Sentences with phrase «much about dealing»

As much about dealing with the pain of parting as an artistic memoir, this is a bittersweet delight.
«I love creating content, but I don't care as much about dealing with the business stuff,» Hardwick says.
Since the deal was officially approved by the European Parliament in February, however, it's possible that you may not have heard much about the deal.

Not exact matches

Many burgeoning entrepreneurs are too optimistic about expenses, often underestimating how much they're actually spending and finding themselves dealing with severe budget issues.
When it comes to the final test of value, it's not as much about the price of the house as the perception that the buyer is getting a deal.
You might be working on gaining an essential contract or be just about to close a deal and your client asks for your company registration number — At this point of course you can register a new company but, how much easier would it be to use a readily available genuine company number.
The idea is to try and find what the other party really wants out of the deal while also identifying what you might not care as much about yourself, which are great places for compromise.
Everyone loves a deal, and when there is so much talk about a weak economy, a sweetheart of an offer can help turn undecided clients into buyers.
To close these deals, you need to ask questions and learn as much as possible about the customer's needs, strengths, weaknesses, decision - making process, and brand.
In others, like Disney's acquisition of Capital Cities (then the parent of ABC), the stock would have remained about the same, implying the deal didn't add much of anything to the bottom line.
The corporate headquarters of the new global company will be in Canada but, despite much speculation about the possible tax benefits of such a deal, Behring said taxes weren't a motivating force for the move.
Citing a news magazine in Brazil, Bloomberg said rumors of the deal boosted Diageo's shares by as much as 8.7 % and lifted the liquor company's market value to about $ 73 billion.
The deal for the Canadian miner was one of the biggest takeovers of a Canadian corporate household name and prompted much hand wringing about foreign ownership.
Several believe the company would have been better off saying little about Russian interference and note that other companies, such as Twitter, which have stayed relatively quiet on the issue, have not had to deal with as much criticism.
There is, of course, a great deal of skepticism about the 7 % real GDP growth rate that China has reported, but we should remember that in the first quarter, nominal GDP growth was much lower, 5.8 %.
Most of these deals go through a privatized economic development agency called JobsOhio, which doesn't require as much transparency as a public agency about what taxpayers are getting for their money.
Enter Angela Merkel, who comes carrying much the same message about the Iran deal and trade.
You've already heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but there's so much more to know about seasonal deals.
I've had 3 weeks to decide what to do about a replacement car and as much as I want to be a devout Financial Samurai, a car costing 1 / 10th my income would not work for me because I'm afraid of the mechanical issues I'll have to deal with having an older car.
Learn more about your mortgage and you'll be better able to get the best deal available and make it that much easier to afford the home of your dreams.
But the important question is about future Chinese gas demand: how much is satisfied by pipeline deals and how much is satisfied by domestic production, which could include shale gas?
My house is worth about 1 Million, my mortgage is 170k or so now, I am going to lock in at 3.7 % for 5 years, and after this 5 year run, I won't have much left to deal with and hopefully Canada doesn't become Visa by then.
Although the title suggested very low cost start ups, much of the book was about startups that involved a great deal more funding and even discussed incorporation and starting non-profits.
If this world of ours can come to grips and learn to scrap religious views and just serve one God and ONLY ONE GOD without making a such a BIG DEAL about messianic belief, it would be a much more peaceful world to live in.
Lyrically, however, disco has much less to say about our modern - democratic era, and so my Songbook seldom deals with it.
Hey LMB123, I'll make you a deal: I won't claim to know much about Mormonism and you don't assume to know anything about how the Protestant churches operate.
(titled after William Faulkner after John Donne), in which I said much of what I had to say about the package deal that is mortality.
The brain abnormacy is physical and inherited, but learning as much as you can about what it is, and having a support group of people to talk to and to see as other peopl dealing with these same things, who overcame them, can «save your life», as it did mine.
This post deals with questions about being in Christ, getting forgiveness from God, and how the Reformation didn't reform much.
No worries though, I had warned him about you before he came to this page last night... he was well prepared to deal with your 5 year old mind... in fact you've provided much humor the last few weeks for us - we find it hard to believe people like you still exist in this world.
Even if Lowe was right to take this remark as downplaying Bergson's influence, it is the sort of question one gets from graduate students who may be overly eager to trace down connections instead of dealing with ideas, and Whitehead was never much for worrying about these sorts of things either.
One of the reasons psychiatrists have had so much negativism about religion is surely that they have had to deal with the wreckage left by a petty and self - righteous religiousness.
We never learn much about her history, save for a few significant bombshells down the road, yet she feels a good deal more dimensional than about 95 % of characters in film history.
To Ken Margo: I am totally agree with you about this evil thing going around the earth... this evil minded people is there everywhere regardless of faith... that was not what i was trying to say... my point was to be able to recognize the One True God who is Unseen and who has no partners as He is not in need of any partners but we the creation is in need of Him... thats all... I wish I could do something to stop all these taking place around the earth... I think we human fear the fed laws more than we fear the laws of our Creator, for example not to associate any partner with Him, taking the life of others, drug dealing, human trafficking, believing in hereafter and so on... I remember a story that I was talking with one of my friends... I was telling him look we all obey the law of the land so much like for example when we drive and no one moves even an inch when there is a school bus stop to pick / drop kids as it is a fed laws but when it comes to the laws of our Creator, we don't care... like having physical relationship outside of marriage and many more... then he said something nice... he said that its because we see the consequence of breaking the law of the land but we do not see the punishment of hereafter even though it is mentioned very details in Quran, it even gives pictures of hereafter....
We talk a great deal about «right to life,» «freedom of choice» and «self - determination,» but not too much about indebtedness.
Some of our friends and acquaintances put a great deal of effort into holding creatively themed birthdays and getting their kids into the right dance classes and sport programs, identifying peanut allergies and purchasing BPA - free water bottles, and having endless conversations about the negative effects of too much technology in the home, frequently interrupted by pinging phones and debates about which phone plan is best.
You may not WANT it to be this way, simply because it labels athiest in the same manner as thiests, but that's not going to change the fact that an athiest has a BELIEF about something dealing with a deity just as much as a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Christian, etc. has a BELIEF about something dealing with a deity.
We are not given much information about the hereafter, but we are confronted by the absolute seriousness of God's claim upon us and the importance of dealing with that claim now.
«The choice is about who they believe has the strong and stable leadership to take us through the Brexit negotiations to get the possible deal because so much of our future depends on that.»
My argument is that while science does tell us much about the world around us, IT (science - our most favored epistemological standard) obviously only deals with the physical and can not disprove the spiritual, and that there are other ways of knowing truth that do prove (support is the word I prefer, since no «proof» is satisfactory to al epistemological standards) the existence of God.
From what I have seen on my Facebook feed, pretty much any blog or story about how to deal with the demise of «the church» in «this generation» is guaranteed to go viral.
I have learned as much from (maybe even more) about life from dealing with issues surrounding death (lost a brother when I was 20 — he was 25).
I don't necessarily ascribe to the belief that God «wrote the Bible,» and I do believe, as I think you illustrated in a post about women in church leadership, that much of it was written in a specific time to specific people — therefore, when dealing with the Old Testament, we have to keep in mind the times in which it was written and by whom.
A good deal has been said about its economic and political effects, but not much about its cultural consequences.
But it compels us to raise the horizon of our faith beyond ourselves as Christians, to expand our theological frontiers, and to engage ourselves with the life and faith of men, women and children around us who also have much to tell us about how God has been dealing with them.
Here, she tells us about her upcoming move to the South of France as a way to be closer to nature, her bedtime and beauty routines, her ways of dealing with jet lag, why she makes a point of packing parmesan and olive oil to bring on her journeys, and much more.
As for microwave, there is SO much confusion about microwaves but here's the deal: there are all kinds of waves, radio waves, light bulb waves, ultra violet waves, etc. microwaves are somewhere between radio & light bulb waves.
In this interview, Renee tells us in depth about her bedtime and beauty routines, her approach to nourishment and exercise, her ways of dealing with stress, and much more.
In this interview, Jessica tells us about how much changed for her when she switched to a plant - based diet, from her health to her mindset, as well as about using alone time as a way of dealing with stress, a really fun form of exercise that she does five times a week, the importance of simplicity in skincare, her dream morning routine, and much more.
In this interview, Chi tells us about her morning and bedtime routines, her ways of dealing with stress, the simple beauty tricks she's learned from her mother, making space for the occasional cake and wine, and much more.
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