Sentences with phrase «much dignity»

I thought she handled herself with as much dignity and class as she could with what was going on at the time.
In today's day and age, everything is made quickly, usually over seas, and without much dignity.
If there is nothing else to be done to save the marriage, at least end it with as much dignity and fairness while keeping as much control as possible.
He declared: «There was a time when we carried ourselves with so much dignity we did not need the coercive machinery of the handcuff or guns to our heads to do the right thing.»
We don't have any false self to prop up anymore, no pride left, not much dignity.
He regards the current ideal of «death with dignity» as largely a myth: «I have not often seen much dignity in the process by which we die.»
Lili Taylor can't retain much dignity when she's forced to utter lines like, «I'm not a victim... I'm a volunteer!»
One senior Conservative former minister told the widespread view in government was that the war against the Taliban had been lost - and that the only option was therefore to exit the country with as much dignity as possible.
Gordon Parks «allows the poor and the ostracized and the alienated to have power and an authority in their images because he is shooting it with so much dignity and human awareness and care.»
Strictly to give care, love, and support that ones life has much dignity.
The night after the first letter, Drucilla and I creep quietly through the streets together, arm in arm on our way home, I wonder aloud if there will come a day when there will be no more household codes, if Drucilla and I will be treated with as much dignity as my husband and if slaves will no longer have earthly masters.
None had given us this much agency, this much dignity.
The party went on with as much dignity as could be mustered to their lodgings, Karlstadt and Luther and the other principal men staying with Melchoir Lotter the printers.
Both ways of doing it are appropriate — the simple ones because often the significance of an action is best known in stark simplicity, the elaborate ones because it is natural for men to wish to surround a treasured occasion with as much dignity as they can manage.
Every woman should be treated with that much dignity and respect in their births
The case for impeachment against Mugabe, foccused heavily on his age and the machinations of his wife for «usurping constitutional power», leaving a man who is still respected as a hero of the liberation struggle against colonial rule as much dignity as possible.
But he certainly did not come out of the trial with much dignity.
Parks, she says, «allows the poor and the ostracized and the alienated to have power and an authority in their images because he is shooting it with so much dignity and human awareness and care.»
In Morningside Heights (533 West Nineteenth Street), we meet Benjamin, a boy in a blue baseball shirt who has as much dignity as a Velázquez courtier.
She called it a «non-judgemental portrait» and said his approach to image making «allows the poor and the ostracized and the alienated to have power and an authority in their images because he is shooting it with so much dignity and human awareness and care.»
Well, as much as we would like to hope it does not happen, we want to be realistic about helping you recover as much dignity and justice from the accident as possible.
Couples that wish to separate with as much dignity as possible, share mutual interests in their children's welfare, value their personal responsibility for what is going on, can focus on obtaining a resolution that is positive for all family members, and would like to maintain a positive relationship with each other after divorce, may find that working through Collaborative Lawyers is the best thing for everyone involved.
One would think a Diety has at least as much dignity as a human.
«It's sickening to me, especially in light of the fact that everybody has tried to treat every aspect of this with so much dignity and respect.»
You need to take that very seriously and treat it with as much dignity and respect as possible.
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