Sentences with phrase «much a debate about»

But there's still much debate about what exactly is in or out.
There has been much debate about how blockchain could solve this problem, but a recent Newsweek report detailing the example of a home title being issued on the Ethereum blockchain showed a solution: It's only a matter of time, the article said, before government agencies start embracing blockchain as a valid alternative to existing title processes.
The federal government's recent decision to block the takeover of Potash Corp. by Australian mining company BHP Billiton has sparked much debate about which types of Canadian industries should be protected from foreign buyers.
At the same time, there's much debate about the economy and their membership in the EU.
In today's market, there's much debate about what type of mortgage to get - an adjustable - rate or a fixed mortgage - and how do you know when it's time to consider refinancing an adjustable - rate mortgage?
Over the recent weeks, there has been much debate about the notable increase of issuance in the fledgling green bond market.
There is much debate about the sensibility of these tariffs, but rather than wade into that morass, let's examine what tariffs are and how they impact the economy and your investments.
In some respects, the Reformation was as much a debate about the church fathers as it was about the Bible itself: «Whose Cyprian?»
In the twentieth - century, there has been much debate about the identity of John.
There has been much debate about the Virgin Birth or, as it is properly described, the virginal conception of Jesus.
Whatever one's viewpoint on such policies is (and there's been much debate about whether these were promises or merely aspirations on Corbyn's part), one can not deny they were a vote winner — they were relevant, meaningful and appealing.
That it was unusual for a Jewish rabbi to be unmarried and there was much debate about this for a long time, as there still is today.
I think of examples like Shakespeare and Socrates, where there is much debate about the true author of the words and yet no one debates the value of the words themselves regardless of the author.
There is much debate about exactly where in John this particular story should have been ascribed, as it did not show up until the 5th century, but rarely any discussion about it's legitimacy.
Too much debate about scriptural authority has had the form of people hitting one another with locked suitcases.
While the public vote has been the focus of much debate about the planned Islamic center and mosque, the commission can not prevent the developers from building such a community center.
There's much debate about grains and flour and their health benefits.
There was much debate about the merits of third party standards vis - à - vis in - house schemes.
There is much debate about where ceviche originated, which most sources narrowing the location down to either Peru or Ecuador.
Mourinho and Pogba have clashed on a number of occasions this season and there has been much debate about who's really at fault.
With the imminent North London Derby coming up on Saturday morning, there will be much debate about which Arsenal players should be starting this crucial game on St Totteringham's Day.
I have seen much debate about performance last season and this.
In recent years there has been much debate about the positive outcomes of fathers involvement in their children's education and upbringing and the barriers men face in accessing parental support services (see Ghate et al 2000, Ryan 2000).
There is much debate about the clinical and cost effectiveness of the different models of maternity care (Ryan 2013) and hence continuing debate on the optimal model of care for routine ante -, intra - and postnatal care for healthy pregnant women (Sutcliffe 2012; Walsh 2012).
And there is much debate about whether Finland's lower infant mortality rate has anything to do with cardboard boxes as bassinets and perhaps more to do with modern antibiotics, immunization and prenatal care.
In addition, there is much debate about the clinical and cost effectiveness of the different models of maternity care (Ryan 2013) and hence continuing debate on the optimal model of care for routine ante, intra and postnatal care for healthy pregnant women (Sutcliffe 2012; Walsh 2012).
There is much debate about whether the Conservative pledge to hold an in / out referendum on the EU will win votes from UKIP, or whether UKIP supporters are more concerned with other issues such as immigration.
Right now what we need is not so much a debate about opposition, but one about alternatives.
There is much debate about whether these patients should be classified as LKS or a variant of LKS.
That dogs evolved from gray wolves is well accepted but there's much debate about where and when man's best friend was first domesticated.
Trophy hunting of lions, the killing of selected individual animals for sport, is highly controversial, and there is much debate about what it contributes to conservation.
Margaret Wertheim M.S., R.D., L.D.N. by Margaret Wertheim, MS, RD, LDN There has been much debate about what the ideal diet is for weight loss, optimum health and of course, fertility.
There has been much debate about the efficacy of diets that prefer foods with a low glycemic index or low glycemic load.
YogaUOnline: There has been much debate about yoga injuries.
There has much debate about creatine purity and it is not accepted that not all creatine is created equal.
Rates have already been low for several years, and there's much debate about the benefits and costs of the Fed's policies — including the message it sends that the economy's recovery is slower than expected.
Her conviction was controversial, and sparked much debate about whether Grace was actually involved in the murder, or merely an unwitting accessory.
There is still much debate about this and we probably won't see much clarity until the fall.
As schools around the world focus on how best to prepare students for success in the 21st century, there's been much debate about what approach works best.
To date, there has been much debate about the pros and cons of such an approach.
There has been much debate about the appropriateness and practicality of attributing academic staff time to activities.
And too many decisions and too much debate about schools seem, as he wrote, «completely disconnected to the teaching of children.»
While there is much debate about the success of school reform, there is one thing almost everyone, on all sides of the debate, agrees on — teachers are the most important school resource.
There is much debate about whether current statewide assessments hinder innovation in high school designs, particularly those that emphasize competency - based and personalized learning.
Since education began there has always been much debate about what children need to learn and how they should be taught to learn.
There is much debate about what the best James Bond car is.
There is much debate about the engine of the GTO MR; some say it has the normal 9B turbos, others say it is putting up 10 psi on factory installed 11B turbos.
There's not much debate about it — the better your lights, the more you see, the safer you are.
There is much debate about whether companies should increase shareholder value by repurchasing their shares or returning excess cash to shareholders by way of dividends.
So why is there so much debate about which plan is best?
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