Sentences with phrase «much air circulation»

Solid glass walls don't allow for much air circulation and on warm days, these tanks can become too warm for a hamster to be comfortable and even lead to heat stroke.
An aquarium gives a hamster a good view of the world around it, but it doesn't offer as much air circulation or ventilation as a wire cage.
CFL lights run hotter than LEDs, but the Superbox is designed to have as much air circulation and cooling as its larger Supercloset cousins.

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The other (much smaller) major pathway for transporting air from the lower atmosphere to the stratosphere is the Asian monsoon circulation, which prevails in the summer.
Using climate models and data collected about aerosols and meteorology over the past 30 years, the researchers found that air pollution over Asia — much of it coming from China — is impacting global air circulations.
The eastward shift in the Walker Circulation means the normal area of rising air and rainy weather is shifted eastward as well, leaving the Indonesian area high and dry during much of the year.
Or does the circumpolar circulation act as an «water door» much like commercial «air doors» operate?
Much of the inter-annual to decadal scale variability in surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly patterns and related ecosystem effects in the Arctic and elsewhere can be attributed to the superposition of leading modes of variability in the atmospheric circulation.
When the coupled circulation in the Arctic injects ozone into the troposphere it is working with high octane air in terms of its ozone content, much more than in the southern hemisphere.
The global warming trend or cooling trend in the air, initiated by the oceans, then leads on to all the variations in both circulations that seem to be causing so much puzzlement.
If it were not so then climate would be very much more stable than it is with a virtually fixed latitudinal position for the air circulation systems and climate variation being limited only to a basic level of chaotic variability.
The recent atmospheric circulation has driven near normal surface air temperatures (see Figure 7) over much of the central Arctic Ocean (normal compared to a 1981 - 2010 climatology) in the last two months.
General circulation models predict that, for a doubling of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, mean annual air temperatures may rise several degrees over much of the Arctic.
back to the horizontal gradient, if the upper tropospheric thermal wind shear increase is greater than the decrease of the lower layer, then maybe the overall baroclinic instability would be stronger — but currently the upper level eddy circulations do not transport much heat poleward, so would the structure of cyclones change so that a deeper layer of air is involved in the thermal advection, compensating for a weaker temperature gradient?
The result is a much smaller footprint (which dramatically reduces costs), better air circulation, better temperature control and more natural light for all.
Seller added insulation to the attic and return air vents for much improved air circulation upstairs.
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