Sentences with phrase «much as the medium»

And the tool alters the content, much as the medium becomes the message.
Standing less than waist high, these lithe, bipedal creatures measured as much as 1.5 meters long from the tip of their snout to the tip of their tail and weighed about 23.5 kilograms (about as much as a medium - sized dog), says Xing Xu, a vertebrate paleontologist at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing.
That's because a Husky wouldn't eat as much as medium size breeds but needs more protein than they do.
A short - coated breed can shed just as much as a medium to long coated one.

Not exact matches

For much of its 40 - year history, the medium has been ruled by huge console makers and mega-publishers, such as Microsoft, Sony, Electronic Arts and Activision.
But to us, it's a medium that has always been part of our lives, so video games are as much «kids stuff» as television, movies or books.
To achieve what essentially will be a new and dynamic art medium, Electronic Arts acts as a kind of production company with teams of draftspeople, writers, and musicians, who are signed up in much the same way as a record or movie company signs up talent.
That goes as much for Amazon responding to the New York Times on Medium about major feature on the company as it does for the demonstrators at the Univ. of Missouri.
A savings account can be handy for saving up for short - to medium - term goals, but the best interest checking accounts pay nearly as much interest as savings accounts.
Just one year after it's launch, INADEM pumped as much as $ 658M into the local ecosystem, spread between as many as 620,000 entrepreneurs, micro, small, and medium businesses, leading to the launch of as many as 6,000 new companies and 73,000 new jobs.
If they are to succeed — not only as a fringe medium of exchange or speculative investment, but as real competitors with government currencies — some new programmers are going to have to come along and make currencies whose digital coins are created in a much different manner than the current ones.
After surging as much as 20 % last week, many pundits now believe a medium - term low is in place, blaming the recent selloff on tax related selling — digital currency owners who made money in 2017 are having to convert crypto into fiat money to pay their taxes.
The silver prices have been very buoyant and the breakout through the $ 17 region should prove to be an important development in this market as the bulls try to hold the break and if they manage to, then we should see the prices moving much higher in the medium term.
A demand which admittedly is not made of the medium from without; it is a consequence of its nature, from which the much - vaunted open form can be derived — and not as a modification of it — from an old aesthetic.)
Those critics who condemn such a medium as unfit for Christian evangelization or worship require much more thoughtful consideration than Howard and Streck give them.
The shallow novelty, the low - cost nihilism, and the vague and sentimental spiritual pretensions of so much contemporary art — in every medium — are the legacy of this schism, as well as the cynicism that pervades the arts world.
They are, in fact, a medium for conveying his teaching, just as much as are those sections of the gospels which are expressly devoted to a report of his sayings.
Ingredients: 1 medium onion, sliced thin 1 large zucchini, sliced into thin discs 5 small - medium potatoes, sliced into thin discs 2 Tablespoons of olive oil Sprinkle of garlic powder Salt to taste Vegan Parmesan, as much as you like!
Strain the remaining mixture through a sieve into a clean medium pot, stirring and pressing on the kernels to release as much corn flavor as possible.
Turn mixer to medium and add as much more of the milk mixture until you've reached your desired consistency.
Medium chain saturated fatty acids are easily metabolized and used as energy, as opposed to their long chained cousins, that are much harder to process.
- Next, add in the sliced potatoes, and fold them into the caramelized onions / garlic to coat them well; add in the chicken stock and stir to combine, then push the sliced potatoes down into the stock / onion mixture as much as possible to allow them to cook evenly; cover the pan / pot with a lid that is askew to allow some steam to escape, and simmer on medium - low heat for about 15 minutes, stirring gently once or twice during this time; then, uncover the pan / pot and allow the potatoes to continue to simmer for another 10 minutes, or until they are tender and the sauce a bit thickened, stirring once or twice during that time.
Fran — The reducing time is just an estimate as stoves range so much in power, no two really agree on the temperature of «medium - high» and even pot thickness / material and depth / width can change the time.
* Bring whole or reduced fat milk (Organic Valley is a good choice) just to a simmer / Stir in heaping tablespoons of chocolate cocoa powder to taste and sugar if using unsweetened chocolate — use more or less chocolate or sugar to taste / Whisk together until dissolved over medium heat / Finally, stir in heavy cream, as much as you like.
Just be sure to pick medium - to - large heirloom tomatoes, so you don't spend too much time grating them, and look for tomato varieties that have a lower water content, such as Early Girls or Romas.
Combine the scallion, cilantro, and as much of the jalapeño as you'd like in a medium bowl with the juice from half the lime.
2 medium sized tomatoes 8 mini peppers or you can use one large bell pepper — diced 1/4 of a large yellow onion diced Olive oil 4 green onions, diced 1/3 cup of black beans, rinsed and drained Juice from 2 limes 2 teaspoons of ground cumin 1 teaspoon of smoked paprika Salt and pepper 2 tablespoons of Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar Smoked chipotle Tabasco sauce — use as much as you prefer but it gives the dish a nice smoky flavor 1 handful cilantro leaves, washed
I always veer on the side of medium rare with my salmon as I like to maintain as much juiciness and flavor as possible.
Method # 1: Cook until liquid is absorbed: The amount of water recommended for cooking long - and medium - grain brown rice varies depending on the source, from as little as 1 1/2 parts water to as much as 3 parts water per 1 part rice.
Chiles are also high in antioxidants, fiber and vitamins - one medium green chile contains as much as six times the vitamin C of an orange, Bosland says.
I always make sure the pan is pre-heated all the way before putting any batter on them, but that the heat is not too high that it's smoking (otherwise the outside will burn and the inside won't cook as much)-- a medium heat works well on my stove.
Add the proportions as you prefer, the following image gives you an idea of how much fruits to use for 1 person serving (add 2 medium glasses of milk to the blender).
Add the cauliflower to a sauce pan, fill up half way with water and heat it with a medium - high heat, cook for about 10 minutes, then drain the cauliflower through a sieve, after letting it cool off for about 5 minutes, add the cauliflower to a flour sack towel and start draining all the liquid, drain as much liquid as you can (this is the secret to the perect texture of a caulifower pizza crust)
In a medium bowl, combine the pea shoots, sliced radish, and as much of the jalapeño as you'd like.
Strain the Cheetos ® - cream mixture through a fine - mesh sieve set over a medium bowl, pressing on the mixture with the back of a rubber spatula to extract as much liquid as possible.
Strain the sauce through a strainer into a medium bowl, pressing the onion mixture to extract as much liquid as possible.
I cooked this burger to medium done to make it taste good but maintain as much nutritional value as possible.
Pour the puree through a mesh sieve placed over a medium saucepan, pressing on the solids to extract as much nectarine liquid as possible.
Strain through a fine - mesh sieve into a medium bowl, pressing down on solids to extract as much liquid as possible; discard solids.
In a medium bowl, whisk together the cashew butter, agave, tamari, as much or as little of the sambal as you'd like, the juice from half of the lime, and 2 tbsp warm water.
With as much fiber and less sugar than a medium apple, they're a deliciously convenient way for everyone in the family to get their fruit fix.
Transfer to a medium bowl with a slotted spoon, leaving as much fat in pan as possible.
Transfer to a medium bowl, leaving as much fat in pan as possible.
Spurs have a strong, youthful and hungry core of players who play for Mopo as much as they do Spurs and in there you find the key to out medium term success or failure, if we lose Mauricio the Messiah then a number of key players will flow.
It is clear how much Christina loves paint as a medium, and finds pleasure in exploring color and texture.
Coconut oil is an excellent source of fat since it is a medium chain fat as opposed to animal fat which is long chain and much harder for the body to break down.
This medium - sized playground in Milton's north end has large and small play structures as well as a ball pit and climbing walls for your monkeys, and much more.
A much more popular medium in Tunisia than Twitter, it was also a more visual one — photos and videos posted on Facebook made the protesters» case in a visceral way (for instance, Nour said that it was an online video that provoked «a physical response» that persuaded her to make the jump into open activism) as they spread through people's online social circles.
Copyright infringement makes it much harder to run a business, especially if you are a small to medium sized business, as so many are in the music industry.
Medium - size farms can put out as much pollution as sewage plants, said the the coalition that includes Environmental Advocates of New York, Environment New York, Riverkeeper Inc., Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter and the Waterkeeper Alliance.
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