Sentences with phrase «movie experience»

A creative screenplay and an overall non-traditional handling of the material makes for one of the more enjoyable movie experiences of the year.
The attraction offers a 12 - minute, three - dimensional movie experience with live actors.
I sat in the theater waiting for the credits to roll, and it was as far from an enjoyable movie experience as can be.
My best movie experiences were the ones where I had no idea what a movie was about going in.
The overall effect is getting several movie experiences in one - more than your money's worth if you are debating a theatrical ticket price.
If you value your time and want a genuinely enjoyable horror movie experience definitely skip it.
It's not often a truly unique movie experience comes along.
It's a solid, feature - rich package that delivers a thoroughly enjoyable and satisfying movie experience at home.
Also, part of me felt as though everything we had seen so far in the film was leading up to this punch line, which took away from the whole movie experience.
In other words: if you can check your brain and just jump in for the ride, Run All Night is a pretty satisfying action movie experience.
It's a credit to the actor and director that they were able to turn what is essentially a one - man stage play into an exhilarating movie experience.
Turn a day in front of the TV into a something special by hosting your own movie experience.
It was about making a cinematic movie experience that looked like a demo for these games.
The chain doesn't break out 3D revenue specifically, but says that «premium movie experiences» accounted for 47 % of total box office revenue in the fourth quarter alone.
Below, find theaters that welcome babies, encourage kids to read, and even offer sensory - friendly movie experiences.
They fit the scope of their settings and stories, and thus helped create a more textured and honest movie experience.
Who could ask for a more complete cult movie experience than that?
They have forty years of TV movie experience and a number of holiday titles between them.
The fact that such a strong film deals with a rarely touched upon topic makes for an incredible movie experience.
Take this one for what it is... a pleasant movie experience.
Now I have saved money, and a very unpleasant after movie experience.
That being said, the film has gained very positive reviews from critics as most are saying it is an entertaining, but kind of shallow, summer movie experience.
That was one of the many things that sold the series as a «virtual movie experience».
Since the game is meant to be an interactive movie experience, this means that you have to play through the game again multiple times and make different decisions to get different outcomes.
But hopefully that won't spoil for too many people what is largely a very enjoyable movie experience.
There is simply no other movie experience like sitting in a theatre watching an Anderson film.
10 Cloverfield Lane review: The semi-sequel to the 2008 film Cloverfield is one of the most intense movie experiences of the year.
007's reinvention was welcome, but employing a filmmaker without action movie experience on the sequel to Casino Royale could be a step too far.
Exhilarating, transporting, funny and haunting — and at times maddeningly heady or narcotically logy — Waking Life doesn't compare to any other movie experience I've ever had.
He's had comic book movie experience before with his HELLBOY films (both the live action and animated).
The movie's approach is not a bad thing, but it is a different movie experience for
«A two - hour movie experience followed by a dinner experience for one to one and a half hours makes a long evening for most people,» Focht says.
Conduit 2 isn't top of its class, but it's a fun B - movie experience nonetheless.
«Before Midnight» — This third installment in Richard Linklater's humane and heartfelt, one - of - a-kind movie experience follows «Before Sunrise» (1995) and «Before Sunset» (2004).
It's just a shame the filmmakers didn't have any tricks up their sleeve to enliven a rather rote superhero movie experience.
Instead, he pulls together a group of ignorant and traitorous characters that the audience simply can't identify with, ultimately resulting in one of the most pointless movie experiences since last year's hugely overrated «Into the Wild.»
That alone makes Songs from the Second Floor a valuable and rare movie experience.
It's my pleasure to say that The Order of the Phoenix thwarts that notion, as it is not only an example of a solid way to adapt a lengthy work into a worthwhile movie experience, but it also sets the table for the more eventful chapters to follow, and has us looking forward to them — something that previous films weren't always able to do.
Moulin Rouge remains one of the most awesome movie experiences I've ever had in a cinema (aside from Orlando).
Additionally, its Splendid technology has four optimized modes, which entails Normal mode for daily work, Theater mode for the ultimate movie experience, Vivid mode for photographs and Intense image viewing, and Manual - the user adjustment mode for the ultimate user experience.
Brimming with spectacular animation and endearing characters, this internationally acclaimed motion picture delivers a fun and highly entertaining movie experience for the entire family.
A harrowing movie experience brilliantly executed by director Paul Greengrass that stirs empathy in the viewer in an honest, moving way.»
Few performers in Hollywood, male or female, have as much action - movie experience as Zoe Saldana.
One of the most thrilling movie experiences of the fall may be this documentary set in Mongolia.
You also have to have a really great music experience and a great movie experience,» Anderson said.
Granted, the IMAX adventure is an exaggerated version of the time - honored movie experience, but even a traditional - size theater can be overwhelming to young kids.
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