Sentences with phrase «much bigger entity»

Pilkington wrote, «The Smiths, bookshop owners since 2004 who now own two locations, started a petition in order to ask David Cameron to enact change to correct what they feel is a situation that allows a much bigger entity to benefit over the smaller businesses unfairly.»
This model is doing so well for one company, Chegg, that the group has just filed for IPO status with the Securities & Exchange Commission and is hoping to raise an additional $ 150 million dollars to grow its current offering as a digital textbook rental and online student learning hub into a much bigger entity.
The Smiths, bookshop owners since 2004 who now own two locations, started a petition in order to ask David Cameron to enact change to correct what they feel is a situation that allows a much bigger entity to benefit over the smaller businesses unfairly.

Not exact matches

This is mainly due to the principles of the diet being hijacked by my many big names — such as Atkins, South Beach, Zone, Sugar Busters and the Dukan Diet — so much so that it is easy to associate a low - carb diet as being a system and being its own entity; when really it's just a basic set of principles.
Released by various entities in all formats all over the world for years, The Monster Club is a very easy film to find and deserves to command a much bigger cult following.
Where Doctor Strange falls short is in the recently troublesome superhero «big bad» and despite the presence of esteemed actor Mads Mikkelsen (who sadly has become a bit of a villain typecast in recent years), the purple eyed Kaecilius, who wants nothing more than to meet a world destroying entity is anything but the adversary the unique Stephen Strange deserved, while the previously mentioned nature of this following the playbook origin story isn't breaking much ground in the way it tells the story of a man at his lowest finally realising his true potential.
Perhaps most important, don't forget that the Big Five publishers are, for the most part, small entities of much larger global media groups (scroll down to «Who Owns the Media?»)
Digital platforms continue to erode and undermine the economic model for print, and large publishing houses are now often part of even larger entities that sell lots of other stuff at much bigger margins, causing publishers to wager big money on what they believe to be the most commercial books, often at the expense of «smaller» more important ones.
And while not necessarily playing the important big - picture role of organizations such as APPA, PIDA (Pet Industry Distributors Association), PIJAC (Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council), PFI (Pet Food Institute) and WPA (World Pet Association), this new entity will be doing important work that will make the lives of each of these organizations and even all of us much easier.
The case including the most lawyers from Chambers» list over the previous 2 terms was the patent case Oil States Energy Services v. Greene's Energy Group Although Oil States has actually not gotten as much protection in the popular press as other cases like Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the possible effects of this judgment for numerous services developed big stakes for effective entities impacted by patent lawsuits.
Whenever big entities have pushed their way into small firm solicitor services, the public has been badly hurt in every way with the title insurance experience in the US being a prime example (they took over most of the conveyancing and promptly set about screwing the public — «a dysfunctional industry in which the public pays too much» according to the government of the State of California).
The case including the most lawyers from Chambers» list over the previous 2 terms was the patent case Oil States Energy Services v. Greene's Energy Group Although Oil States has actually not gotten as much protection in the popular press as other cases like Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the possible effects of this judgment for numerous organisations produced big stakes for effective entities impacted by patent lawsuits.
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