Sentences with phrase «much as any thinker»

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«I discovered that spending some extra moments in bed, centering myself toward the day, wasn't so much a habit as an essential way of being, and it made me much more productive as a thinker and writer,» she relates.
I was an independent thinker and program creator, so I was skeptical of how much flexibility I would have as a franchisee.
Over the years few thinkers have done as much as Rorty to advance theories of «anti-foundationalism.»
@jimtanker — you don't have to be insulting when you share your opinion... It's your choice to believe what you wish but don't insult everyone else in the process... Just remember that there's so much that your «thinking» brain can't explain and as a «thinker» you shouldn't dismiss anything just because you have no proof.
Much less can be claimed by way of consensus in this area, since not all contemporary theologians are convinced that it is necessary to reconceive the idea of God along process lines (i.e., as suggested by the philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead as well as by thinkers such as Teilhard de Chardin).
She also showed how much process thinkers can learn from them and how important it is to be ready to flesh out and revise process ideas as they encounter the wisdom embodied in these theories.
The school of Antioch, of which Theodore was the most outstanding and influential theologian, was not so much a recognized institution with regularly appointed teachers but as a succession of brilliant scholars and thinkers in and around Antioch.
The independent springing up of other writers who have sought to answer this need in a similar way is as much a testimony to the significance of the general trend of Buber's thought as is the rapidly increasing number of thinkers who have been directly or indirectly influenced by him.
Process - thinkers have seen that man is a product of the evolutionary movement, just as much as anything else.
There is much in his work that process - relational thinkers can appreciate as well as enriching insights they could appropriate.
Some Jewish thinkers became so Hellenised that they came to regard the heavenly bliss of a spiritual soul as a much more worthy expression of human destiny than the thought of an endless life in a material body.
Unfortunately for this purpose, the Hebrew thinkers, unlike the Greek, commonly left not so much a record of their processes of thought as of their conclusions.
There is no point on which theologians are so much divided, and, in turn, no point on which Christian thinkers in general are so well agreed as over against the current naturalistic assumptions of the secular world.
In other words, too much of natural law theory, especially that derived from those thinkers from Grotius on who transposed natural law into natural rights (which after the French Revolution usually became known as «human rights»), relies on a concept of nature that is not natural.
Palmer calls this scheme «objectivism,» and he describes it not so much in terms of a history of ideas or a group of thinkers as in terms of a set of pedagogical practices that characterize the contemporary academy.
As has been noted in the preceding exposition, his concerns about technology and technological society have much in common with those expressed by such diverse thinkers as Ellul, Roszak, Mumford, Heidegger, and members of the Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Marcuse, and othersAs has been noted in the preceding exposition, his concerns about technology and technological society have much in common with those expressed by such diverse thinkers as Ellul, Roszak, Mumford, Heidegger, and members of the Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Marcuse, and othersas Ellul, Roszak, Mumford, Heidegger, and members of the Frankfurt School (Horkheimer, Marcuse, and others).
To see it as a unified doctrine would in fact be as much an error as it would be to identify it with the teachings and ideas of a single thinker.
John Cobb devoted much attention to this topic, and Charles Birch, as an eminent biologist and process thinker, has contributed much by his writings and lectures to the wider acceptance of a process style of thought in the circles of the World Council of Churches.
Atheists are like this because they are analytical thinkers and not so much intuitive where as we Christians and people of other religions are more intuitive but less analytical in our thinking.
And because they gain so much visibility — take on such an aura of authority and religious «truth» — they lead people outside the church to conclude that Christianity really is irrelevant to the world and its problems, confirming them in their resolve to shun organized religion and go their way as humanitarians, free - thinkers or iconoclasts.
Peirce's phrase «the logic of events» points forward to contemporary physics and Whitehead, as much as, if not more than, back to Aristotle or other pre-quantum thinkers.
This thinker, whose name I shall not disclose, said that he was becoming more and more convinced that there was «something in the older metaphysical — he called them «ontological» — claims; at the moment he was much concerned, he said, to find a way of giving more than linguistic status to such propositions as «personal God», for it appeared to him that these statements somehow pointed to a truth about the universe, about the nature of things, that must be reckoned with in any honest description of the «way things are».
I do not find this so strongly in other process thinkers, and insofar as Muray will not be more specific than that the criterion for reconstituting a tradition is «whatever contributes to the enhancement of relationality and creativity that are true of the fundamental character of reality itself» (93), I do not think he will much like the basis of Hauerwas» critique, namely the stories of the history of Israel and Jesus as they continue to be remembered and enacted in the Christian church.
That is, he understood the vocation of every true thinker to be much the same as the vocation of the true poet, or of any true artist: to bear witness to that haunting and penumbral interval that marks the difference between being and beings, and to attempt to keep it open in our thoughts and our words and our works.
Few thinkers have devoted as much attention to these problems as the German - American thinker Eugen Rosenstock - Huessy.
Supernatural intervention was much less a problem for ancient thinkers than it has become for us, with our conception of the orderly processes of nature; for the race, as for the individual, «heaven lies about us in our infancy.»
In contrast, other speculative process thinkers (in addition to the rationalists whom we shall describe in a moment) hold that «Christian process theology» is a misnomer for much of what is done by their speculative colleagues, as valuable as this work may be.
, I mean came «into existence» (mysteriously popped out of nowhere); rather, it will challenge intellectual thinkers to look at life as not just a compilation of atoms / cells; rather a universe that is controlled by powers much more awesome than the natural forces we all experience on a daily basis.
In a continuation of that reflection Fr Barrett proposes this sacramental theology as the much needed foundation for modern catechesis for which thinkers such as Rahner and Kasper have been searching.
Among contemporary theologians, John B. Cobb, Jr., Professor Emeritus at the School of Theology at Claremont and the founding director of the Center for Process Studies, has contemplated the place of nature in theology as much as any other major thinker.
That implies, of course, that human beings as human beings have rights, and much of the most creative work of Enlightenment thinkers has been spelling out these rights.
Hi Admin, As much as I don't like the comment made by @goon thinker, that's his opinioAs much as I don't like the comment made by @goon thinker, that's his opinioas I don't like the comment made by @goon thinker, that's his opinion.
I have met many a person who has no idea how to think for themselves or make choices independently without looking for the acceptance of others or wanting to please others (this is going into a whole other topic here)... because of the work I have been doing over the years, it was important to me that my daughter be an independent thinker (as much as it drives me crazy at times right now) and so I put into place a variety of things I felt (from various information pools) would serve that purpose.
We're celebrating as always with our favorite reads of the week — a stunning lineup of stories covering topics such as babies as roommates, raising positive thinkers, why adoption is not about you, the secrets we keep from our children and so much more.
Strategic Thinkers Network (STRANEK) clearly sees unfairness to Ghanaians on the part of political parties so far as their manifestos are concerned as there is so much delay in releasing it for Ghanaians to peruse what the various political parties have to offer.
But secondly, it is because, despite the success of last year's rise in NI contributions, the national mood on tax has not shifted as much as the wishful thinkers of the left imagine.
I'm as much a fan of Mr. E = mc2 as anybody, but consider this: I'd be willing to bet that, when viewed from centuries hence, Einstein's most significant contribution to civilization will not be as arguably the greatest physicist of the modern world but rather as an inspirational role model whose life and work ignited the lives of countless other great young thinkers.
So if you want to be a clear thinker, or at least try to forestall dementia in your golden years, get as much formal education as you can when you are young.
She encourages moms to cultivate a life «Beyond Mom,» one that embraces the gifts of motherhood but expresses all that they are as individuals: creators, businesswomen, thinkers, friends, and so much more.
These are exciting things to hear for anyone trying to justify a plant - only diet, and it's for this reason I believe «The China Study» has not received as much critical analysis as it deserves, especially from some of the great thinkers in the vegetarian world.
Most importantly, I've found that Jewish dating is as much an art as much as it is a science — many friends, relatives and matchmakers can suggest a scientifically compatible match, but it takes a truly creative thinker to create a relationship infused with a meaning that goes beyond worldly compatibility.
Men are visual people as a whole and really like to see what they're getting into from an aesthetic level as women are known to be more critical thinkers who would much rather get to know someone on an intellectual level.
I have always preferred RTS over turn - based strategy as I am not much of a time - taking thinker but more of an instinctive doer, immediately reacting to situations rather than sitting back and pondering what my next move is.
A heavy thinker (with his precious little grey cells), Hercule's obsessive - compulsive streak powers his need to solve crimes as well as his need to have a correctly proportioned breakfast — murder puts the universe out of joint, something that troubles him just as much as it frustrates him by interrupting his need for a holiday without such concerns.
The blue note of the title is threaded through a touch heavily at times, but Saulnier is as much a visual as a narrative thinker, which gives this film some impressionistic looseness.
But to paraphrase educational philosopher John Dewey, a true thinker learns as much from failures as from successes.
The strategies he presents follow from his «investment» theory of creativity: Creative thinkers propose ideas that are often rejected as counterproductive or foolish — much like undervalued stocks.
Check out our archives of the most brilliant thinkers in Education Technology discussing hot topics such as blended learning, personalized Learning, OERs, and much more.
I'm a writer by career and it's totally clear to me that considering that I began blogging, the quantity I compose has boosted significantly, my day - to - day communications with the sights of others have actually never been so frequent, the variety of voices I engage with is much higher compared to in the pre-Internet age — and all this has actually helped me end up being much more moderate as a thinker, more open to mistake, much less focused on just what I do understand, and a lot more considerate of exactly what I do not.
My critical thinking and puzzle solving tools were challenged to the max and I honestly think I'm a much more thorough person and out - of - the - box thinker having played it, as lame as that may sound.
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