Sentences with phrase «much context there»

«The difference between Yelp and Google Places is that consumers tend not to trust the reviews on Google — it tends to be more anonymous and there isn't much context there.

Not exact matches

Without this context, choosing one color over another doesn't make much sense, and there is very little evidence to support that «orange» will universally make people purchase a product more often than «silver».
If there isn't any data viz, or if a bunch of pictures are missing context, then you are doing too much telling and not enough showing.»
In practice there's only so much you can expect based on the context, however.
While a slew of new crowdfunding platforms jockeying for this position have garnered much of the media attention, there is a segment of existing companies that has remained largely ignored in context of startup crowdfunding - yet these companies are in hugely advantageous positions to capitalize on the advent of accredited crowdfunding for startups.
@William, I think since every action you take (including what shirt to wear) potentially kills someone there is such a thing as too much information in this context.
There it wasn't so much about deconstructing theological concepts for reconstructing a theoretical utopia, but in working side - by - side as partners in social transformation enterprises that fit the context of the communities the Spirit planted us in.
Indeed, I am convinced that the true interests of the poor will be served better as the situation is viewed in an inclusive context and that there is often much wisdom in their own tradition to support such an approach.
There is, of course, much more to be said, but this is not the time or place to develop a full - fledged Biblical doctrine of God in the context of interfaith dialogue.
While there may be much to critique about Tinsel Town, it is more fair (and more Christian) to put the movie in context and to acknowledge its positive characteristics — before we launch a broadside attack.
As much beauty as I see within the context of a romantic relationship and as much as I've been overwhelmingly blessed within the committed relationship of my marriage, there is a deep part of me that revolts against the mentality that our most significant relationships can only take shape within the framework of a romantic relationship.
There continues to be much to learn from Kierkegaard, a man who not only arrived at a radical and dialectical understanding of faith, but who did so in the context of the advent of a world that is totally profane.
There are numerous other explanations for this verse which make much better sense of the verse itself and the context as a whole.
As much as this applies to the area of sex and sexuality within the context of a marriage, I wholeheartedly believe that there is something to be learned from this idea within the context of the digital world.
In the popular worship context, there is mutual sharing of practices, symbols and values without so much fuss.33 These marginalised spaces deserves systematic attention.
In another context I might include a chapter on «What is Right with Modern Life» as I did some years ago in The Modern Rival of Christian Faith, and most of the things there mentioned are still here and still right.l But along with the good things and some advances over the past years, there is too much that is wrong.
In this context, there is an urgent need for society to respond to a «coming - out party» for those who are about to be deinstitutionalized, as well as a need for a far more adequate response to that much larger number who already are in our midst.
«There are 6 admonishments in the Bible concerning homosexual activity, and our enemies are always throwing them up to us — usually in a vicious way and very much out of context.
Of course there is much more to Christian orthodoxy than these four pillars, but they do support a system of thought which, within the cultural context of its time, was both impressive and convincing.
«There are 6 admonishments in the Bible concerning ho mose xual activity, and our enemies are always throwing them up to us — usually in a vicious way and very much out of context.
Although there is no systematic exposition of sexual and marriage regulations in the Bible, much of it was written in a context in which for women, at least, the restriction of sexual expression to marriage was strictly required.
There is so much missing from the King James version of the Bible — context, faulty translations (the Romans did not crucify by nailing through the hands as one example), customs of the society.
There are three distinction contexts in which Whitehead uses «efficacity»: (a) A passage on Bodily Efficacity which occurs in a very late chapter on «Strains» (PR IV.4 K), but which seems to pertain to a much earlier stratum (A?).
When children are part of that conversation, they now have a reason for getting the context, to understanding that «I can't throw, I can't lose my iPhone for the third time, because there's literally a limit to how much my parents will allocate to lost iPhones».
There's not much that's original about Nick Clegg's latest assault on Labour - but as 2015 approaches, the context for his salvoes of contempt are shifting.
The Lib Dems might well walk and there would then be a General Election (a much better referendum on the EU as it would allow the issue to be argued in the context of what each party would do in the event of their preferred option happening).
Maybe there is some context that I am missing, but while certainly extreme the PM words do not seem aimed so much to the Hungarian minority but against a political movement for the independence (or autonomy?)
Saunders, speaking by phone Tuesday, said there's a much larger context for the demonstrations.
(Even Britain, France and Germany, while important in several contexts, eg UN Security Council, would not be able to influence eg the Middle East quartet process much without this) * Where EU states don't agree - which is your question - then there is effectively no joint approach or policy.
«When someone out and out lies with what he says in this public context,» said Rep. John Faso, «it's hard to say there's much of a relationship to begin with.»
In that context, then, the ad the committee last month looks quite a lot like a warning shot, fired as much as anything to show that the group will have plenty more ammunition when there's actually something to fight about.
Although experimental mammalian genetics with the use of ES cells and the techniques pioneered by my co-awardees is now well founded and used, there is still much to be learned and much interesting research in store about what genes really do in the context of the real biology of the whole organism in a complex environment.
Today, the web offers many more resources for folks interested in how to use nutrition to optimize their health than I could have envisioned in 2009, and many fantastic books have been printed, but there is still no other source of information that puts so much into context in one continuous narrative.
The problem with this particular article is there is no context to what is too much and zero science backing any of these claims up.
The many narrative layers of this drama should fit reasonably snug in the context of the plot's progression, but if there is a sense of excess to the material, then it is stressed by a sense of episodicity, which sees the film spending too much time with each segment, yet not enough to flesh them out enough to make the eventual focal shifts smooth.
Too much context, people want to know more and then there's this expectation that they'll always be spoonfed what everything means and it takes away the drama.
The ambient electronic material is chilled - out and evocative, but while this composer is perfectly adept at applying that style of scoring to a film (it usually works very well in context), it's very hard to imagine there are too many people who would like it on album as much as similar styles from other composers who are possibly more at home working that way.
There's so much more beneath the surface, so many scenes that have a powerful impact on their own that play even better within the context of the film.
In context, there's not much to say about the performances, any more than there is about the Lee Hall / Richard Curtis script, beyond the extent to which they collectively provide a framework for one or another tableau - some truly breathtaking, others cheesy beyond words (one reason why the linguistic component of such material scarcely matters).
There will be so much to learn from those conversations that your job — and that of your whole L&D team — should be to observe what's being said, furiously take notes, and seeking to understand the real situations, challenges, and questions that those with performance needs have, in the context of their work and their career.
I, and the millions of people who were not born and who do not live (or aspire to live) in America, who have supported you in this campaign, understand that you are only human and that there is only so much you can do within the difficult constraints of your political and existencial context.
There are plenty of details that need managing, but when teachers do that in the context of leading their students to help create a more effective place to learn, handling the details works much more smoothly and naturally.»
When thinking about the way the students have presented the work as part of their presentation, how much emphasis is there on the way in which the student has reframed or reorganised the information to suit the context of the presentation?
The op - ed by the president of the Connecticut Education Association, the state's largest teachers» union, needs to be put in context, as there was so much wrong in what she wrote [July 30, «Charter Schools Funded At Expense Of Others»].
While the definition of an intelligent tool is the subject of much debate, there was some consensus, at least in the context of education, that «a system must behave intelligently, not actually be intelligent, like a human,» according to the psychologist Valerie Shute [1].
There has been some research on retention bonuses, but much of it has found mixed results, probably because of the varying size of the bonuses and their context (some were pieces of larger initiatives, others were stand - alone efforts).
We believe it is important for school leaders, in the context of an accountability measure, to know that there is as much consistency as possible across schools.
As much as I love the context that video can create or elaborate on and the immediacy and seeming relevance of watching a film, I want to say that there is something important in touching documents, in creating narratives and imagines through the imagination, in using different media — media that has weight and heft — to round out a historical picture.
While leading for equity must be context specific, there is so much we can learn from each other and apply to our own communities.
There does not appear much or any opportunity for local schools and communities to play a role in adapting the program for their particular contexts.
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