Sentences with phrase «much as the patterns»

Tilden Edwards, an Episcopal priest who has explored this practice in real life as well as in a book, urges contemporary Christians to be flexible, embracing not a renewed Sabbatarianism as much as a pattern of «Sabbath time.»
In this condition, as hot as it would be and as much as the patterns of precipitation and other processes have been altered, large additional rises are unstoppable.

Not exact matches

Jenkins wrote on Twitter that Germany's shift in energy policy was misguided and resulted effectively in fossil fuels replacing much of the missing nuclear power — a pattern that's playing out at home, as well.
Much of my research was about developing materials that record physical properties of substances they come into contact with as visual patterns someone could read by eye.
Utilizing gigantic data pools, deep learning can identify and interpret complex patterns much in the same way as the human brain.
About eight years ago, just as he was running a white - hot chain called Dylan's Candy Bar (his co-founder was Dylan Lauren, Ralph's daughter), Rubin realized that much of his work — the kaleidoscopic displays, the lollipop lamps, the peppermint - patterned barstools — mattered not a whit to his target audience.
«[A.I.] can help analyze large data sets from sources such as clinical trials, health records, genetic profiles, and preclinical studies; within this data, it can recognize patterns and trends and develop hypotheses at a much faster rate than researchers alone,» says Deloitte.
As technical momentum traders, we never place much weight purely in seasonal market trends because we focus on the performance of leading stocks and broad market volume patterns instead.
But as Temin and Vines show, history is much more usefully seen as the evolution of often complex institutions — financial, political, legal, cultural, and so on — through which economic behavior is mediated and which affect the ways in which recurring patterns of finance, commerce and trade unfold, and that without an understanding of history we lose so much complexity in our models that we often end up making very obvious mistakes.
Knowing and charging your worth is as much about your own spending patterns and behaviours.
And given the relatively commoditized nature of equities as an asset class for now (don't strikingly similar chart patterns suggest as much?)
As such, much of the knowledge we share on this blog focuses on recapping technical chart patterns of past stock and ETF trades that led to successful, profitable -LSB-...]
Volatility is to be expected, but we approach the market with a level head and objectivity, seeing the proper positional entries and exits will much easier to spot.Summary: Strong, bearish news hit the crypto community this week as China announced harsh regulations on the BTC to fiat transactions on exchanges.Currently BTC is seeing a strong rally off the $ 3000 levels but is showing signs of waning strength in the upward direction.A possible macro distribution pattern is unfolding and new lows could be in store for bitcoin over the next few days and weeks.
Genesis has much symbolism and is still being studied today for the patterns that emerge as in the number of specific words that appear a certain number of times and the spacing of the «paragraphs».
The pattern of expansion and growth in the species and the universe seems much the same as our growth and understanding of God.
So much of what we recognize now as serious patterns of church abuse originate not from the actual abuse but from the people deny and cover it up.
In this given pattern lay much of his security, as well as his limitation.
The suggested pattern is no longer so much of divine imposition as one in which Gabriel and God and all the heavens stand in breathless suspense.
In a sense there is just as much discontinuity of patterning between an electron and an atom or an atom and a molecule as there is between a molecule and a living cell.
But it could be the nucleus of a complete neighborhood, one which has a church community at its enter, and the potential to promote growth in an urban rather than suburban sprawl pattern (much as the most beautiful parts of contemporary London grew in the 17th and 18th centuries around small residential - square developments).
As indicated above, information has much to do with the presence of formal patterning, of arrangement, order, and complexity.
At one level, stereotypes are simply types that conform to a general pattern, but they are commonly much decried as a prejudice that unfairly puts people into preconceived slots.
3.16; I Peter 3.18 b), as well as in kerygmatic texts with much the same «pre-existence — humiliation --- exaltation» pattern as Phil.
The pattern here is much like that of those who appeal to the prophetic principle as the Biblical basis for criticizing the Bible.
It seems that the general pattern among peoples around the world is to surround their worship with as much beauty as they can.
I think it is important to see this «LEAVING» as much bigger than «Church» — it is a universal phenomena with similar patterns no matter which domain.
«22 The wars, as recorded, were so diverse that it is questionable whether the kind of pattern or design that von Rad discerns ever existed even in the minds of biblical writers, much less in the actual events.23 In particular, von Rad's insistence that holy war was always defensive can not be supported.24
A LifeWay Research survey from 2014 showed much of the same pattern, with consumption of alcohol decreasing as church attendance increased.
In as much, however, as Jesus had been «born the Son of David according to the flesh» and was now «installed as Son of God... by the resurrection from the dead,» features of both the human Messiah pattern and the superhuman Son of Man pattern applied to him, and the two conceptions were inseparably fused.
How much of this was merely ad hominem and how much represented Jesus» personal conviction concerning human destiny it is difficult to be sure, just as when Plato used demonology to serve his purpose it is difficult to know how literally he took the mental pattern he employed.
But the patterns were firmly set out, and peer pressure, as much as the authority of the church, ensured that this remained so.
That basic pattern of Buddhism (now known as Theravada and based on scriptures written in Pali) was taught in India in the sixth century B. C. and spread throughout much of India and Southeast Asia.
Much of my discussion on the constructive role of Indian - Christian theology is related to what Nandy is proposing, particularly with regard to taking seriously the religio - cultural realm of communities as sites of particularized patterns of meaning.
And though we shall need to emphasize how» much «There is a God» evinces an attitude to the familiar, we shall find in the end that it also evinces some recognition of patterns in time easily missed, and that, therefore, differences as to there being any gods is in part a difference as to what is so and therefore as to the facts, though not in the simple ways which first occurred to us.
«A Christian congregation is a group of persons that gathers together to enact publicly a much more broadly practiced worship of God in Jesus» name, regularly enough over an indefinite period of time to have a common life in which develop intrinsic patterns of conduct, outlook, and story, and that holds its conduct, outlook, and story accountable as to its faithfulness to biblical stories of Jesus» mission and God's mission in Jesus.»
But the format does not permit him to say as much as he could or as we might hope he would concerning the text's literary patterns and movements.
Sodium atoms are just as much «conformists» inside the body as outside it, but the pattern of physical feeling to which they conform is different in the body.
Certainly the religious broadcaster has access to the much larger body of general communication research on associated topics such as audience patterns and viewing behavior, attitude and value change, and communication uses and effects.
(6) Assuming that there is a similar viewing pattern among viewers of other programs, this duplication could drop the total number of individuals who watch syndicated programs by as much as 50 percent, or down to as low as 15 million.
Much is made of the metaphor of the body as a pattern for organizing the local church.
For some this may seem too mechanical, too much as if the Holy Spirit were being constricted to a pattern.
In fact, there is hardly a question to be asked which should n (it be fenced round with qualifications as to how much, and as to what pattern of circumstances (153).
how ye ought to forsake and set aside, as much as ye may, all worldly cares and studies... to give yourselves wholly to this Office, whereunto it hath pleased God to call you... and draw all your cares and studies this way that so, by prayer for the assistance of the Holy Ghost, and by daily reading and weighing the Scriptures, ye may wax riper and stronger in your Ministry; and that ye may so endeavour yourselves... to sanctify the lives of you and yours, and to fashion them after the Rule and Doctrine of Christ, that ye may be wholesome and godly examples and patterns for the people to follow.1
In a recent article from Bloomberg Businessweek, contributor William Pesek identifies the culprits: Surprisingly, U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has as much a role to play in the increase as recent devastation from La Nina weather patterns.
It's essential that your cut is super tiny so that you can get as much detail out of the pattern as possible..
As much as I loved the idea of a patterned tile floor, I was still torn between its beauty / practicality and the homey feel of hardwood floors, which I wanted to have in the living rooAs much as I loved the idea of a patterned tile floor, I was still torn between its beauty / practicality and the homey feel of hardwood floors, which I wanted to have in the living rooas I loved the idea of a patterned tile floor, I was still torn between its beauty / practicality and the homey feel of hardwood floors, which I wanted to have in the living room.
Activity in related claims, such as low - calorie and - fat, which are much more frequently used, has been seeing a similar pattern.
So much of that is welcoming our darkness, looking at the patterns showing up in our lives, using it as a map to get into our subconscious limiting beliefs, and shifting those to get closer to our authentic essence which is our genuinely magnetic state.
However, him going to City would actually swing the title in their favour as his goals and assists would be much more than at Arsenal owing to the pattern of play employed by Pep.
The problem of crowded skies, and there is a problem, no mistake about it, is pretty much confined to the densely traveled commercial airline routes linking the big cities, especially the traffic patterns near such metropolitan airports as Chicago's O'Hare, Los Angeles» International and New York's Kennedy and La Guardia.
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