Sentences with phrase «much about our intelligence»

We have learned so much about the intelligence, cognitive and social, of so many animals — humpback whales, orcas, bottlenose dolphins, elephants, gray parrots, dogs, and so on — all of it quite fascinating, thought - provoking, and in many cases delightful, and it seems a cruel impoverishment of our speculative and moral imaginations to dismiss it all as a process of biomechanical stimulus and response, only accidentally resembling the workings of human consciousness.
Natural selection can only explain so much about our intelligence.

Not exact matches

Much of emotional intelligence comes down to social awareness; the ability to read other people, know what they're about, and understand what they're going through.
This is significant because it builds on what has long been considered Facebook's greatest strength — how much it knows about us — and discards its biggest weakness, which was that it could only use that intelligence within the social network.
To train one's children in the infantilism of creationism / I.D., (so called «intelligent design», which... if true... DOES N'T say much about the alleged «intelligence» of the alleged «Designer»!)
well just thinking about these wars in the muslim / mid-east world over religious differences (which may reflect mental states in many ways) in a world where most realize that living in the present moment is best way to happiness and being in the moment in non-strife and awareness through the teachings of masters such as found in the buddhist, taoist, zen, etc., etc., etc. spriritually based practices of religious like thought and teachings, etc. that to ask these scientifically educated populace whom have access to vast amounts of knowledges and understandings on the internet, etc. to believe in past beliefs that perhaps gave basis and inspiration to that which followed — but is not the end all of all times or knowledges — and is thus — non self - sustaining in a belief that does not encompass growth of knowledge and understanding of all truths and being as it is or could be — is to not respect the intelligence and minds and personage of even themselves — not to be disrespected nor disrespectful in any way — only to point out that perhaps too much is asked to put others into the cloak of blind faith and adherance to the past that disregards the realities of the present and the potential of the future... so you try to live in the past — and destroy your present and your future — where is the intelligence in that — and why do people continually fear monger or allow to be fear — mongered into this destructive vision of the future based upon the past?
These days, the ability to talk about politics in a knowing way is treated as a mark of sophistication, so much so, I think, that we've come tacitly to regard political analysis as the rightful domain of intelligence.
«I still think baseball takes more intelligence than any other sport,» he says, adding much about the «hulks» who play football, though he supposes he should not be quoted.
While much has been learned about the inherited genetics of intelligence (what is), these same scientific studies emphasize the importance of environment (what can be).
Much of what is written about the British intelligence and security agencies suffers from either a lack of access to sources or a touch of the Ian Flemings.
Aldrich and Cormac are particularly revealing about the government management of intelligence and security, with SIS and GCHQ coming under the jurisdiction of the Foreign Secretary (but for how much longer?)
There are news reports (some of which are leaked from U.S. intelligence sources) that some parts of the Pakistani government bureaucracy is not concerned about the bombings, while other parts of the Pakistani government very much wants to end them (see, for example, here).
Area law enforcers say they don't know much about why the New York Police Department had officers from its intelligence unit prowling locally and on the University at Buffalo campus.
About 1,500 of the city's 36,000 police officers are deployed full - time to prevent terrorism, and much of the tab is picked up by the federal government, which helps pay for security cameras, chemical - detection equipment, bomb - sniffing dogs and intelligence gathering.
«It is not too much to ask that companies make sure they aren't sending private information about their customers, their clients, and their employees to intelligence agencies,» Schiff said.
Kabadai concluded: «There is still so much we need to understand and learn about the relationship between intelligence and brain size, as well as the structure of a bird's brain, but this study clearly shows that bird brains are not simply birdbrains after all!»
This is very common for emotional eaters because again, it's not about your level of intelligence, nor is it about how much information you can collect about emotional eating.
As an up - and - coming intelligence analyst, Jack is put into the field for the first time, assuring that the series will be as much about action as it is about intelligence gathering.
The boisterousness of the film's finale, with its sieges and rescues, its lightning bolts and flash floods, relieves what would otherwise be an almost unbearably sad evocation of what is least preservable about youthful experience: not so much the loss of that «innocence» that is such a hackneyed motif of modern American culture (and for which summer camps have always been a favored location) but the awakening of the first radiance of mature intelligence in a world liable to be indifferent or hostile to it, an intelligence that can conceive everything and realize only the tiniest fragment of it.
Take Shelter (d. Jeff Nichols) Much ink has been spilled about the closing moments of Jeff Nichols's sophomore effort, yet the real mark of his intelligence is not his ambiguity about the film's apocalyptic elements, but rather his restraint in framing them as personal matters of faith between a married couple who are about to weather any number of crises, not all of them earth - shattering.
Directed with the same verve, elegance and simplicity auteur Kenneth Branagh once upon a time brought to his Shakespeare epics like Much Ado About Nothing, scripted with somewhat surprising warmth and intelligence by Chris Weitz (About a Boy), this sparkling, effervescent family epic is a melodious revelation.
Much has been written over the last decade about multiple intelligences, learning styles, student - centered learning, and individualized instructional paths.
Teacher, educationalist and examiner Anthony Kerr - Dineen delivered a much ‑ talked ‑ about presentation on the role of character education in young people: how zest, grit, self - control, curiosity, optimism, social intelligence and gratitude (the so ‑ called «super seven»), can be developed in young people through the performing arts.
Nothing much can be done about that when the children reach school, even in pre-kindergarten, so he puts his money on multiple intelligences and the computer.
Collaborating with ones partner Many of the leaders Groysberg and Abrahams interviewed said how much they valued their partners emotional intelligence ~ task focus ~ big - picture thinking ~ detail orientation in short ~ whatever cognitive or behavioral skills balanced out their own tendencies Partners can help them keep their eyes on what matters ~ budget their time and energy ~ live healthfully ~ and make deliberate choices sometimes tough choices about work ~ travel ~ household management ~ and community involvement.
Much talk about Artificial Intelligence would have you believe that it's a superior form of intelligence that is superseIntelligence would have you believe that it's a superior form of intelligence that is superseintelligence that is superseding ours...
The mayor's office staff disdain to play up the rhetoric of free markets in talking about their charter schools, but much of their intelligence derives from outside government: nonprofits and even the private sector.
Much talk about Artificial Intelligence would have you believe that it's a superior form of intelligence that is superseding ours and that AI - driven machines and programs will outproduce and outperform humans as to make uIntelligence would have you believe that it's a superior form of intelligence that is superseding ours and that AI - driven machines and programs will outproduce and outperform humans as to make uintelligence that is superseding ours and that AI - driven machines and programs will outproduce and outperform humans as to make us redundant.
With warmth and intelligence, Penn demystifies so much about what it takes to be a writer for life.
Unlike other retailers, Mofibo also gives all the data back to the publishers, allowing them to learn about their readers, the readers» habits, their environments and much more, effectively providing the publisher with a wealth of business intelligence they have never previously received from a traditional retailer.
What about other dogs that may not be too intelligent from our point of view but still give us much love and companionship i.e. emotional intelligence?
The second thing that makes reviewing The Stanley Parable hard is that it's pretty much impossible to talk about it without sounding pretentious, which is stupid because its a game that you're meant to talk about, yet sadly in today's world attempt to analyse just about anything is seen as being a douche trying to flaunt his intelligence.
Striking how this blog talks about polar bears, hurricanes, melting glaciers, melting sea ice, disappearing frogs, intelligence estimates, the snows of Kilimanjaro, drought, famine, insect infestations, too much rain, lack of rain, and who knows what else, and links it all to AGW.
And I would absolutely NEVER say to you, about a matter of artificial intelligence, «It is a simple point that I should not have bothered spending so much time on, you should get it.»
They can see much further into the future than most lawyers; they endure sleepless nights worrying about the storage and security of big data; and they are typically fascinated by the potential of artificial intelligence to disrupt the traditional law firm business model.
It comes about 20 years too late to be of much help to me, but surely there is someone out there who could use some artificial intelligence on his or her side to make sense of conveyances such as «To Boalt Hall for 10 years, then to the Earl of Arundel and the heirs of his body, then to Duke of Norfolk and his heirs.»
This year's conference included much conversation about artificial intelligence and machine learning.
It also claims to have a much deeper level of intelligence about the names in its database — which also includes more than 1 million organizations.
E-Discovery teams are also discovering that predictive coding can now be applied across multiple phases of the EDRM, enabling them to gain crucial intelligence about a matter much earlier in the process.
Siri will take the iPad even further by shielding the user from having to know much about computers — a huge step beyond icons, mice and even touch into the world of artificial intelligence, but like so many Apple initiatives, you won't realise the enormity of what has been achieved.
There's no doubt about it: Artificial intelligence (AI) is on the rise and is very much a part of our reality.
Much to our delight, Mr. Born, who is a member of the Arbitrator Intelligence Board of Advisors, spoke about AI and its benefits in his keynote speech.
With so much artificial intelligence and machine learning, Google wants to know every single possible thing about you that it can, to «serve you better».
So, collect and refine as much data about your professional self as possible and then apply and exploit it as you would when producing an intelligence report or briefing.
The scale consists of only three items, for example, «Your intelligence is something about you that you can't change very much».
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