Sentences with phrase «movements of the needle»

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A deft servitor, with a rapid movement of the knife and fork and a neat turn of the wrist, removes in a twinkling the backbone from the fish, and attached to it are nearly all the other needle - like splinters that infest the shad carcass.
Even a tiny movement affects the placement of the needle and catheter.
After correcting the logs for errors in location, Gubbins compared the directions of captains» compass needles with the magnetic properties of rocks from the same period, allowing him to construct a time line of movements in the magnetic field.
Acupuncture needles can help facilitate the movement of this energy.
Yet it remains unclear to me why a field that has produced decades of mediocrity, or a reform movement that has moved the needle on student outcomes far too little, believes it has the status and moral authority to be taken seriously on these broader issues.
The very design of the Common Core movement, framed as a state - led effort to adopt common standards and common assessments, was an effort to thread the needle of a centrally orchestrated system in a nation fundamentally committed to educational decentralization.
Compounding that excellent fuel economy and explaining the glacial movement of the fuel needle, a look at the specs showed that Toyota fits the Camry Hybrid with a big 17 gallon fuel tank.
Acoustically, the gearshifts can only be perceived in the fast succession of rev changes — also to be seen in the abrupt movements of the tachometer needle.
In a considerably short amount of time, Tesla has moved the needle on the electric car movement by a huge amount.
However, patients requiring diagnosis of an oral swelling often require sedation or anesthesia due to the challenges of obtaining a fine - needle aspirate in the conscious patient, and concerns for patient movement causing the needle to poke an undesired structure, such as the eye.
Motor function (movement, coordination, bodily function) is often unaffected by this procedure, but imaging (fluoroscopy, CT or ultrasound) is required to be sure placement of substances or positioning of needles is accurate.
Celebrate small movements in the needle to maintain your momentum, sense of accomplishment and motivation.
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