Sentences with phrase «moving average population»

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Populations moving northward The North Atlantic has been warming at 0.41 º Fahrenheit (0.23 ° Celsius) per decade from 1982 to 2006, or close to twice the global average for marine ecosystems, according to one widely cited study.
«If a plan sponsor can move to a QDIA that on average fits their plan population better by 15 equity percentage points, they should be willing to pay approximately 20 basis points for that type of improvement,» he says.
Relationships: The First Time..., by Nathan Yau, looks at data of big life events for Americans, such as when they had sex for the first time, moved in with a significant other, and got married, and determines the average for the American population.
The majority of these studies report short - term (days, weeks or a few months, see [10]-RRB- «shock» responses that do not incorporate the longer - term potential for species gradual acclimatization (i.e. respond via phenotypic plasticity, see [11]-RRB- or adaptation (the selection of extant genetic variation that moves the average phenotype of a population towards the fitness peak).
While demographic factors in some metros, such as a younger than average population, may be fueling unequal housing outcomes, along with a national trend that has been pointing to a gradually widening gap, there still seems to be plenty of opportunity for changes to local housing policy that could move the needle in a favorable wave for low - income groups.
«On average, 20 percent of the population moves in a given year,» says Beggins.
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