Sentences with phrase «much better studied»

Because the Daohugou Biota and the much better studied Jehol Biota are similar in preservational mode and geographic location, but separated by tens of millions of years, they give palaeontologists an outstanding, even unique, opportunity to study changes in the fauna of this region over a significant span of geological time and an important period in vertebrate evolution.
The same is true of alcohol, but it has been much better studied, providing a good threshold to base laws on.

Not exact matches

Those with an abundant supply of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, a common microbe in the Ruminococcaceae clan, fared much better than those with a limited supply, the study found.
The international figures aren't much better: According to a 142 - country study conducted by Gallup in 2013, only 13 % of global workers feel engaged and committed to their work.
According to a recent article by Stanford's Emma Seppälä for the Greater Good Science Center, «one of the most extensive studies on charisma found that charisma is not so much a gift as a learnable skill.»
Studies show that visual information, when delivered well during a presentation, can capture and hold your audience's attention much better than if you use no images.
Page said that even in a best case scenario, a male birth control pill for consumers is still between five and 10 years away, since much larger - scale studies need to be done before the FDA would give a seal of approval.
Moody's studied 37 oil and gas companies in Canada and the U.S., concluding that although the oil industry has dramatically slashed its cost of production in the past three years and is currently in the midst of posting much better financials this year, there is little room left for more progress.
Besides identifying the most effective opening phrase, it turns out the study also examined the closing phrases people often use, and came up with a best practice there, too: a simple three - word phrase that prompted a much higher response rate than other, more common closings.
A much discussed 2010 study by professors from INSEAD, the Kellogg School, and Tel Aviv University found that «travel and living abroad have long been seen as good for the soul.
Much of what we think of as simple good fortune can be explained if we look hard, so forget about a lucky horseshoe and study what «luckier» people do.
In a study published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, researchers found that people were much better at processing information about people they had just met if they had large social groups.
Plus, as UC Berkeley's Greater Good Science Center recently pointed out, a growing number of studies also show that in specific situations, too much good cheer is actually counterproductive (beyond the obvious like going through the grieving proceGood Science Center recently pointed out, a growing number of studies also show that in specific situations, too much good cheer is actually counterproductive (beyond the obvious like going through the grieving procegood cheer is actually counterproductive (beyond the obvious like going through the grieving process).
The myth: If you get into a good college, study hard, and graduate with excellent grades, you will be pretty much set for a successful career.
A colleague of mine, Stephen Zarlenga, has just published a historical study, The Lost Science of Money (2002), showing that public - sector fiat money has a much better record than privately created fiat money.
We worked with on the «Gen Y on the Job «study in order to find out the types of jobs Gen Y has, how much they are getting paid, the best cities and companies for them, and more.
The study points out that borrowing so much could stretch these young peoples» budgets, especially when one considers many also may have a mortgage, as well as significant student debt.
We know from various studies done in the social sciences in the past forty years, as well as from fifteen plus years of my being involved with personas, the trio of users / buyers / customers makes decisions based on much more than just content or information.
The oft - cited Canada - China complementarity study applies to Japan as well, where Canadian exports are in much demand.
Further, these firms feature a much greater diversity of thought than the average private equity firm, a characteristic that has been linked by numerous studies to better decision - making and performance [3].
How much better it is to study each prospect or customer, discover their desires, strengths and weaknesses, and then relate to them accordingly.
«Achieving a good record takes much study and work, and it is a lot harder than most people think» Sir John Templeton
Interestingly, I just came across this some recent study, which says that «traditional» value investing, i.e. buying contrarian and cheap, works very well in Emerging Markets, much better than small cap investing or momentum.
Although Lu - PSMA - 617 put up good numbers in its small single - arm study, it still needs to outperform a physician's choice of approved treatments in a much larger global trial.
Since actual policies submitted tend to be well below those 2011 numbers, the natural question is why are the premiums in the CANNEX study so much higher?
It is amazing how we can say good or bad things regarding Jesus and Christianity, and I will never judge anyone whatever their beliefs are or aren't, but please before trashing Christianity do your homework first, that is study the Bible and I can pretty much guarantee after you do that you will be filled with love and kindness.
James Nuechterlein's medley of reviews of the three new Lincoln studies is particularly artful in weaving together so much that we have come to know about the mature Lincoln who led the Union through the war years, as well as pointing out those areas in which Lincoln will perhaps always be clothed in mystery or contradiction.
However, it appears that the cult was enthusiastically practised in private as well as public, although the material demonstrating this has generally been neglected in studies to date and much more work remains to be done in this area.
Well into her 80s, she spends much of each week in prayer and Bible study.
The profligate grace side is well - represented here so I'll be a contrarian and say that after much study of his Word, I lean to the «No» side.
Old Me: Well, I haven't studied those religions very much, but I don't think what you are saying is true.
His books, journalism, and television appearances earned him a good deal of money to support his children and three wives, and Kathleen Burk, who studied with Taylor, devotes much attention to who paid him how much for what.
According to the findings of a new research study, interest in church planting is on the rise, some of America's best and brightest ministry leaders choose planting as their career path and church planting efforts are much more successful and promising than anticipated.
On the basis of my working with poor people over many years and of my study of the relevant literature, I believe that «consumption» is a better indicator of poverty than «income,» much of which is unreported, and undetectable except as evidenced in consumption.
I could easily commend the syllabus, lecturers and course leaders, the flexible study modes (I opted for three years part - time), the range of optional modules, the extraordinarily helpful librarian and IT staff, the well - designed virtual learning environment, opportunities to dialogue with staff and fellow students, pastoral support — and much more.
If I look back from this point on my earlier studies, I may well ask myself how it ever came about that I did not learn this much sooner and accordingly speak it out.
In the afternoons I am usually out visiting with folks, for I have found that most of the good, deep - down work of cultivating disciples happens where they live and work and spend their time, and much less often in my study and in the crisis times.
Anthropologists, psychologists, and sociologists, especially those who study folklore and oral traditions, have done much good work in classifying such stages, all the way from the most primitive animism to the most sophisticated philosophical monotheism.
There had long been admiration for German scholarship, and a number of professors well before that time did much of their study in Germany.
James Sanders, for example, a well - known and respected figure in American biblical studies, receives less than a page, since, Barr explains, «he does not do much to claim that [his work] leads toward an «Old Testament theology» or a «biblical theology,»» while David Brown, a British theologian of whom Barr says the same, is the subject of a substantial and highly laudatory chapter.)
Rahner's work, for example, could be studied from this viewpoint as a rich resource ready for the mining of much of the best of the «Catholic substance.»
It may not have much value as evidence for the facts of the life of Jesus, but it is at any rate undeniable first - hand evidence for the faith of the early church, and this is well worth studying.
I am shocked by the Christian teachings that instruct people specifically «how» to study God's Word in the «right» way — «how much time to spend» praying and studying the Bible — «how» to come to the «right» interpretation of each Scripture verse / passage (guided by them — tying the hands of God and Jesus» Holy Spirit, and ignoring that God's Word is living and active...)-- insistence that increased Bible study, prayer and intersession, by their sheer weight, automatically make us closer to being better Christians — closer to perfection and more pleasing to our Lord and Savior.
Read, study and meditate on Scripture every day, and make sure you get as much good, solid, Biblical teaching as you can during the week.
How much better, we think, to flee to the purer realms of prayer and Bible study!
To judge by this study, and also by much anecdotal evidence, that is sometimes better understood by the adult catechumens and candidates than by the leaders of RCIA.
The Good News Bible (Today's English Version) is at times inspired in its renderings, at others not, but is too much a paraphrase for basic study.
It is questions like these that have provoked the simple answer in much of the university today, not only in the United States but in Europe and Asia as well: Drop the idea of a core education altogether, especially when we know that what we really need to be studying is science, technology, and economics.
What I think I see him say is that certain believes get dished out each and every week and that is why most of these studies or preachings don't do much good in getting to know God better.
[9] When this is so, then, it is in search, not so much of answers, but rather of a better understanding and appreciation of «the truth that scientific study of the ancient tradition of the Church is indispensable to success in comprehending the roots of differences and in discerning the centre of Christian theology,» [10] that we ought to approach the texts produced by the early church.
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