Sentences with phrase «much controversy among»

-- That image taken in 2014 was widely featured by international media as a remarkable achievement of ALMA, and it also arouse much controversy among astronomers.
Common Core continues to spark much controversy among parents, teachers and school administrators across New York.

Not exact matches

The national NRA has not spent much time investing in New York races, despite the widespread controversy among gun owners over the SAFE Act, Gov. Andrew Cuomo's signature gun control law from 2013.
During the passage of the Parliamentary Voting Systems and Constituencies Bill, which, among other things, legislated for the referendum to take place, there was much controversy over the coalition government's decision to combine, in one Bill, both the referendum and the redrawing of Parliamentary constituencies.
The debate regarding starchy tubers rages on... a well known point of contention among Paleo dieters, the inclusion or exclusion of high carb starchy tubers like potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams has been the subject of much controversy... So are yams allowed on the paleo diet?
The group's waiver application has sparked controversy among other state superintendents, who see a district waiver as giving too much power to locally - run districts, as well as teachers unions that argue they were not consulted in constructing CORE's academic accountability system, known as the School Quality Improvement Index.
The group's waiver application has sparked controversy among other state superintendents, who see a district waiver as giving too much power to locally - run districts.
I can see why these issues generate so much heat and controversy, especially among authors and industry... more >
An exhibition of the finalists» work will open at Tate Britain on October 2, stirring much debate and controversy among the general public as to who is, in fact, the best artist, once again making me jealous that we don't have a similarly popular art competition in the US.
But huge efforts by the Ethereum community to recover from the hack have left those takings much less valuable than they were in July — and stirred controversy among blockchain pioneers.
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