Sentences with phrase «much bigger things»

But there are much bigger things to tackle than say, «I need a guy who makes $ 300,000.»
But there are much bigger things to worry about here, both with regards to the science and the policy process.
There are much bigger things going on than we can possibly comprehend.
And what we see here is just a glimpse of much bigger things to come.
The bottom row of actions are done less frequently but represent much bigger things happening in the world.
Everyone's expecting Amazon to launch a Kindle Fire successor soon — the company needs a refreshed model to compete with Google's new Nexus 7 — but apparently the company has much bigger things planned than one new model.
Harry appreciates the commitment to the gag, but he has much bigger things on his mind, like the fact that he'll die unless he gets a new kidney.
She is a tremendous talent, poised for a long and productive career in folk music, with a breakthrough into much bigger things very easy to envision.
So, from the little things, like making sure your kids have their favourite snack in their packed lunch, to the much bigger things, we thank you!
I think to her she would rather ignore the food service, as she has much bigger things to worry about like major budget issues... to her this has been one more responsibility to worry about.
His old network, CBS, would typically broadcast this event along with all the others on the west coast swing but they have much bigger things happening all day Sunday.
Yet it seems evident that the Roundtable has much bigger things in mind.
«[My family has] much bigger things to worry about right now than what the president says,» she said on «The View,» adding that the country needs «more compassion.
Trump then said he wants to move on to «much more important things and much bigger things,» including fighting ISIS.
There are much bigger things to worry about.
He concluded: «I will take care of ISIS and we should get onto much more important things and much bigger things
Now it's becoming a much bigger thing on a business level with distribution, format licensing... it's going far beyond what I ever envisioned.
Nevertheless, he says, «The statement «I need Jesus to do this» is a much bigger thing in the developing world than in the UK.»
Artangel was then in its infancy; as Lingwood explains, «we were pretty much making it up as we went along... working with Rachel Whiteread was very much the biggest thing we'd done to date».
In the Renaissance the practice of painting would have been a much bigger thing.
What you want to express is a much bigger thing than how you may go at it.

Not exact matches

«One big theory is that women are asking for just as much as they need — same thing that women in the workplace do,» she says.
Chatbots are The Next Big Thing but capitalizing on the opportunity requires as much work as ever.
He also claimed that with «things like Facebook and Google and others, we find that return on investment of the advertising when properly designed, when the big idea is there, can be much more efficient.»
Chance and fortune can play a role in success, but thinking things through plays a much bigger role.
For one thing, cars are big so they can have large antennas built into them, which means much better reception.
A small business will have a much lower budget than a big one, and businesses in different niches will need SEO for different things (e.g., needing local SEO visibility vs. promoting specific ecommerce product pages).
Meanwhile, the next biggest thing happening to the delivery business might come in a much smaller package — and it will be carrying pizza.
True, many things are cheaper to buy than a generation ago, but the big - ticket items like shelter and post-secondary education are taking a much bigger bite out of household budgets today.
VR has a bright future, to be sure, but if there's one thing that we've learned from the last five years of VR being «The Next Big Thing» each year, it's that VR's handicaps make fuller adoption limited and leave the door open for a much less invasive technology with a much brighter future: augmented reality, othing that we've learned from the last five years of VR being «The Next Big Thing» each year, it's that VR's handicaps make fuller adoption limited and leave the door open for a much less invasive technology with a much brighter future: augmented reality, oThing» each year, it's that VR's handicaps make fuller adoption limited and leave the door open for a much less invasive technology with a much brighter future: augmented reality, or AR.
Powering through a bunch of little things before diving into something big, makes the big task go much smoother.
Ilharco, who has had internships at Facebook, Google, Amazon and, currently, Quora, says that one of the things that surprised him most during his time at FB was really realizing how big the company is and how much it's working on.
They generally provide better - priced plans, but ultimately such ISPs aren't doing much to discipline bigger players or change things for the better.
But what if the next big thing isn't so much a technology as it is a way of thinking about business — an angle of vision that promises to create new kinds of markets entirely?
Meanwhile, other members of the Big Six argue too much technology can be a bad thing, not to mention a waste of time and money.
While Google Glass is being touted as the next big thing in technology and much of the media has pulled out their pom - poms, here are a few reasons young entrepreneurs should wait to purchase the devic...
Big data, social data, data mining — there's so much data around, and so many things you're supposed to do with it, that it's a wonder many entrepreneurs don't curl into the fetal position and enact a new type of data regression, where the mound of data causes you to regress back to the womb.
Sometimes the most valuable and important aspect of these things isn't about how much you have to change to make a difference, but exactly how small a change needs to be to make a big impact.
Behind all this banter lies a big idea: That by de-emphasizing economic growth and considering other things that people value, societies could make much better decisions about how to use their scarce resources.
But Apple and other Big Tech corporations like Google and Amazon — along with much of Big Pharma and even Starbucks — have avoided paying hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes on their worldwide earnings because they don't mainly sell physical things like cars or refrigerators or television sets that they make here and ship abroad.
As with so much else in the increasingly fraught relationship between the US and Mexico, one of America's biggest trading partners, it may have come down to President Trump and the controversial things he says — or, in this case, declined to say.
Now I'm not only calmer, I'm tapped into my real hunger signals and have freed up so much time and energy to worry about bigger and better things
Musk spends much of the session talking to analysts about the Next Big Things.
One thing's certain, as more big businesses make the decision to adopt coworking and flexible working, much can be done to ease the transition and help these new coworkers to be successful in their environments.
One the most amazing things about this budget is that one of its three focuses will actually be the opposite of what itâ $ ™ s touting. Youâ $ ™ ll likely hear that $ 14 billion will be spent on infrastructure over the next 10 years (actually you may hear much bigger numbers but they just re-announce existing programs like the -LSB-...]
I'm much more willing to try things now — if I fail, no big deal — at least I won't have any regrets!
This thing recovered, this flash crash recovered because someone made a mistake I presume, some kind of order went in that was much too big.
Everyone has a different interest, but the reality is if the big picture way of looking at things is hey there's too much debt then central banks are going to be forced to devalue their currency to finance that that you're probably going to want your money in something of tangible value as opposed to something based on that currency which is going to be devaluing.
Mankind can barely see things bigger than our own planet just outside our own backyard, much less be able to tell what exists at the farthest reaches, or in other dimensions we believe to exist but can not access yet.
@fimilleur from time to time mankind experiences the presence of God, there have been and continue to be events that testify to the presence of Him.The multiple gods you continually point to have an unique difference from the God who first revealed His presence to ancient men i.e. the Hebrews.The particular gods you mention roman etc. are all man made and in many instances men themselves i.e. hercules, but even the ancient greeks realized the limitations of their understanding and included an «unknown» God in their worship structure.many cultures did likewise, having a glimpse of God but not the fullness of understanding that was given to the Jews.Whether or not «we» believe, does not alter the fact that God exists as an unique being, whether or not «we» acknowledge Him «we» will stand before Him.You do not choose to understand, but we are actually standing in His presence right now as He is much bigger than the doctrines and knowledge man ascribes to Him those things you find so questionable are the misconceptions and misrepresentations of God made by men throughout history.
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