Sentences with phrase «movie work»

Both soundtrack and intro movie work so well together.
The first movie worked because it was a serious drama with music and dancing.
Do movies work in tandem with the press, or challenge the dominant narratives?
Otherwise, it seems likely another distributor will step up to the plate and try to make selling these cheap movies work for them.
I don't care, and I'm trying to stay as ignorant as possible because the first movie worked best the less one knew about it.
This all reminds me of how the Alien movies themselves worked — taking a primal, powerful idea and molding it to each director's vision.
What do you think, can a Mega Man movie work?
She is not only a photographer but also created various movie works.
One of the reasons that movies work best in the cinema.
A Madea Halloween has all the earmarks of a play and it shows quite often through out its structure, which sadly goes against the three - act narrative that makes movies work when done well.
He details his early career and how he came to collaborate with Assonitis, which is interesting (the folks at Arrow overlay some stills of the posters for movies he worked on — a neat touch).
Parts of movie work better than whole
«I think movies work when they are very well organized, like Raiders of the Lost Ark by Steven Spielberg.
Part of me admires the movie for wanting to truly establish a relationship, but part of me resists such efforts because I know they're all just part of the set - up: Once she's gone, he'll have to find the evil - doers, whether he and the girl were bosom buddies or not; that's just how movies work.
In a time when the Powers That Be are increasing their capacity to monitor us, to manipulate us, to catch us in their snares, Olivier Assayas's new horror movie works like a wicked charm.
Miyamoto: I think movies work when they are very well organized, like Raiders of the Lost Ark by Steven Spielberg.
After Taxi ended, Lloyd went primarily into movie work with such characters as Doc Brown, Fester Addams, and Colonel Kruge, to name a few.
It's a credit to the cast and to the worthiness of the idea that this overlong movie works at all.
Besides Bobin behind the camera, Jump Street directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller are producing — they also made The LEGO Movie work against all odds.
The sound signature presets — standard, music, clear voice, sports, and movie work very well.
Just as movies work by quickly flashing still images that blend together into a cohesive illusion of movement, the shades of red, black and cream on the snake seem to blend into a greenish hue, turning the warning nature of its basic coloring into traditional camouflage, as it disappears into the greenery.
SR: And your second horror movie working with Guillermo.
«I think the reason why Marvel movies work so well,» Mackie began, about the entity that holds them all together, «and the reason the MCU is so appreciated and sought after, is because it's a combination of both [independent and blockbuster filmmaking].»
«the way movies work») and comics theory is endlessly fascinating to me, because I like movies, but I don't know them.
Shaun the Sheep Movie works wonderfully well for children — I often heard squeals from delight by young ones at an advance screening I attended — and imparts family - friendly lessons without hitting anyone over the head.
Her appearance and delivery are hilarious and seem better fit for a Wes Anderson movie... well, if not for the fact that I found the entire movie works better as a comedy than the political commentary it's meant to be.
It has some clichés here and there that could have been avoided and the characters sometimes don't seem to be the brightest people in this sort of situation, but still this atmospheric horror movie works quite well, especially in a second half that can be really unnerving.
Since Ang Lee just recently won his second Academy Award for Best Director, here's a look at a little movie he worked on over a decade ago.
The man that created Star Wars had somehow forgotten why his own movies worked, leaving the most ubiquitous franchise in film history without a custodian.
For the first few years after the Red One's introduction, its only real competition in high - end digital movie work was the Panavision Genesis — a much lower - resolution camera, but one that has been praised for its overall filmlike feel.
Your polarizing sunglasses and the goggles you wear to see 3D movies work by using the polarization properties of light.
Movies like Flashdance and Black Swan show how fitness plays into dance, but they don't have the nominal «workout» scene that makes inspirational fitness movies work.
I'm a single mum who is quite playful and working hard everyday to have a good life with my son... Can't wait to find a soul mate whose gonna be my bet friend and lover... I love the outdoors mostly cuz I'm q grown woman and love to cook, grill outdoor I also enjoy the movies
But Gluck fundamentally misunderstands what makes the Paddington movies work.
The picture established the basic formula of all of their subsequent movie work, with Martin the suave straight man forced to suffer the bizarre antics of the manic fool Lewis.
After making her film debut in That Night (1992), Heigl balanced movie work with high school, playing a small role in Steven Soderbergh's Depression - era drama King of the Hill (1993), starring as Gérard Depardieu's difficult daughter in My Father the Hero (1994), and Steven Seagal's niece in the action sequel Under Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995).
Stage and movie work followed, and Miller joined the stock company / entourage of low - budget auteur Roger Corman.
Zombie movies work quite well as mindless and bloody entertainment, and also when they are tied into larger social commentaries (such as in Romero's original Dawn Of The Dead and 28 Days Later).
After all its bloodshed and mayhem, «Logan» ends on a graceful, melancholy note, proving that sometimes, comic - book movies work best when they keep things small.
The whole movie works like a labyrinth in which leo's character and the audience are rats in that maze.
Congrats, Kris Awards Daily the US trailer for Blue is the Warmest Colour i09 8 ways to make a female led superhero movie work Slant Magazine excellent piece on «the IMAX cancer» and the rerelease of The Wizard of Oz... only not the one you know.
Though its cataclysm is global, this high - concept monster movie works by narrowing the focus.
But story isn't what's made these Madea movies work for more than a decade.
It's hard to find compliments for Jamie Dornan beyond «very athletic» — but from start to finish, one can't give Johnson enough credit for making these asinine movies work as well as they do.
heralds the seamless contributions of Matte World Digital (note that Craig Barron, Fincher's one - time colleague at ILM, stubbornly calls the Star Wars movie they worked on together Revenge of the Jedi).
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