Sentences with phrase «much deep breathing»

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Being owned by a large company with deep pockets like eBay gives Venmo breathing room to focus on growth without having to worry so much about profits.
I breathed a deep sigh and whispered, «Mom loves you sooooo much
If you find that your anxiety is just too much to deal with, you may need to consider trying mild therapy, meditation, deep breathing exercises, or some other healthy method of coping with your nerves.
For a moment I thought about asking Chris to describe where we were on the road, and how much longer it would take to get there, but instead decided to focus on deep breathing, and getting as much oxygen in me, to Silas, as possible.
I very much enjoyed prenatal yoga when pregnant mostly because the deep breathing parts would cause me to doze off and snore, right there on the mat.
This could potentially help them avoid having to confront a more difficult challenge of arousing at night from a much deeper stage of sleep in order to terminate an apnea or breathing pause, which is especially difficult for arousal - deficient infants (see Mosko et al 1997 this website, and McKenna et al 2005 or McKenna et al 2007).
Take a few deep breathes and as much as possible keep yourself calm.
I spent much of that Christmas alone in bed, trying to manage my anxiety through silence and deep breathing.
The deep breathing involved in exercising can bring much - needed oxygen to your baby and to your own muscles.
But dig much deeper into the science of dysfunctional breathing, and the picture becomes murkier.
In yoga, breathing exercises, or Pranayama, promote deep inhalations, which supply our body with much greater amounts of oxygen.
Much of yoga is devoted to remaining still and focusing on your breathing, keeping it deep and slow.
My breathing is much better and deeper.
This pretty much stops deep breathing in its tracks, which forces you into a shallow breathing pattern.
Tidal, or resting breathing results in smaller movements of the diaphragm, while vital capacity breathing (as in a deep diaphragmatic breath) results in much larger movement.
While the practice of yoga asanas effectively dissolves all physical discomfort and strengthens the weak muscles, deep breathing exercises still the wandering mind and bring the much - needed peace and composure.
Yoga increases circulation, reduces fluid retention and the paced deep breathing helps bring much needed oxygen to the muscles of the uterus to reduce painful cramping.
I have a 6 and a half 7 year old male bulldog who is not wanting to eat very much and when he is in the sitting position or Lane position and breathing in when he lets the air out his body kind of bounce he takes slow deep breaths in and out but in the exhaling he seems to struggle he also has lost quite a bit of hair on the back half of his body he doesn't itch or doesn't have any allergy patches or anything just the hair is gone
At the surface, dwarf minke whales will spout (breathe) 5 - 6 times per minute, in preparation for a deep dive, they will spout 3 - 5 times in short intervals and may arch and expose much of their back.
In this sense, the environment became an actual living, breathing place: an interactive playground that served the narrative by rewarding curiosity with a much deeper understanding of its nuance and intricacies for those who sought it.
But there are other things that users can do that may help curb the nausea, such as deep breathing or simply not spending too much time in VR.
It also makes life much better in the bike lanes, where cyclists are often sucking diesel fumes and car exhaust, because as one study noted, «Cyclists, she said, «tend to have higher breathing rates than other pedestrians, so whatever they're inhaling is going deeper into their lungs.»
Thanks so much, I plan to go through my small house and just pass along (donate) the things that don't inspire me or have sentimental value — and breathe a little deeper.
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