Sentences with phrase «much deeper process»

I tend to believe librarians view research as a much deeper process than many lawyers, and that many lawyers reach a satisfactory research plateau earlier than perhaps they could if they were doing really good research.

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Sales development goes much deeper and is fully integrated into the new sales process.
Process suggests that most of the relations that we experience are much deeper than the conscious levels of our being.
Neuroscientists believe that the answer lies deep within our subconscious mind and the brain processes that evolved to adapt to a much earlier period in our human history.
«A lot of times we assume there's a deep psychological process going on when really at this age it's about something so much simpler,» she notes.
We now have much research to prove that these deeper levels of sleep are critical to both her bodily needs and also the intellectual processing.
You need to, at least, review the extensive footnotes, and honestly, you need to dig even deeper than that to get a meaningful understanding of the process, because some superficially similar state insurance regulation programs are much more rigorous than others on an as applied basis.
The presence of such deep cuts in the landscape indicates that whatever process created them was active for a long time or eroded down much faster than other areas on Titan's surface.
Even if we carry these «leftovers from evolution» in the form of snake - sensitive neurons deep in our visual system, higher brain processes, such as learning and memory, may influence our behavior just as much as this deep and instinctive snake sense.
Hopefully once you've been through this process a few times, you'll have much deeper insight into the roles that interest you as well as suitable companies, and this will help to make your future applications stand out.
«I was able to gain a much deeper understanding of the relationships between human flexible behavior and the underlying involvement of human neurological processes,» says Dutra, who earned a fellowship from the Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates to be involved in the study.
When we enter the arena with an arsenal of self - love, high standards, and an understanding of the process, we can create and enjoy the ride of a relationship at a much deeper level.
During NREM your body enters a state of deep relaxation, while your brain is processing memories and getting some much needed R&R.
Meditation allows you to understand, at the deepest of levels, how your thoughts, mind, and emotions intertwine, and just how much control we have over the thinking process.
Though taking a flaxen hue to a deep brunette is a much easier process, Minardi recommends gradually darkening your strands with lowlights over an extended period.
As for me, matchmaking is a much more deep process than just mating people; I don't stop on forming a couple but go far more.
Stymied at every turn by an alarming lack of non-anecdotal concrete evidence of her existence (much of her early understanding of the character comes from a few scant interviews with former coworkers and one still photo), she begins to take on her own conception of the character, a deep dive into the method acting process.
Our students need to engage in collaboration, inquiry processes, critical thinking, a range of creative endeavors, and much more; the 21st - century Four Cs are a powerful framework to guide deeper learning.
students who wish to pursue an entrepreneurial career, whether nonprofit or for - profit, by providing important tools and services to schools and districts, will develop a much deeper understanding of the systems and processes that exist in K — 12 education that they want to improve or replace, and are better at finding points of leverage that will make a big difference for educators and students.
That's it, just a word to describe a much deeper and more meaningful process.
Clinical studies have shown that a focused beam penetrates much deeper into the tissues which allows for a more complete healing process.
Water sprays from the tips of rubber nubs in the center of the palm and is injected deep into the pet's coat, speeding up the rinsing process and eliminating much of the spraying water that can intimidate most dogs.
As deep as the process of bomb making is in the game, much like the tower defense mini-games, it is not so integral.
An active member of Portland - based artist collective Appendix, which is known as much for intellectual engagement as physical practice, his current research explores the resonance of new visual technologies with deep - rooted neurological processes.
Lured and attuned to the simulative properties and potentials of a rather curious range of materials and mechanical processes, Lefcourt creates works — call them objects, call them items, call them paintings — that leave viewers questioning how much deeper or more detailed their envisioned origins might run, how much further their eventually depicted apertures might open, how many more machines and manual «modelings» could be incorporated into the artist's procedures of representation and simulation.
With carefully crafted compositions reminiscent of the symbolist photographers, and swathes of meticulously printed deep black tones characteristic of the gelatin silver process, Langer's images nonetheless resist the bounds of medium, as much Hopper and Raymond Chandler as Steichen.
Working with white wood glue and multi-coloured inks, where their flows on her canvases are directed by gravity and the nature of the materials as much as by the artist's own hand, she opens her process up not just for scrutiny but for deep engagement with the audience and with the political and social ecology of the world around her.
Painting, especially much better than words, allows oneself to express the various stages of thought, including the deeper levels, the underground stages of the mental process.
The broader implications of this study suggest that carbon budgets of the deep ocean in the past and thus climate relationships may have been much stronger affected by these processes near the sea floor than previously thought.
The drought atlases provide a much deeper understanding of natural climate processes than scientists have had to date, said Richard Seager, a coauthor of the paper and a climate modeler at Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory.
My doubts on the level of improvement are based on the suspicion that the limiting factor is deeper in the data that can be collected, not so much in the methods used in processing it.
«Electricity from Renewable Energy and Fossil Fuels with Carbon Capture and Sequestration», the fourth report in the CEF publication series, examines electricity generation through fossil fuel combustion with CO2 capture and sequestration («fossil / CCS»)- a process that removes as much carbon as possible from major emissions sources such as power plants, and stores it in deep geological formations.
The sea level rise commitment due to thermal expansion has much longer time scales than the surface warming commitment, owing to the slow processes that mix heat into the deep ocean (Church et al., 2001).
Rapid sea - level rise from these processes is limited to those regions where the bed of the ice sheet is well below sea level and thus capable of feeding ice shelves or directly calving icebergs rapidly, but this still represents notable potential contributions to sea - level rise, including the deep fjords in Greenland (roughly 0.5 m; Bindschadler et al., 2013), parts of the East Antarctic ice sheet (perhaps as much as 20 m; Fretwell et al., 2013), and especially parts of the West Antarctic ice sheet (just over 3 m; Bamber et al., 2009).
Hence a decision analytic framework of «decision making under deep uncertainty» is a much better match to the climate problem, where understanding uncertainty and areas of ignorance is critical information for the decision making process.
This is a quite rapid process (for the upper oceans), but much slower for deep ocean temperature changes, which results in the above differences in ratios for short term and long term temperature variations...
«As an experienced psychotherapist, but relatively new Mental Health Coach (MHC) in a Collaborative Practice Group, I found this training gave me a much deeper understanding of the Collaborative process values and how they translate into «facts on the ground.»
«The much deeper problem is a lot of people who are in a legal process now are not managing what they need to do in order to represent themselves properly,» she adds.
Underwriters look at a variety of different factors to determine rates, but when you disclose that you have been diagnosed with Chron's disease they must delve much deeper into the qualification process to determine if you are eligible for coverage.
The truth is, building a resume, if done right, IS an arduous process that goes much deeper than most people anticipate.
I've learned in my 12 years» growth in the careers industry, to serve a resume client well requires a deep process of unearthing their goals and connecting their value proposition to those goals (not a 1 -2-punch approach; much more deliberate and extended process that may take weeks versus days).
In addition, as the UN Special Rapporteur on Treaties has noted, the process has much to offer such as: The creation of new juridical standards negotiated and approved by all parties The building of mutual trust based on good faith Mutual understanding of the other party's vital interests, and A deep commitment from all to respect the eventual results of the negotiations.
Digging a bit deeper, you may be struggling with disappointment about failing at marriage, a sharp decrease in your lifestyle and the fear that you won't have much control once the divorce process begins.
«As an experienced psychotherapist, but relatively new Mental Health Coach (MHC) in a Collaborative Practice Group, I found this training gave me a much deeper understanding of the Collaborative process values and how they translate into «facts on the ground.»
Based on what we now know about human relationships (attachment theory), how the brain processes information (neuroscience), and the effect of nonjudgmental awareness (mindfulness), much of human suffering can be transformed into psychological growth, leading to personal resilience and a deep connection with others.
Less Costly Than Litigation, the Collaborative divorce process is able to reach a deep resolution of issues while still keeping the cost of the divorce much lower.
You'll get to know your target market on a much deeper level — and likely reach markets you didn't even know existed in the process.
Even their buying processes have changed under Procurement / Sourcing's control, with an accelerated RFP cycle, much deeper questioning and an emphasis shift toward cost, risk management, social / ethical concerns, supply chain management and quality assurance.
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