Sentences with phrase «moving people toward»

It is this fact which, as in the early church so now, has been a powerful force in moving people toward the acceptance of the second part of the argument, namely, that there must be an authoritative church which will adjudicate finally, absolutely, and even infallibly on which interpretations should be seen as resulting from the Spirit's illumination and which should not.
Yeah, I have lots of questions too, and know that while my attempts at answers will not be satisfactory to all (they don't fully satisfy me either), I hope that what I write can help move people toward a deeper conversation about these things and a way of viewing God that looks like Jesus on the cross.
The goal from the American Diabetes Association was to move people toward making healthier choices for lunch.
Responsible Decision Making — the ability to make choices that not only move a person toward a goal but also demonstrate responsibility by consideration of the consequences to all others who could be affected by the decision and acting according to the best outcomes for all.

Not exact matches

Emotionally intelligent people separate their thoughts from the facts in order to escape the cycle of negativity and move toward a positive, new outlook.
This will keep you moving toward your financial goals and stop you from spending money on things you don't need, to impress people you don't like.
Companies will also move toward creating campus - like office buildings, like Chiswick Park in England, with amenities and events that draw people in.
In an unconscious attempt to find an escape route, people who are lying often angle their bodies toward the door if they're sitting, and if they're standing, they may even move closer to the door.
When Bradberry advises entrepreneurs to leverage their relationships and resources, he means that they should contact all sorts of qualified people in business who can help them make connections and network and make all sorts of other judicious business moves that will nudge them toward profitability.
In it, he described how religion had gradually moved toward respect for all people.
By Shadow of Truth from The Daily Coin: There is a trend, we can see a clear opposition is growing, we have more people moving toward our point of view than the Statists» views.
Instead, you move toward a «free disposal» equilibrium where people use and enjoy the information but there are no excess profits available from that use.
Seems like we are moving toward MORE GUNS as the solution, so next time some psycho starts gunning people down in a dark theater, maybe the best course will be to hit the deck and crawl under the chairs as the bullets start flying around in the dark as George Zimmerman - type cop wannabes pull out their heat at the first loud bang and start blasting away in the dark at «susp - icious» people.
The job will move ahead and make strides toward good when good people take action together.
The global turn toward capitalism began not long after, in 1989, and within twenty - five years some two billion people had begun moving from communism and socialism toward capitalism, and thence out of poverty and into steadily advancing standards of living.
Since you easily pick up the feelings of your parishioners and you know almost immediately how to best respond to those feelings, it would serve you well to ask some hard questions about your impulses: Why do I feel like I need to move toward this person and see what they might need from me?
People with such disorders do not respond healthily to «encouragement and moral support» so that they will guard «against depression and move toward healing».
«I think it's a perfect time and a great time for Congress to start moving toward this representation on diversity and really this common ideal that regardless of what our differences might be, we all need to come together now to do what's best for the people,» Gabbard said.
To put it simply, most of their work is high - level illustration of supernatural truth, not stories of people on the move toward belief.
Again, the Christian religious practice of going back to the Old Testament to relive the archaic events Yahweh performed on his people, a practice which was commanded by both Yahweh and Christ, is really a call for the people of God to move forward and continue the march toward the Promised Land.
Third, Jesus is not withdrawing before the Herod family's threats but rather moving openly toward the people.
Trouble I've Seen challenges us to lament our past, to recognize the depth of racism in ourselves and our churches, and to change our ways, beginning to move toward the rich fellowship that God intends for all people.
They are moving toward relational evangelism, recognizing that big tent, big event evangelism does not achieve the long - term results which comes only through long - term relationships with other people.
That is a great way to raise your sons, and a great suggestion for all people moving toward pastoral ministry.
He expected that faith, the third element in St. Paul's triad, would increase, but he found that many people move away from, not toward, religion as they age.
Reconciliation occurs as people with differences move toward common concerns.
The chapter entitled «Waging Identity Wars» forced me to confront some of the reasons why I can be cruel and dismissive toward conservative evangelicals (``... when we're suffering an identity crisis, we take cheap shots at other groups in order to feel better about ourselves») and how to move forward (``... we must affirm who we really are as the people of God before we can begin to interact with each other as the people of God.»)
From Nadia Bolz Weber «The Sarcastic Lutheran»: «So when I reject my identity as beloved child of God and turn to my own plans of self - satisfaction, or I despair that I haven't managed to be a good enough person, I again see our divine Parent running toward me uninterested in what I've done or not done, who covers me in divine love and I melt into something new like having again been moved from death to life and I reconcile aspects of myself and I reconcile to others around me.
They hopefully move us toward real and genuine relationships with the important people around us and in our daily lives but to gain stratosperic or exopheric knowledge without those changes at the root and I often think «Whats the point?»
Hence love has a tangent within it which moves through the other person toward the fullness of being which is God himself.
But when a person crosses the halfway point in his life, his value «vacuum» or inner poverty becomes painfully obvious as he moves on the downward slope toward death.
If we are to move toward a more just placement system for women, there are three groups of persons who can play an important role in bringing about such change: the men who currently serve as senior pastors, the men and women who serve as denominational placement officers, and the clergywomen themselves.
People who consider and can see the logic and possiblity of both are moving more toward the middle ground which generally holds more truth than the far right or left sides of an argument.
This is just the next step in the US in moving toward equality, and these are just the latest people opposing equality and doing it hiding behind their Bible and Jesus.
Perhaps we are finally moving toward the cultivation of an alternative way to do the nation's business of forging one from many — namely, dialogue: people talking, with moral passion, with respect, and with agreement that we fall or stand together.
He suggests that the world should move toward a reestablishment of colonialism, or, if people prefer, a United Nations - sponsored trusteeship system.
Like Buber, too, he sees the person as moving in a positive direction toward unique goals that the person himself can but dimly define.
Never is the image of God, toward which we are moving and which is the light of the Logos spermatikos in us («the light that enlightens» every person, as John puts it) utterly and totally destroyed.
As we slowly move toward a proposal for why the God of the Old Testament commanded the Israelites to engage in warfare against the the Canaanites, I am laying out some of the views that people have on this tough issue.
Then Elijah said to all the people, «Come in closer toward me»; and they all moved in toward him.
In asserting that «we are moving toward a completely religionless time» and that religion is opposed to being Christian, he declares that we must live as persons who manage our lives in a kind of Christian worldliness, a Christianity without religion, but certainly not Christianity without God.
The move was seen by many as another step toward Hindu nationalism since 2014, when the country elected as its prime minister Narendra Modi — the only person once banned by the United States because of alleged religious freedom violations.
For many people, these are signs that the church is, if not already dead, steadily moving toward the grave.
But surely the first move toward that code is to teach children that it is care for another person, rather than the pursuit of pleasure, that is the source of sexual feeling.
Theirs is a God who voluntarily and graciously makes room in his reality for creation with its time and space and moves on a journey together with people toward that fulfillment.
In relationships, she says, contemporary people move toward the frozen, the orderly and, therefore, the unfelt.
In recent years, however, numerous persons in both traditions have moved toward a new and creative sexual ethics.
The church's ministration is basically one of caring for its people and enabling them to lead the gospel life and thus to move the world on toward salvation.
An Emergent definition of relevance, modulated by resistance, might run something like this; relevance means listening before speaking; relevance means interpreting the culture to itself by noting the ways in which certain cultural productions gesture toward a transcendent grace and beauty; relevance means being ready to give an account for the hope that we have and being in places where someone might actually ask; relevance means believing that we might learn something from those who are most unlike us; relevance means not so much translating the churches language to the culture as translating the culture's language back to the church; relevance means making theological sense of the depth that people discover in the oddest places of ordinary living and then using that experience to draw them to the source of that depth (Augustine seems to imply such a move in his reflections on beauty and transience in his Confessions).
A move toward more endepindent reporting and more Americans reading news sources that don't contain AP reports would not only be good for coverage and American democracy, but it would revitalize the field of journalism and create more jobs for journalists if people weren't satisfied merely with what the AP or other syndicated sources are handing out.
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