Sentences with phrase «much a proof of»

There is so much proof of evolution, and none of creationism.
Sadly, there is as much proof of the existence of Zeus as there is proof of the existence of your christian god., editors and and Pregnancy & Newborn editors test and offer their opinions on some baby swings while other magazines like American Baby Magazine offer the editors» pick without much proof of testing.
«This is very much a proof of principle,» says Rubin, «We're not interested in cave bears; we're interested in Neanderthals.»
But there's a nagging emptiness where its center ought to be, a feeling that what we're watching isn't a finished film so much a proof of concept, a skilled, slightly warped cover version of a familiar tune.
How much proof of its effectiveness does school choice need to show before it finally takes hold?
4K resolution and 120 frames per second with realistic character models are not always required to create an empathic connection to the game, and this game is very much proof of that.
How much proof of a connection between CO2 and pine bark beetles do we need before we become legitimately alarmed, rather than have concerns dismissed as needlessly «alarmist»?
A nudge - towards - the - norm, however violent, doesn't offer much proof of an imminent apocalypse.
As this is still very much a proof of concept, there wasn't much that could be used or tested on the Project Linda hardware.
There's much proof of our relationship and the bond we share together throughout this website.

Not exact matches

While his burger has not yet stimulated our culinary juices as much as our innovative ones it's a powerful proof of concept and important first step.
The emergence and explosion of the explosion of the Internet seems proof that people innately want to be free and they very much want the tools that allow that to happen.
They believe UTXO has much more in scalability terms for business functions by having limiting information and «Proof of Consensus» model, and they wanted to build something that could act as the ether for those who were hard at work mining in the bitcoin UTXO community.
Consultant B has created much more social proof of their accomplishments.
Because neither of these allegations resulted in criminal charges, much less convictions, they're not proof of anything.
But, as of yesterday, new proof has come out showing how much millennials» debt is affecting the economy.
Zhao had previously declined requests from Bloomberg News to grant access to Binance's financial statements, or to provide proof of his personal wealth, which he claims is as much as $ 2 bln.
One advantage of ASIC mining rigs was that Proof - of - Work consensus algorithm - based cryptocurrencies were able to mine at much faster hash rates, making transaction processing times much quicker than ever before.
The combination of fear, social proof [other investors are selling], loss aversion [we feel losses twice as much as gains] and recency bias [we overweigh what has happened recently and underweigh or ignore the long term evidence] counteract the average investors attempt to make a rational decision.
While that might sound too good to be true for the long - waiting ethereum faithful, CoinDesk has confirmed that the network's creator, Vitalik Buterin, is now in the process of crafting three white papers explaining Casper, the protocol's much - anticipated version of proof - of - stake consensus.
The fact that you, a «non-believer», have spent this much time and energy defaming the Holy Son of God, just adds to the mountain of proof that Jesus Christ is a force that must be reckoned with by every human being.
There is ample evidence for the existence of God, what you decide to do with this evidence is ultimately up to you, but do not claim that there is none... and I would submit to you that many people believe many things without evidence every single day... but do not lump all people of faith into one basket... I have personal proof that God exists, but proof for me may not be proof for you, some people can see something with their own eyes and still deny it, that is why I said it is ultimately up to you to decide what you believe... there is much evidence both for and against the existence of God, you need to decide which evidence you choose to believe...
People like you doubt that the earth was created billions of years ago despite the fact that there is so much proof that it was.
There is sooooo much more proof that religion is a farce then there is supporting the fables in your book of Mormons, old testaments, new testaments and Quran!!!
Then pretending that those who lack their belief also have a faith based position demand much less intellectual discipline is a much easier option than facing up to the burden of proof they give when insisting they believe what they do.
Name a single Atheist charity, orphanage, Hospital anything Run by Atheists for the benefit of there fellow man... You love yourselves to much to consider helping those in need, The proof is in the pudding
I have seen much more proof of GOD than than I have of scietific «fact» Gods word hasn't changed in 6000 years.
Meanwhile, to Hawking's supporters who suggest that I am not owning up to his scientific «proofs,» I believe airwx has already said it best for me — he's a THEORETICAL physicist, and having read some of his work, I'm smart enough to know that much of what he says about God is an exercise in jumping to conclusions, even as sound as much of his scientific work is.
you sir are practicing a religion one that means so much to you that you use it as your online name also please show me where I call you a fool or is telling someone not to make a fool of themself the same as calling them a fool which would mean you are very religious as far as Colin he said nothing that related to the debate I was in with you... we are talking about Atheism as a religious view not debating the existence of God now look over the definitions I have shown you and please explain how Atheism does not fit into the said definitions And you claim that evolution is true so the burden of proof falls in your lap as it is the base of your religion.
I believe god is love, I think we have little ability to understand much beyond that at this point and those who would define and codify god are arrogant fools doing harm in this world, I believe that the absence of love in anything is proof that it doesn't come from god, fire and brimstone does not come from god, unconditional love and acceptance does.
Loving one another (family specifically) unconditionally and teaching love by example is far more of a noble focus than spending much of our time obsessing over and trying to please a god whom there is zero proof of existence.
They point to the priest sex scandals as proof positive that chastity is too much to ask of people — completely ignoring that it was the randy absence of chastity that created the scandals in the first place.
He says that he has as much proof for the existence of Jesus as he does for the existence of Einstein.
You can do alot of detective work to find that the boyfriend pretty much couldn't exist but if the person deeply believes then logical proof most likely won't work.
So right off the bat, these are weak statements, much less proofs of anything.
I'm not saying that I believe this, of course there is about as much proof to this as there are to any other religions.
There is as much proof (more so in some cases) that Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster and backside probing aliens exist than there is of gods.
It is not much of a proof of Christ and has certainly been a stumbling point for me.
If God were real, given that there are billions of believers and over a billion Christians, if God cared about us so much it seems to me there would be more people who had the «proof» you claim to have.
The good news is that there is just as much proof that Valhalla exists as there is proof of Heaven!
You are embraced, wrapped and protected in His Kevlar Love and you're bullet proof against the shrapnel lies of being not enough or too much.
I'm not even actually denying that Jesus was real, but there is absolutely no proof that he was the son of god or divine in any manner, so sorry, he holds as much credence as Harry does.
Conservative Christians make much use of the proof - text method, e.g., Jehovah's Witnesses.
(And rendering only a partial quote is much like biblical proof texting in my opinion) I am kind of a stickler on such details, as a sloppy portrayal of another's words often leads to inaccurate representation of their intent.
the proof of Gods presence in us is not limited to the material or biological evolutionary development only, but most important scientific proof is the effect of His will in historical development of the world.A computer program now used and tested a powerful machine by inputing all recorded events in history during the last hundreds years and found out that it has a purpose and not random.Meaning that an intelligent being could have influence it.It is now presumed by the religious observers that it could be His will.The process now is under improvement, because the computers is not powerl enough the deluge of information and data since the beginning of history, some analyst believes that in them near future if the Quantum computers which is much powerful than the present coventional will be used, then dramatic results and confirmation will be at hand.
I suppose if you doubt the Bible, then my proof - texting isn't of much value.
Arkes does much to demonstrate that the Founders had an understanding of that discourse which we ourselves generally lack; Prof. Smolin, in aiming to disagree with Arkes, inadvertently provides his own proof.
There is no tested evidence of these natural explanations, much less proof, but the existence of multiple natural possibilities negates the Big Bang and Inflation as proof of God (that doesn't mean it proves No God, it means that it can't prove God did it since there are other alternatives).
The Church has no proof of GOD even, much less «The Devil».
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