Sentences with phrase «much equity in general»

Thus one measure is against the cost of equity, or how much equity in general cost elsewhere.

Not exact matches

My general answer: Much of the region's news helps support my view that now may be a good time to consider raising allocations to eurozone equities, and to stocks in Germany in particular.
Whereas traditionally a start - up with a promising idea would sell its business plan to interested angel investors, later commit to sequential funding rounds in which venture capital investors would provide scale - up financing in return for a slice of equity, before eventually pursuing an initial public offering (if very successful) to sell some or all of its shares to the general public, the ICO can offer a novel and much faster approach.
I think in general everyone had expected that returns on assets / equity would continue to revert to the mean (in this case upward) much faster than it actually has.
In general private equity firms will have a harder time getting much value for the investors out of these deals.
How do the wealth transfers from your proposal compare with an alternative of a emissions charge set at the level of your fee that finances a «general» tax reduction structured to maintain the current vertical equity structure in Alberta as much as possible?
In a general sense, the earlier assessments are still valid, but the assessments have become much more complete over time, evolving from making very simple, general statements about sectoral impacts, through greater concern with regions regarding observed and projected impacts and associated vulnerabilities, through to an enhanced emphasis on sustainability and equity, with a deeper examination of adaptation options.
«While much as been written about law firms» struggles to reach gender parity and equity among their ranks, there has been scant recognition of the general disparity in legaltech,» writes Sonday, who was herself recognized among the 2017 Women of Legal Tech by the ABA's Legal Technology Resource Center.
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