchy — Tompkins» work has been marginalized for more than 30 years.
Adopting this approach to mark making, I place the panel flat on the floor, and allow the spiraling, gestural marks to become a record of my own whole body movement, in much the same way that the Zen master allows the ink to flow off the tip of his Sumi, committing to paper the extension of his Chi, as a culmination of summoned energy.
The ambiguous sets are defined by movements of extension and contraction that signal the tension inherent to a fragmented existence described by the artist as «a closed but broken form».
Now we go to the 1993 Whitney Biennial to watch the dead take up more and more space on the walls - dead art, dead curation, based on a dead premise: Otherness as thesis, the insistence on «recognising» the disenfranchised as a whole rather than individually, which would, by extension, make the artist responsible for what he / she is saying / doing as opposed to making them a part of the movement.
Despite the resurgence of «traditional» image - based work in the 1980s, conceptual art has been described as one of the most influential movements of the late 20th century, a logical extension of the work begun by the French artist Marcel Duchamp in 1914 to break the primacy of the perceptual in art.
Antonio Berni was an Argentine figurative artist who is often associated with the movement known as Nuevo Realismo, a Latin American extension of social realism.
One of the problems highlighted during the local public consultation in the planning and development of the Whitechapel Gallery extension was that, from street level, it seemed as though there was little movement inside.
Turning to the case at hand, which can be considered as the third round of the discussion, the CJEU examined the legal basis for a measure updating provisions on the coordination of social security systems between EU and Turkey as established by the Agreement, taking into account the «state of play» of a gradual extension of the free movement of workers between both contracting parties.
«I see this as an extension of the #MeToo movement,» said Kathleen Flake, a professor of Mormon studies at the University of Virginia.
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