Sentences with phrase «moving flexible jobs»

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«Extremely flexible with scheduling, you work with similar personalities so everyone tends to get along, you move up quickly, you genuinely feel appreciated 9 times out 10, free meal every day that you work, great pay and excellent benefits for a rewarding job
Why employees are fans: «Extremely flexible with scheduling, you work with similar personalities so everyone tends to get along, you move up quickly, you genuinely feel appreciated 9 times out 10, free meal every day that you work, great pay and excellent benefits for a rewarding job
Because of frequent moves and home - based responsibilities, military spouses want flexible work options or jobs with organizations that understand the military lifestyle.
Even though IBM and its subsidiaries continue to offer great flexible options, including remote and temporary jobs, the company's recent «move - or - leave» policy is designed to bolster the company's competitiveness in the marketplace, according to news reports.
The study, published in the journal, Community, Work, and Family, examined the flexible work arrangements of 545 U.S. employers and found most arrangements center around allowing employees to move where they work and when they report in, but didn't include reduction of work or temporary leaves from jobs.
These include vacation time, flexible working hours, telecommuting, job title, moving expenses, training costs and dues for professional associations.
Instead, use employment gaps as a talking point in the interview to emphasize that you're moving into a new phase and are now eager and fully prepared to get back to a flexible job.
Utilizing these great discounts can really fast - track your career search and enhance your ability as a job seeker to move forward with a great flexible career path.
With companies looking to be more agile and flexible in responding to changing economics, many employees find themselves downsized, underemployed, or forced to move to new states or countries in order to keep the same job.
In this episode of Career Rehab, a mother of two shares her story with four top career experts about her struggle to move from a flexible job to a potentially demanding career.
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