Sentences with phrase «movie based on video games»

When the makers decide to take such games to the next level; when they talk of making movies based on video games, we often have certain level of prejudice in our minds.
Let's be blunt, there have been very few good movies based on video games, even though countless studios have tried to exploit their popularity.
So why is it that movies based on video games suck so absolutely?
But I've never seen a horror movie based on a video game that's made me do either, and that's a shame.
We've seen enough movies based on video games to know that they just don't seem to work very well for some reason.
There have been numerous movies based on video game characters and stories within the past 20 or so years.
We've talked about movies based on video games before, but as they keep making them, we are more than happy to keep tearing them apart.
And if there's going to be a good movie based on a video game, why not the Assassin's Creed series, which has had its fair share of fantastic entries?
But I've never seen a horror movie based on a video game that's made me do either, and that's a shame.
The gutters of Hollywood are lined with the rotting corpses of movies based on video games.
Let's Rock: Movies based on video games almost never work at the box office, but studios keep trying anyway.
It marked the beginning of an early - 1990's era where movies based on video games would be slung out at audiences, who'd just sling them right on back.
Movies based on games that take their style from other movies are merely recycling ideas that are already recycled, and that is precisely why movies based on video games, to put it frankly, suck.
If you want to know why there still haven't really been any decent movies based on video games up until now, there are a few obvious reasons, the biggest one being the lack of quality directors stepping in to bring a coherent vision to the big screen.
It's very easy to hate on a film like «Warcraft» but, in essence, it's a silly movie based on a video game... should the critique really be that harsh?
Raymond says she understands the challenges when she's reminded of how often movies based on video games fail.
Still, there's something addictively enjoyable about video game films, as these seven incredibly entertaining movies based on video games prove.
At the time they were made, Mario had recently been the subject of the first movie based on a video game (Super Mario Bros.) and, according to one survey, was more recognizable to American children than Mickey Mouse.
Paul W.S. Anderson is famous for two things: Being Mr. Milla Jovovich and making movies based on video games.
Hollywood being Hollywood, there is always an executive with dollar signs in their eyes willing to turn this triumph of gaming into a movie, only to run into inescapable truth: movies based on video games suck.
Said film, of course, is in the long - standing tradition of movies based on video games that almost invariably fail to attract critical support (the only probable exceptions are the Resident Evil films by Paul W.S. Anderson and Takashi Miike's Ace Attorney), but this particular incarnation's failure is more puzzling than usual.
It's about time somebody made a genuinely good movie based on a video game, so why not Michael Fassbender and director Justin Kurzel?
Although deservedly R - Rated, the first film didn't feel like a movie based on a video game.
If there's something done well in 2018 fantastic cinema, it's animating and playing a gorilla, but this is still a movie based on a video game based on an arcade game based on movies.
Continuing to put together a cast that suggests they don't realize they're making a movie based on a video game about historical parkour fanatics — and could thus stand to maybe coast a little bit — the producers of Assassin's Creed have announced that Brendan Gleeson and Jeremy Irons have signed on to appear in the film.
Doom has one or two clever ideas, and even as a derivative movie, it isn't nearly the worst of its ilk, but make no mistake, this is a movie based on a video game that liberally borrows ideas from sci - fi, action and horror movies.
Movies based on video games have pretty horrible track records.
There is a point to that race, but it requires more explaining than should be necessary (For a movie based on a video game series with little to no story, there is plenty of plot making up for it here).
Most movies based on video games aren't very good, but most movies based on video games also aren't supported entirely by the powerful, charismatic shoulders of Dwayne «The Rock» Johnson.
I also just did a movie based on a video game that doesn't have a title yet but I am sure you will be hearing about it soon.
Tomb Raider's action is pretty sweet and Alicia Vikander is great, but the script is so cliched and boring, it's oddly disappointing even for a movie based on a video game.
«Stupid», that's usually non-video game playing viewers response to movies based on video games.
Paul W.S. Anderson is famous for two things: Being Mr. Milla Jovovich and making movies based on video games.
«Street Fighter: The Movie» on PlayStation and Sega Saturn was a video game based on a movie based on a video game.
Ratchet & Clank is a title that exists because Sony Interactive Entertainment and its partners decided to invest in a movie based on the video game franchise and then discovered that the coming entertainment product would benefit from the existence of a video game tie - in.
Until this is acknowledged within Hollywood video game movies — and I certainly hope it is when it comes to my beloved WoW movie — I stand by my statement: movies based on video games suck!
It's well established that movies based on video games are terrible — I'm looking at you, Tara Reid.
The gutters of Hollywood are lined with the rotting corpses of movies based on video games.
Earlier this week, we struggled to find five movies based on video games that are worth an online rental much less a Blu - ray purchase price.
Lara Croft: Tomb Raider earned an estimated $ 48.2 m on its first weekend of release in the US, the best debut ever for a movie based on a video game
This week man will battle machine over video games based on movies and movies based on video games.
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