Sentences with phrase «moving out of that confusion»

But it will start moving out of that confusion in 2008.

Not exact matches

In the strange and bewildering complex of human willing and action, God moves through lure and attraction to bring the greatest good out of the confusion of human events.
while breifly going thru this artical it was makeing my stomach turn, this is just what the devil wants is for doubt and confusion, christianity is growing stronger than ever, souls are being saved and lives are changing every day, and do nt for one minute think any different, or try tp put christians down, why would we loose faith, god answers our prayers everyday, think what you want and do what you do, but do nt try to put things in other people's opinion or minds, jesus died for our sins, so that we can have better lives and be forgiven for our sins here on earth and move on to a beter place, becouse souls do nt die «read the bible, if you do nt understand it, find a church that can help you learn a better way of life, I pray for everyone out there that does nt know jesus christ as ther savior to accept what he has to offer to you «love forgiveness and ever lasting life «Christians» stay strong and [ass the word of god on and share all your tedtimonies in life» god bless everyone»»
Time, Babylon's internal confusion, and his own growing prestige all worked for him; and when at last in October, 539, he moved in battle array against the city, the populace threw open the gates and poured out of the city to welcome him.
He didn't know what to do with Fabregas when he went back to Barca, Sane, so far so good but not out of this world just yet, Sterling still hot and cold... so much uncertainty and confusion will plague the young man if he moved to city and I'm sure his handlers are savvy enough to see that.
When you move up in time frame you get a natural «filter» that works to smooth out the noise and confusion of the small time frames.
To figure out the right money moves for you, we turned to some financial experts to sort through some of the confusion.
To avoid confusion, move your savings out of your checking account and into an investment account at the end of each month.
After a week of segments on climate confusion, oil sands and cities and efficiency, we moved out to the broadest view of the human adventure, with a discussion of the notion that Earth has entered an epoch called the Anthropocene.
Preparing the plan before there is a separation, while both parents are still living in the home, reduces the chaos or confusion when a parent moves out of the home.
Helping a couple move out of the maze of pain and confusion and into love, understanding, and connection.
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