Sentences with phrase «much debate regarding»

There is much debate regarding the future of this site, which is symbolically, emotionally and politically very loaded.
There is much debate regarding an owner's decision to declaw their cat.
However, there is much debate regarding their role in education.
While managerial changes may be settled already, there's still much debate regarding where 3 of the league's biggest stars will land.
This is a passage that has provoked much debate regarding the relationship between the will of Zeus and fate.

Not exact matches

The Synoptic Jesus» focus on the urgency of human readiness to receive God's promised basileia on earth is a subject of much scholarly debate regarding the tension between the signs of its arrival — the blind see, the crippled walk, as proleptic manifestations of Jesus» mediation of God's rule here and now — and the promise of a fullness of that reign yet to be consummated.
There's been much debate on multiple Arsenal forums around the world regarding what transfers Arsenal should make.
There is still much discussion among Sikhs regarding this issue and many MPs are being contacted by Sikhs in their constituency, which is why I have sponsored the Westminster Hall debate that is taking place today.
D'Amato, a lobbyist who said he is not representing anyone regarding the Superblock debate, suggested that union leaders who support the project have had too much influence on IDA board members.
In all this debate the number one idea is strikingly over looked and there is still much truth and importance regarding whole - food plant based foods EVEN FOR MEAT EATERS, MICRO-NUTRIENTS.
The debate regarding starchy tubers rages on... a well known point of contention among Paleo dieters, the inclusion or exclusion of high carb starchy tubers like potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams has been the subject of much controversy... So are yams allowed on the paleo diet?
There's been much debate and theorizing in regards to who lives and who dies, and how exactly our heroes prevail; let's just say much of it is wrong and leave it at that.
Much of the current national debate regarding the recent inflow of unaccompanied minors from Central America has focused on questions of shelter and removal.
Much of the ongoing debate regarding immigration in the United States involves the question of whether immigrants from low - income countries — especially poor, less - educated immigrants from those countries — should be allowed to settle temporarily or permanently in the United States, and whether people who have migrated in the past should be permitted to remain.
Rather, much disagreement and debate, in fact, still exist regarding whether inducing teacher turnover will get «us» really anywhere in terms of school reform, as also related to how big (or small) teachers» effects on students» measurable performance actually are as discussed prior.
Much debate in the United States has occurred regarding teacher effectiveness and the colleges and universities that prepare beginning teachers.
If I make a statement regarding the receptivity of the market to your book idea, I'm not asking for a debate («But mine is so much better than Harry Potter!»)
Congress Debates Mortgage Reform: According to the House findings in regards to the projected FHA losses over the next 30 years could be much higher than originally estimated.
For this specific question (and much of the general debate regarding the ACA), those people that have plans on the exchange are less likely to have an employer sponsored HSA plan.
Regarding which one would come first between Episode Prompto and Episode Ignis, it's actually something that we have been debating among ourselves, but we came to the conclusion that the content of Episode Ignis is going to affect the storyline of the game and it has much impact on what happened in the Final Fantasy XV story, so we want to create a really solid game for Episode Ignis, which is why we sort of left the best for last.
Before becoming its Chief Curator in 2013, Blumenstein had already worked at KW in Berlin from 1998 to 2005, during which time she organized and curated numerous exhibitions, including the much - debated group show «Regarding Terror: The RAF Exhibition» (co-curated by Klaus Biesenbach and Felix Ensslin, 2005).
If you feel my rebutting of Killian's skyrocketry regarding Knoblauch et al (2018) is» exaggerating, misrepresenting, or just completely fabricating someone's argument» so as to make it» much easier to present (my) own position as being reasonable» and that» this kind of dishonesty serves to undermine honest rational debate»; if you feel all that, you would have more sympathy from me if you were able to demonstrate this alleged» dishonesty», or even better begin by demonstrating some justification for the skyrocketry.
So, within a period of a month or so, we learn, first, that the much debated global warming «pause» is real after all (regardless of what the cause might be, which remains uncertain), and second, that widely held assumptions regarding extreme weather events caused by AGW, such as droughts and flooding, are unfounded.
First, there is room for disussion regarding whether a modest amount of global warming is bad, but I don't believe there can be much debate that a large amount of global warming would be horrible — there is no easy work - around for the relocation of a third of the world's major cities due to sea - level rise.
What I am talking about is, that it seems to me that with regard to climate science, this blog spends far too much time responding to the phony, trumped - up «debate» fueled by denialist drivel, and not enough time addressing the legitimate scientific question as to whether it is in fact too late to prevent global warming and climate change that will be catastrophic to human civilization, not to mention the entire Earth's biosphere.
Evidence in the geological record points the finger at excess carbon as the cause of the PETM — that much has been known for a while, but debate has raged regarding just where all that carbon initially came from and how much was added to the oceans and atmosphere.
With regard to the above comment by the House Science Committee chief of staff, a prominent member of the audience with much experience in the on - going AGW debate suggested to me that NAS management altered the task in order to pre-determine the outcome of the committee's report, so as not to upset the status quo in the scientific community.
The deal has seen many twists and turns during the past 12 months, with the complex cross-border nature of the Pacific Andes group providing considerable challenges, particularly with regards to the ongoing forum shopping of the debtor group, which has been the subject of much debate in each of the primary jurisdictions of New York, Singapore and offshore.
The use of VR and the analysis of situations as if the user is there allow for a much deeper level of understanding in regards to the case, provide the ability to focus on additional details, and offer further points for discussion and debate.
There is much debate among safe driving advocates and the legal community regarding the level of safety features in cars verses distractions when driving.
As for your question regarding the second paragraph, the bar association has debated and worked on each of the priorities listed in the press release very much with the help of its student division.
Within different international sectors of the narrative therapy community there has been much discussion and debate regarding the last book Michael White wrote before he died entitled - Maps of Narrative Practice.
Within different international sectors of the narrative therapy community there has been much discussion and debate regarding the last book Michael White wrote before he died entitled — Maps of Narrative Practice.
Much of the debate has talked about «Indigenous land» with little regard for whether or not the land in question is native title land, land rights land, purchased land or simply whether the land in question is reserved for the benefit of Indigenous people.
Just how much adversity a family must face before successful adaptation can be regarded as a demonstration of resilience is however a topic of debate [74].
While there has been much debate over the years on REM regarding the subject of «part - time» REALTOR's, when has a Managing Broker ever stated publicly how they ensure that a part - time REALTOR's business is covered through collaboration with a colleague?
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