Sentences with phrase «much as a conversation»

Driving is an exercise in give and take just as much as conversation, bowling, and dancing are.

Not exact matches

No one ever embarks on a conversation thinking, «I'm going to talk too much, interrupt a lot, and generally come off as a self - centered bore.»
If you wonder why there's so much conversation and noise about the entertainment centers, video displays, cameras, as well as the connectivity being built into the new cars and trucks, it's because pretty soon we'll all just be sitting quietly and passively in a comfy seat while the car takes us where we need to go.
«We wanted to make sure that our own country was part of the conversation about global health issues in two ways — one, making sure that we're not thinking of it as issues that affect other people that don't have anything to do with us, but also acknowledging that we can learn so much from what has gone well or new models that are effective in other countries,» Bush tells Business Insider.
«Because we don't get to spend as much time as the founders and devolve our conversations into hour - long epitaphs about cream cheese and whatever.»
It doesn't matter if your meeting has just kicked off, or you maybe haven't been paying as much attention in conversation as you should have been.
Even if it ended up being a 2 - minute conversation, I was determined to absorb as much as possible while around her.
SoftBank has been in talks to invest as much as $ 300 million in the dog - walking app Wag, according to people familiar with the conversations.
So what are Lorton's tips for getting as much refreshment and idea and culture - generating conversation out of your shared meals as possible?
If you notice that Karen is a really hard worker who doesn't talk about career advancement much, it makes sense to talk initiate that conversation with her, just as you would with Joe.
Billed as an «enterprise social network,» Yammer lets employees post, chat and share much like on consumer social networks such as Facebook, only limiting the conversation to those internal to the company.
But as more apps, fun or serious, begin attaching our locations to our messages, related privacy issues will remain a hot topic of conversation, perhaps forcing us to reexamine our views about how much privacy we need to maintain in our digital lives.
I have this conversation with business owners all the time, as they complain that they are not making much money in their business, or they are working too hard, or some other perceived issue.
Whether your conversation centers around company financials and well - being, or promotions and raises, keep employees in the loop as much as possible.
I wanted to get the conversation going in the comments section around each topic because I think as much value comes from the comments section as comes from the original post (as I noted in this post: Comments are the New Black).
China is slowly and fitfully lowering its financial barriers with the rest of the world, as Beijing tries to balance its desire for stability with its ambitions to have a much greater say in the global conversation about money.
But few changes to the algorithm have sparked as much interest and conversation as the recent «meaningful interactions» update, in which Facebook said it would be prioritizing posts that create meaningful conversations, especially those from family and friends.
It's the Times itself, of course, that has done so much to spark the current conversation around harassment with its exposés on Harvey Weinstein and Louis C.K.. There's probably no loftier perch in all of political journalism from which one could teach the trade and enlist young women into the calling — or, as the case may be, betray them.
As I had these conversations with the programmers and entrepreneurs who are most deeply involved in Bitcoin, I encountered a quiet but widely held belief that much of the most convincing evidence pointed to a reclusive American man of Hungarian descent named Nick Szabo.
Your sales people will be getting much greater visibility into each prospective client conversation as they start their process of working toward a sale.
«People on TV news shows spoke significantly fewer sentences about Hurricane Maria than about Hurricanes Harvey and Irma,» he writes, and «the spike in conversation about Puerto Rico right as the hurricane hit was also much smaller than the spike in mentions of Texas and Florida.»
I was concerned in several conversations, with me undertaking most of the listening, about the prospect of a sharp oil price tag spike, if the Opec exporters» cartel, getting broken US shale producers by dragging prices down, starts off limiting source as soon as much more.
Why is the conversation always about the uninsured — as if many of those with some form of insurance have it much better.
I've learned much after long conversations with my colleague Trillia Newbell, who has shared her struggles as an African - American woman in an interracial marriage.
I do not use it as much as the Times does, and I think it should not be used in a way that precludes the conversation and persuasion that should be, but is not, the ordinary mode of public discourse.
and if we would spend as much time, listening to the father of our Spirits, as Jesus (the Bridegroom) did.I doubt we'd be having this conversation.
This observation may not be so much a critique of the volume as it is a confession that these kinds of conversations are always messy and rarely produce anything like «consensus.»
I listened to a phone conversation between Hitchens and some female Unitarian / Universalist, and I admit Hitchens pretty much blew her away: of course he did, smart as hell.
• There is much misinformation on this thread: o The emergent movement is not a cult o emergent started as a conversation among people of various theological / philosophical understandings and remains that way o The emergent conversation hasn't faded away at all — in fact — it's now integrated in practically every Christian expression o Mars Hill and emergent have very little in common o Mark Driscoll and Tony Jones have very little in common o I don't know of the personal behavior of everyone involved in the conversation, but because people have been involved — I'm sure there has to be bad behavior from some.
Hope you learn as much from the conversation as I did....
As you can imagine, spending this much time with family inevitably leads to conversations about raising children.
We did not have much occasion to refer to C&C in recent years, but it was always there as a partner and adversary in conversation, and one always entertained the hope that it might one day recapture something of the purpose for which Reinhold Niebuhr, rightly, thought it so important.
Hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did:
As I read this prayer, it almost sounds as if the prayer is a small part of a much longer conversation He has been having with God for a very long timAs I read this prayer, it almost sounds as if the prayer is a small part of a much longer conversation He has been having with God for a very long timas if the prayer is a small part of a much longer conversation He has been having with God for a very long time.
I am not going to try to respond to every comment (as I usually do) because I am not sure I can add much to the conversation.
In the ensuing conversation Anthony gives Vincent with much patience and humor what can only be described as spiritual direction, explaining the nature of suffering, the need for detachment, and the importance of outside counsel in understanding and treating one's spiritual ills.
Greg responded to your questions both thoroughly and personably and I hope you learn as much from this conversation as I did.
In conversations with conservatives William Bennett and Milton Friedman, he prods them to recognize, as Rawls does, that much of what we call «achievement» is based at least as much on luck as on personal initiative.
They might argue even (against Paul) that doing such things sends people to hell, rather than seeing references to the «Kingdom of God» or «Kingdom of Heaven» as Jesus used them, as being about out lives here and now and what we might accomplish as we follow Christ (to which a «beneficial» conversation is much more fitting).
to J.W. and fred — i think its rather silly to argue anything as fact if its cleary thought based (i.e. lacking proof / evidence) when asked about the where did we come from or how the universe (whatever) i always answer with i don't know, but then i pose an idea — i state openly thats its only an idea... if any one of you religions folks would simple agree to the FACT that what you BELIEVE is real is REALLY only an idea until proven (much like evolution) then i would find much more pleasing conversations beyond the realm of atheists... but alas, i am still waiting — i found some but most are imovible in there beliefs that god is real, provable, and most def.
I believe that much of this is due to conversations that were meant to serve as solutions being centered on the wrong focal point: race.
Judith Wolfe tells us about the origins of the journal: «As an Oxford theologian, I was surprised again and again that C S Lewis was widely read, and very much enjoyed, by theologians and philosophers, but that he wasn't felt to be presentable in polite society — he wasn't regarded as the sort of person who could be drawn into a serious theological or philosophical conversation.&raquAs an Oxford theologian, I was surprised again and again that C S Lewis was widely read, and very much enjoyed, by theologians and philosophers, but that he wasn't felt to be presentable in polite society — he wasn't regarded as the sort of person who could be drawn into a serious theological or philosophical conversation.&raquas the sort of person who could be drawn into a serious theological or philosophical conversation
However, it is so much easier in human conversation to refer to the building as the bank.
I never dreamed it would lead to so many career opportunities, never dreamed it would connect me to such wonderful people, never dreamed it would start so many interesting conversations, never dreamed I would love it as much as I do.
I'll save the details for a pseudo-depressing conversation over a cup of coffee, but as it turns out, I have deep trust issues that tend to keep me emotionally unavailable — regardless of how much I try to love my wife.
This is not, as he appears to believe, a circular and question - begging assertion — much less a «conversation - stopper.»
You know, Mike From Iowa, as much as I normally abhor name - calling in what is supposed to be polite conversation, sometimes «what a dork» is pretty much the only reasonable response.
A friend of mine in Germany, a broadcaster of religious programs, once commented rather plaintively: «Is it asking too much when one asks the parson just for once, just once, to talk as a normal man to normal men, brief and to the point, without mincing matters, in a natural tone of voice, almost as in a friendly conversation
So much of this project has emerged from conversations here on the blog that I try to base decisions on reader response as often as possible.
I hope you enjoy the conversation as much as I did.
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