Sentences with phrase «much despair»

With much despair, I have witnessed attempts by some sales trainers to suggest a new way to sell in today's market.
Beautiful to look at, but way too much despair.
You bring so much joy and so much despair, all at once.
I think that one reason for this, on both sides, is that a look at man, as he is, may give us too much confidence when we are superficial in our looking or too much despair when we only regard man's condition as «cabin'd, cribb'd, confined» and as failing so terribly in its accomplishment.
It is ironic that some people who have so much despair of life and destroy it, whereas others who have so little cling to it.
That's a lovely question, because there's so much despair and almost that sense of «It's just not worth it.»

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In other words, during times of despair, bonds are much more defensive.
Reply to buccakenji — I live in Alabama and, much to my despair, there are many like you here.
Such accounts of the previous generation's struggle to defend and advance authentic religious faith against the scientism, atheism, materialism, hedonism, and despair of the surrounding culture can do much to prepare and strengthen us for our struggles against similar forces in our time.
Their probing examination of rescuers in the midst of that structured terror, and in the midst of a present world where cynicism and despair mark our accounts of human nature, amounts to a stimulating and much - needed «public processing of goodness.»
It would be a profound desecration of their memory were we to preach despair to our children when we are in fact so much closer than were our fathers to the cherished goal of full equality.
So if you have exhausted your C.S. Lewis catalogue and are pining in despair, cheer up; more is waiting out there for you, much more.
Why do we commit ourselves to the political process when there is so much cynicism and a malaise of despair in politics today?
The prophets of the Hebrew Scripture were concerned with understanding the fate that had befallen exiled Israel and their identity as God's people in the midst of so much hope and despair.
Perhaps when he said, «I do not know the man,» he was not so much being a coward as expressing his confusion and despair.
And if I still refused to understand him, he would no doubt bring me to despair by the coldness of his irony, as he unfolded to me that he owed me as much as I owed him.
Today we are perhaps more disappointed in life than former generations, and the repeated upheavals in the life of society and of individuals may be explained by this mood of despair, because there is so much colourless boredom in life despite its great possibilities.
I don't need to share in other people's religion or spiritual beliefs to respect them and see how in so many cases it brings them so much strength and peace in times of despair.
Its effort to create community in the face of suspicion, its combination of idealism and despair, its testimony to the corruption of both oppressor and oppressed, and its tragic heroism in trying to actualize human values against impossible odds is a kind of microcosm of much of American history, but it would take a book to do it justice.
The overall effect was very much like a rollercoaster: slightly scary because the riders did not know exactly how the car would twist and turn, but not scary enough to warrant despair, for they knew the outcome.
They committed willful sins just as frequently as we do today, and God loved them just as much as He loves us today, and God did not want to abandon them to despair any more than He wants to abandon us today.
The seeds for mid-career despair are sown when, looking back, we see that so much of the calling seems to have been neglected.
Those, on the other hand, who say that they are in despair are generally such as have a nature so much more profound that they must become conscious of themselves as spirit, or such as by the hard vicissitudes of life and its dreadful decisions have been helped to become conscious of themselves as spirit — either one or the other, for rare is the man who truly is free from despair.
Ah, so much is said about human want and misery — I seek to understand it, I have also had some acquaintance with it at close range; so much is said about wasted lives — but only that man's life is wasted who lived on, so deceived by the joys of life or by its sorrows that he never became eternally and decisively conscious of himself as spirit, as self, or (what is the same thing) never became aware and in the deepest sense received an impression of the fact that there is a God, and that he, he himself, his self, exists before this God, which gain of infinity is never attained except through despair.
The despairer understands that it is weakness to take the earthly so much to heart, that it is weakness to despair.
But there were times when her confinement became too much, and Anne was tempted by despair.
You have returned to find so much more To despair: the flesh whiter, More helpless, the city stinking As never before, and those Whom you had so carefully avoided Are bringing tea and blankets now, The bounty of their gardens.
And that's after you brave all manner of disease, despair, and disaster in your short mortal life, that an omnipotent creature could have made much better if he was so inclined.
Despair isn't consistent with resistance, much less victory in the long run.
But Jesus» use of the words expresses a much greater despair at the isolation that he was experiencing as he, God the Son, was alienated from God, his own Father.
It is a much better place for me than despair.
They are undeserving of notice or attention, much less worry and despair.
If in the ruins of Rome, St. Augustine dreamed of a civilisation that should be the City of God on earth, and penned, even while weighted with despair and expectation of the end of the world, the noble outline of the Christian order which inspired so much of mediaeval thought, how much more reason have we today, with so much greater resources, to expect for our civilisation a resurrection out of our decay.
Much like Murdoch herself, they wish to retain the liberal tradition's belief in the worth of individual moral action, yet find it difficult to do so in an age in which the enlightened individual is threatened on one side by cynical despair and on the other by the totalitarian excesses of political hope.
At the same time, the horror of hell, as real deprivation on the part of those who were loveless, because they could not love nor accept love, finds its parallel in the state of lovelessness and hence of utter despair, concerning which this psychology has so much to say.
Many Muslims despair of the drugs, the dating, the entertainment - saturated culture that are so much a part of the public school experience.
Everything becomes so much easier to understand when you recognize that he was a man, like an other, given to anger (righteous or otherwise) and despair.
(I avoid referring to God as He, because God, containing all things, is so much more than male and / or female) I, too, called out from the depth of despair and was surprised to immediately receive an answer, and an instruction, tailor made for me, which I won't detail here; though I'd love to sit down with all of you and buy a round of beer, kosher wine, juice or whatever and chat some more.
In spite of the unquestionable fact that saints of the once - born type exist, that there may be a gradual growth in holiness without a cataclysm; in spite of the obvious leakage (as one may say) of much mere natural goodness into the scheme of salvation; revivalism has always assumed that only its own type of religious experience can be perfect; you must first be nailed on the cross of natural despair and agony, and then in the twinkling of an eye be miraculously released.
It is of course somewhat petty to care overly much about captious atheists at such a time, but it is difficult not to be annoyed when a zealous skeptic, eager to be the first to deliver God His long overdue coup de grâce, begins confidently to speak as if believers have never until this moment considered the problem of evil or confronted despair or suffering or death.
Stoicism, he said, catching something of Zeno's original despair, is not much of a motivator.
Focusing too much on our educational methods will lead us to despair.
On the contrary, the torment of despair is precisely this, not to be able to die So it has much in common with the situation of the moribund when he lies and struggles with death, and can not die.
Such a man asseverated with stronger and stronger expressions how much this relapse tortures and torments him, how it brings him to despair, «I can never forgive myself for it,» he says.
And herein, in the fact that the relation is spirit, is the self, consists the responsibility under which all despair lies, and so lies every instant it exists, however much and however ingeniously the despairer, deceiving himself and others, may talk of his despair as a misfortune which has befallen him, with a confusion of things different, as in the case of vertigo aforementioned, with which, though it is qualitatively different, despair has much in common, since vertigo is under the rubric soul what despair is under the rubric spirit, and is pregnant with analogies to despair.
If a man in despair is as he thinks conscious of his despair, does not talk about it meaninglessly as of something which befell him (pretty much as when a man who suffers from vertigo talks with nervous self - deception about a weight upon his head or about its being like something falling upon him, etc., this weight and this pressure being in fact not something external but an inverse reflection from an inward experience), and if by himself and by himself only he would abolish the despair, then by all the labor he expends he is only laboring himself deeper into a deeper despair.
I say this because I think I know many ministers who are filled with despair, who are exhausted from too many tasks, who are riding it out in cynicism, or who work ad hoc without much focus on coherence.
Aesthetic - metaphysically it is honored as a sign of a deep nature that one despairs of the forgiveness of sins, pretty much as if one were to regard it as a sign of a deep nature in a child that it is naughty.
The hope that human society can be made better which inspired much of the Christian activity of the nineteenth century has given way in many Christian quarters to a despair of the world.
But Arsenal needn't despair too much.
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