Sentences with phrase «much better public education»

Portugal has a much better public education and healthcare than USA.

Not exact matches

We do have free medical (pretty much), good public schools, and much cheaper higher education, but prices are much higher and income taxes are much higher.
We invest much less in young children, and that stems largely from the fact that most other advanced economies view early childhood education, child care and other benefits targeted at parents with young children as «public goods,» meaning investments that, absent public support, would be insufficiently made from the perspective of society's well - being.
Whatever your thoughts about ghana's education are we are based on the much better British system rather than your hollow American one hence with only a tiny proportion graduating your government seeks to employ them in your public services.
This generation, in his view, took too much during the good times, reaping the benefits of final salary pension schemes and free university education while squandering what wealth they had and failing to save, saddling younger generations with the public debt.
«A well - executed prize, in theory, should change the nature of the market and redefine supply and demand,» said Tom Vander Ark, who headed the Gates Foundation's education program through much of the 2000s and worked afterward with the XPRIZE organization, which conducts competitions designed to benefit the public.
The charter movement, though well launched, Hill argues, is not likely to become a much larger factor in American public education without serious efforts to level the playing field.
«The studies that I'm familiar with say that the inner - city parochial schools, which spend much less per child on education, do a better job than the public schools that spend much more,» said Scalia, adding «so I just don't think it follows that... more money [will] solve the difficulty that the people of Cleveland found with their public schools.»
Shanker thundered at union delegates: «It is as much your duty to preserve public education as it is to negotiate a good contract.»
It added that the Louisville School Board had «treated the ideal of an integrated system as much more than a legal obligation — they consider it a positive, desirable policy and an essential element of any well - rounded public school education
When you consider all the ways in which American public education harms the lives of children black and brown as well as denies them brighter futures, it is critical that reformers put as much energy into transforming the systems as some are doing in taking down Confederate statues in public parks.
TPS and LGPS Pensions are viewed as a benefit but, at the end of the day, someone has to pay for them and the pensions in education — and all the public sector — are so much better than in the private sector; the figures just do not add up and both pension schemes have been underfunded for years.
Although Bernie Sanders has not published an education platform, I trust him much more than I trust Clinton to listen to teachers and put the public good (public schools) about companies that would profit from charter schools and such.
It's a diverse group of people working in a wide variety of ways — but unified by a shared belief in the necessity and feasibility of improving public education to deliver much better results, particularly for underserved students.
For example, in light of the early endorsement given to Hillary Clinton by both the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, is it too much to ask Hillary Clinton as well as other presidential candidates what their views are on the use of standardized tests in our public schools?
In much the same way that sports teams identify and nurture talent, there is a window of opportunity in public education to create systems that encourage and develop fantastic teachers, leading to better results for students.
Mackinac's director of labor policy is Vincent Vernuccio, who chairs a committee of the labor task force of the Bradley - supported American Legislative Exchange Council and previously has worked at the Bradley - supported Capital Research Center and Bradley - supported Competitive Enterprise Institute... MCLF spent much of last year helping to defend the new right - to - work law, in policy and legal arguments, as well as in the larger public discourse in the state and nationally... MCLF is working with the Bradley - supported National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation on this and several other legal matters surrounding implementation of right to work in Michigan... On education, among other things, Mackinac is analyzing mroe [sic] than 200 collective - bargaining agreements (CBAs) in the state, covering some 75 % of the state's public - school students, to see if and if so, how, they are adhering to the teacher - tenure and - evaluation policy changes.
Given public discussion and proposed legislation (Bill 337) to impose mandatory legal education on judges, much also applies to the judiciary as well.
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