Sentences with phrase «much as we drink»

As much as drinking alkaline water is good for your body, it also has its own long - term effects (though these can also be mitigated).
And we want people to drink wine and love wine as much as we drink wine and love wine.
I just got an Xbox 360 this weekend, and somehow did not realize that not only does the console not ship with included Wi - Fi, but an external Wi - Fi adapter costs about as much as my drinking budget for the month — in other words, way too much money.
According to recent studies, texting while driving affects the driver's reflexes and reaction time as much as drunk driving.
As much as drinking while driving is a risky habit, eating should not be done while you are behind the wheel because this will affect your ability to maneuver your vehicle and interact with people.

Not exact matches

You can estimate your longevity using online calculators, such as the ones from the Social Security Administration (which simply asks your gender and date of birth), Living to 100 and financial services firm Blueprint Income (which factors in other details including your weight and how much you exercise and drink alcohol).
Built into a tiny circuit board, the sensor uses an accelerometer and «machine learning software» to identify the motions of a person's mouth, such as how much time he or she spends chewing, drinking, speaking, coughing or smoking.
Not only is that sort of chronic sleep deprivation terrible for your body, other studies have shown it makes you less charismatic, more paranoid, and can even reduce your IQ as much as being drunk.
One study found it can help make you fat, and another that it reduces your mental performance as much as being drunk.
This massive undertaking will help scientists better understand how much liquid water is contained within snow and how viable snow is as a resource of liquid water on our planet for drinking, agriculture, and hydropower.
This beverage maker (No. 41) offers two products, a two - ounce coffee shot with as much caffeine as two cups of coffee and flavored drink mixes to spice up your water.
In China the King of Beers is marketed as a «superpremium» drink for celebrations, much like Stella Artois outside Belgium.
In the Slingshot's current form (soon to be updated in a beta stage), it can deliver around 800 litres of clean drinking water daily — enough for about 300 people — and uses as much electricity in an hour as a basic hair dryer.
If you want to fit in to that Calgary neighbourhood it helps if you're married, voted conservative, earn more than a half million annually and have a taste for champagne — the denizens there drink more than twice as much bubbly than the national average (no doubt toasting their good luck to be part of the oil patch).
The same publication said drinking milk before a party would allow an individual to «drink thrice as much wine after.»
«When you treat this as your opportunity to let loose and drink too much, many people don't realize how much their personality changes,» says Fischer.
The device connects to your tablet or smartphone, and a partner app directs you in how much to pour of a particular ingredient as you create a mixed drink.
Drinking too much and demonstrating «laddish» behaviour came out as the most unattractive trait, with 77 % of respondents deeming it unattractive.
Well, I say change, I would stagger my drinking as the headaches that come with taking in that much sugar and caffeine first thing were not pleasant.
While declining sales may be bad for soft drink companies, they're good for a public health system straining under an obesity epidemic posing as much or more of a threat than cancer.
The stock in trade of this award - winning 1960s ad industry TV drama is moral ambiguity, perhaps as much of a hook as the smoking and drinking and skirt - chasing that titillate the show's audience.
Take a real break, for a full half hour if you can, without worrying about any of your tasks and responsibilities, and I guarantee you you'll come back with as much energy as you would have by drinking a cup of coffee.
People usually don't pay as much attention to the price of a drink as they do main dishes, Golden Gate University consumer psychology professor Kit Yarrow told the Associated Press.
Now a thriving local startup, Pipeguard, which was founded by a small team of MIT students, could keep as much as 20 percent of the world's drinking water supply from getting lost — and prevent global crises like the catastrophic water shortage in South Africa.
Single - cup coffee brewers now start at about $ 50 but can cost as much as $ 800 for models that make barista - worthy espresso drinks with frothed milk and shut themselves off.
Coca - Cola Co reported better - than - expected quarterly profit and sales on Friday as it sold more teas, coffees and vitamin water, offsetting sluggish sales of fizzy drinks, sending its shares up as much as 2 percent.
«People who are using cannabis may be disinclined to drink as much as they might have otherwise, but maybe they weren't going to drink in the first place and then they drink something,» Mr. Sands said.
No one invites that stoic, toothless version of Jesus out for drinks as much as He seemed to get invited out.
They carried around the tablets of the 10 commandments, you know... the covenent (hence the name ark of the covenant), and it had as much meaning to them as transsubstantiation does to good christians who, by doctrine, have to believe they are legit eating and drinking christ, which is whackier in your opinion?
If We are to «Go G - dless» as the graphic suggests just because a few Fools abuse religion, then by the same logic We should also abstain from alcohol just because a few Fools drive drunk, abstain from communicating just because a few Fools put forth unsound argument, and abstain from eating just because a few Fools eat too much.
For personal use — drinking, cooking, bathing and sanitation — Jewish settlers consume more than four times as much water as do West Bank Palestinians, who average only 88 liters per person per day.
You will agree that a lot of young people — as well as oldsters — are drinking too much, and that behind their drinking is a defiant feeling that they are independent enough to drink.
This is comprised of providing the drunk / druggie with as much alcohol and / or drugs that they desire.
The naïve moralism in this area can be maintained only by ignoring the facts that inebriety is as much a symptom as a cause of the disturbed interpersonal life of the alcoholic, that alcoholism is a complex disease involving physical, cultural, and socio - psychological as well as moral factors, and that homelessness is in itself a complex phenomenon, not the simple product of excessive drinking.
Don't forget to inform people that eating too much can be harmful... as is driving a car, as is being a Christian in a Muslim country, as is smoking, as is drinking too much alcohol, as is having too many babies, as is being a foot - ball player, as is being a single male, as is being a female.
5 - Hour Energy drinks haven't actually said how much caffeine is in their beverage, but Consumer Reports estimated it about 215 milligrams — about twice as much as your average cup of coffee.
The Symposium agreement that «each is to drink as much as he wants and there is to be no compulsion about it» does not emerge when students, feeling the compulsion of peer pressure, surrender their freedom to moderate their drinking or abstain.
Fatigue is often caused by dehydration, so drink water as much as you can.
Makes much more sense to believe a book written 1850 years ago by a bunch of goat herders that thought the world was flat and didn't even have the sense not to use their drinking water as the toilet.
My own moment of clarity in AA came when, while earnestly trying to «work the program» and embrace its philosophies, it occurred to me that if I could somehow convince myself of something as preposterous as the idea that I needed to change my entire way of thinking and adapt to the 12 - step program in order to stop drinking, I could probably convince myself of something a little better suited to my own needs (and much simpler) that would work just as well.
The idea, therefore, of a covenant as the foundation charter (so to speak) of the people of God was very much alive at the time, and there can be no doubt what Jesus had in mind when he invited his followers to drink of the cup of the covenant: he was formally installing them as foundation members of the new people of God.
If Jesus were «divine in as much as He is perfectly and fully human» only — then as a devout Jew and a unique prophet he would not have spoken about «drinking my blood».
The practice's illegality, like that of drinking alcohol during Prohibition, was thought to reflect merely unenlightened prejudice or religious conviction, the two being regarded as much the same.
I choose not to drink mostly because I know my limits, and when I struggle with self - control when it comes to much less addicting things such as sugar, chocolate, snack, etc., I would prefer not to give myself an opportunity to abuse alcohol the way I do other foods since the physical consequences have potential to be very dangerous.
I still kept a round of duties, and would not suffer myself to run into any open vices, and so got along very well in time of health and prosperity, but when I was distressed or threatened by sickness, death, or heavy storms of thunder, my religion would not do, and I found there was something wanting, and would begin to repent my going so much to frolics, but when the distress was over, the devil and my own wicked heart, with the solicitations of my associates, and my fondness for young company, were such strong allurements, I would again give way, and thus I got to be very wild and rude, at the same time kept up my rounds of secret prayer and reading; but God, not willing I should destroy myself, still followed me with his calls, and moved with such power upon my conscience, that I could not satisfy myself with my diversions, and in the midst of my mirth sometimes would have such a sense of my lost and undone condition, that I would wish myself from the company, and after it was over, when I went home, would make many promises that I would attend no more on these frolics, and would beg forgiveness for hours and hours; but when I came to have the temptation again, I would give way: no sooner would I hear the music and drink a glass of wine, but I would find my mind elevated and soon proceed to any sort of merriment or diversion, that I thought was not debauched or openly vicious; but when I returned from my carnal mirth I felt as guilty as ever, and could sometimes not close my eyes for some hours after I had gone to my bed.
I drank as much water as needed but ate nothing at all for 14 days.
A quarter of adults who attended religious services weekly in 2006 said they sometimes drank too much, a number that rose as church attendance decreased, according to the General Social Survey.
All I was saying was that IF you think it is a sin, we should still love and accept LGBT people, just as we love and accept people who lie, eat too much, drink too much, are lazy, are proud, etc, all of which are clearly sins (and are talked about in Scripture way more than homosexuality).
Well, they also were invited to join the party and eat and drink as much as they wanted (Deut 14:27).
She's still very much a kid ¯ drinking huge blue Slurpies and gabbing away on her hamburger phone ¯ but she finds herself in a situation that is, as she says, «way beyond my maturity level.»
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