Sentences with phrase «much debate about it»

It's Got Legal Problems — the Preamble referendum question is misleading and there is much debate about what the legal effect of the Preamble will be.
However, there continues to be much debate about the origins of the child's reaction in the Strange Situation, and about what factors influence the development of an infant's attachment relationships.
Positive — good or useful — hopeful or optimistic 1 About Balanced Positive Thinking: It seems there is much debate about whether positive thinking actually leads to or deters from happiness and success.
There has been much debate about whether or not Bringing Them Home was an «accurate recording of history», particularly as a result of viewpoints published by certain social commentators.
There's much debate about the value of using an objective statement but the consensus among people in the know is not to use one.
There was much debate about what resume format is better to use and when.
There's been much debate about how much mining pool support matters, and how much power the Segwit2x group has over decision - making.
And while the length of time we continue to interact in the physical world may be up for debate, in my humble opinion, there's not much debate about whether business cards still have a place in professional networking.
The resignation of Dame Lowell Goddard as chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sex Abuse (IICSA), and her replacement by Professor Alexis Jay, the fourth chair since the inquiry was established in 2014, has generated much debate about the purpose, structure and future of the inquiry.
There is much debate about e-cards versus hard - copy cards.
There has been much debate about the recent New Jersey opinion related to that state bar's «bona fide office» rule.
There wasn't much debate about which way we'd go.
Modelling suggests that the frequency of mega-cyclones may increase as a result of climate change, although there is much debate about this.
There's been much debate about the amount of methane that will be released by the thawing of Arctic permafrost over the next 100 years.
«We wanted to study a place along the East Coast where there hadn't been much debate about offshore wind power and compare the results to places like Cape Cod,» Firestone noted.
You know, the one where he says «there is much debate about the Medieval Warming Period [being global or not]...»??
There is much debate about what that term means.»
At a moment of much debate about the status of global contemporary art, this exhibition examines how artworks drawn from the contemporary collection of Patricia Phelps de Cisneros navigate this complex issue by embracing appropriative strategies for making art.
There was much debate about Chris Killip's Arbeit / Work, On the Mines by David Goldblatt and Uncle Charlie by Marc Asnin, all of which could easily have made the final three.
Ever since Chase closed all their accounts in Canada, there has been much debate about which is the best credit card with no foreign transaction fees.
There is much debate about dog vaccinations and whether dogs do need them every year.
There is much debate about the best cat food for kidney disease.
There is much debate about the ethics of some of these practices but still very few laws regulating any of them.
There is much debate about its ancestry.
There has been much debate about it — whether it is beneficial or if it could even pose harm.
There is much debate about whether there is even a true correlation, nonetheless, insurance scores are here to stay.
So why is there so much debate about which plan is best?
There is much debate about whether companies should increase shareholder value by repurchasing their shares or returning excess cash to shareholders by way of dividends.
There's not much debate about it — the better your lights, the more you see, the safer you are.
There is much debate about the engine of the GTO MR; some say it has the normal 9B turbos, others say it is putting up 10 psi on factory installed 11B turbos.
There is much debate about what the best James Bond car is.
Since education began there has always been much debate about what children need to learn and how they should be taught to learn.
There is much debate about whether current statewide assessments hinder innovation in high school designs, particularly those that emphasize competency - based and personalized learning.
While there is much debate about the success of school reform, there is one thing almost everyone, on all sides of the debate, agrees on — teachers are the most important school resource.
And too many decisions and too much debate about schools seem, as he wrote, «completely disconnected to the teaching of children.»
There has been much debate about the appropriateness and practicality of attributing academic staff time to activities.
To date, there has been much debate about the pros and cons of such an approach.
As schools around the world focus on how best to prepare students for success in the 21st century, there's been much debate about what approach works best.
There is still much debate about this and we probably won't see much clarity until the fall.
Her conviction was controversial, and sparked much debate about whether Grace was actually involved in the murder, or merely an unwitting accessory.
Rates have already been low for several years, and there's much debate about the benefits and costs of the Fed's policies — including the message it sends that the economy's recovery is slower than expected.
There has much debate about creatine purity and it is not accepted that not all creatine is created equal.
YogaUOnline: There has been much debate about yoga injuries.
There has been much debate about the efficacy of diets that prefer foods with a low glycemic index or low glycemic load.
Margaret Wertheim M.S., R.D., L.D.N. by Margaret Wertheim, MS, RD, LDN There has been much debate about what the ideal diet is for weight loss, optimum health and of course, fertility.
Trophy hunting of lions, the killing of selected individual animals for sport, is highly controversial, and there is much debate about what it contributes to conservation.
That dogs evolved from gray wolves is well accepted but there's much debate about where and when man's best friend was first domesticated.
There is much debate about whether these patients should be classified as LKS or a variant of LKS.
Right now what we need is not so much a debate about opposition, but one about alternatives.
There is much debate about whether the Conservative pledge to hold an in / out referendum on the EU will win votes from UKIP, or whether UKIP supporters are more concerned with other issues such as immigration.
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