Sentences with phrase «much dreck»

For just about any other traditional publisher their logos set off a caution warning, as they have developed a reputation for putting out far too much dreck and ignoring what the readers really want.
Lucky that this isn't a theocracy, lucky their say - so is so much dreck, lucky people are free to do as they choose without legal repercussions.

Not exact matches

And if someone explained to her that he objected not so much to the decadence as to the artistic dreck and moralistic drivel, it is doubtful that she would get it.
Succumbing to the siren's call of nostalgic dreck is one of the most dangerous things about being a millennial with too much time on his hands.
I can't guarantee you'll like it, but I'll wager that almost anything you pull out will contain just as much thought and entertainment at a fraction of the cost in money and your time as this half - baked dreck.
What is desperately needed is a better way for the typical reader to sort through the inevitable dreck to find those precious gems they will grow to love much as we did in olden times when a paperback reprint went for a quarter.
Also, I get sick of the argument that goes: so many people are writing and the market is full of dreck now and there is too much garbage out there to even pick through
Yeah, like you'd have the mental capacity to know what true value is, enjoying so much purely average dreck.
Lloyd is as much into the hardware of projectors, screens on shiny metal poles, the techno - dreck of wires and boxes, as the images of cranes and bridges, motorbikes and bodies they project.
I'll offer that by Michael's metrics of innocence there are other much better candidates to uphold as examples of self - deluded, internally honest communicators of climate science dreck.
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